
Is this the most dishonestly written comic series?

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wjat is dishonest aboot it eh?

It tries to pretend God doesn't exist while relying on objective Christian morals to judge its villains.

nazis and kkk bad
literal flesh eating ghouls good

Are both of you shitposting or are you retarded?

That's literally everything Preacher has to say. Garth Ennis is a fucking child.

That wasn't the point.
God was real and the comic doesn't try to prove that he doesn't.

lol look at this Yas Forumstard seething

>depicting religious people as abusive like his grandmother
Face it, there's nothing profound about this series and you only like it because it has violence and curse words and drugs in it and your mom doesn't want you to read it.

Typical Amerimutt unable to handle the bants

It tries to do what now? Much of the story is about Jesse searching for the actual God.

>the church has literal nazis on their bankroll and they hunt down us poor, innocent atheists who just want to have premarital sex and do drugs boohooohooo
Do you actually think someone takes you seriously?

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>>depicting religious people as abusive like his grandmother
His grandmother and the rest of those cunts are hardly the average joe, I don't even know how retarded you have to be to make the conclusion that Ennis was saying that everyone is like them.
That guy wasn't the pope.
The retard that was the result of generations of inbreeding was a retard, that wasn't Jesus.

Starr wasn't a nazi, did you even read the fucking thing?

Not so much dishonest as overly edgy and not as smart as it thinks.

You know, Garth Ennis.

You know, I really don't think he did. Either that or he's a fan of Preacher or he's just trying to get people to discuss it by being stupid.

no, it is honest edgy trash, and so am I

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Preacher is okay, but it get worse the further you read.

>the actual God
Who can be killed by an undead gunslinger cos he's not in his comfy chair. Literal atheist here, and even I find that petty and ludicrous.

You are wrong in every important way.

>Who can be killed by an undead gunslinger cos he's not in his comfy chair
He was the literal angel of death you shitposting cunt.

Starr is fucking Jewish you retard

so even more evil?

>must be a Nazi!

I never got that far into Preacher, but I liked them traveling the road and the British vampire dude smoking Marlboro.

Preacher was pretty bad and edgy in that usual Ennis way. It had its moments though.
God is a character in the comic you fucking idiot.

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

You should read it for the main characters, those were the strongest points of the story.

I see redditsquad has arrived to defend this trash

>everything I don't like is reddit
You know the people that use reddit breath air, right? Maybe you should stop doing that.

>the British vampire dude

Yeh little fecker


He was Welsh, you stupid asshat.

I wonder what the logic was behind stretching the first issue or so into the first season of the show. Character development, maybe?

ennis is not worthy of any serious discussion. posting pennis works is a waste of everyone's time

I disagree

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Ignoring retarded OP, I was pretty disapointed Ennis pitched the comic as guy with the child of an angel and a demon in his head ges on a quest to kick God's ass; when the actual plot of the comic is guy and Irish vampire get into a love triangle while God gets shot in the head by The Seraphim Josey Wales. For all its problems the show actually delivered on that concept.

Also Preacher's Jesus didn't actually die on the cross for man's sins. He survived and had kids with Mary Magdelene and died in his forties when a cart ran him over. And then the church made his kids fuck each other for two thousand years. He might not have even been divine to begin with.

The fuck are you talking about?

now to be fair, that was the original plan
they just got distracted. Most writers will tell you they write where the story takes them rather than following a concrete plan.

There's a story arc where a guy fucks a homunculus made of meat, I don't think Ennis has ever been accused of having personal pretensions of intelligence. He's not Warren Ellis. He's always been open about his puerile and juvenile sense of human.

>Most writers will tell you they write where the story takes them rather than following a concrete plan.

I mean Cassidy outright says exactly that in his goodbye letter to Jesse. I still felt I was sold a false bill of goods despite that. This wasn't the story I signed up for. Hellblazer, Hitman and even The Boys all delivered on what they set out to do, Preacher didn't. I liked it but I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed re-reading the series much past War in the Sun.

>I still felt I was sold a false bill of goods despite that
Personally I don't feel like that, for me the main reason to read Ennis' stuff is for the characters and he didn't disappoint with Preacher on that regard. Though I can understand where you're coming from.

Star was jewish? I thought he was an average German Christian

>For all its problems the show actually delivered on that concept.
The show was shit after season one (more like the pilot) and you know it. The show was shite. Cassidy was cast well though.

>There's a story arc where a guy fucks a homunculus made of meat
The show really screwed us with the Odin we got

I'm not disputing that. The show still had Jesse giving God the old one-two though, the comic didn't.

>THAT random romantic development

Any comic where everyone is quirky especially the really serious characters are what I think of as dishonest. I like my funny comics but when you turn everyone into a cardboard cartoon cutout then you might as well be writing different or new characters.

Al la carte there were some good moments but in the end it was just Tarantino fanfic.

Yeah but there’s a lot that the show dropped the ball on as well

And how would an angel of any fucking kind be able to kill God, you taffeta-wearing catamite? Let alone one who was just an undead cowboy with hurt feelings and a ridiculously OP weapon (made by he Devil, no less)? He killed The Heavenly Host, the Devil, and God. This was the worst Biblical fanfiction I've ever read.

Given how he had a weapon that could kill literally everything and anything, I'd say he had a pretty good chance of killing God.

hoist by his own petard

Didn’t God also explicitly gave the Saint of Killers the ability to kill him? I thought that was part of the whole “wanting something that can hate/hurt you to love you” thing

No, OP is
obviously there are characters that represent other people--but OP is being dishonest about how the comic presents these ideas

God is real--it just doesn't matter because God ran away and ultimately left Humanity up to itself
Jesus was real--but some people are so obsessed with keeping this idea of him alive that they pervert his image into some dumb braindead version of him that goes along with whatever they personally believe in
The pope isn't some fat guy who sexually molests people and barfs whenever he wants to eat more food--but the entire religious system around him isn't as dedicated as they make themselves seem

OP is an idiot and so are you

Holy Christ, I can't tell if you're retarded or just baiting.
Oh come on.
You've thought about this a lot; wrong thoughts.

God was in it what do you even mean? Did you just read the wiki article or something?

I can't tell if you're retarded or just baiting, he was given divine weapons as a ploy by God to kill the Devil, and then he used those guns against god because making seriously complicated plans that involve killing the family of the guy that you're turning into your weapon isn't exactly a good idea.

Nah, that's my bad misremembering his origin.

Wow christcucks really are retarded.