This will be fun!

This will be fun!
Aren't We the lucky ones?
Her cut is perfect and she's green, as well
She'll bring us endless entertainment,
our new, best friend: Skyler!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stop shilling your own comic you pansy

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Well I'm mildly interested, please, continue shilling to me.

Pretty sure even Skyler is smarter than Spinel.

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I for one welcome our wholesome autistic dark-skinned princess.

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Kys SU fag

>Confusing FLCL with SU
You need to KYS for that terrible mistake, pleb

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Someone post the full thing

Seriously, what the fuck is this?


It's a webcomic called "Maybe Tomorrow"


Why does Yas Forumsmblr hate her so much?

That's not how you spell Channel, OP.

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Skyler a cute

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It's a Yas Forums comic about a black girl who hates her own kind and is best friends with a white supremacist

Is inclusion necessary for something to be wholesome? No.

>thinking anybody cares which Rebecca Sugar show she's from

Really? I read the comic and found ironic humor, and how she brings joy where she goes

No. It's a joke.

I like it though, It is too pure for this world

I'm not convinced you know how to like anything.

Ok, I enjoy the comic, why do you hate me on it, I really dont think you read it.

Not only do you have zero powers of persuasion you are confusing me for someone else. Really you're confused in general. Helen Keller had a better grasp on things. You know Honestly? Kill yourself. Just end it. At this point there is no coming back from the failure that is your life. Just trip and let a bus run you over. It's he best thing for you now.

Ok. um one its because english is my second language, and two i enjoy it because it is too wholesome for this world.

English is my third language. I already told you I am unconvinced you like anything, let alone enjoy it. I meant what I said. Kill yourself.

Racism is not pure

but I enjoyed it user, why do you hate it? is it because your left leaning or you never read it?

Its barely racist, and it is more on how the racist dude decides to give up his racism, I read it, and its on how she is redeemable

I have never once said I hated it.

your emotions imply you hate the comic

Assuming something you have no knowledge on implies something you have no perspective on confirms something you cannot prove. I'll take this time now to call you a moron. You are a moron.

but its how you imply on it, your stating that its a nazi comic, solely because of the imagry, but when reading it, it shows later on that the racist character grows and evolves to throw away his racism, I just feel like you never read the comic

Whatever implication you think is here is on you. I never stated it was a "nazi comic". Your feelings are irrelevant. You are a confused moron.

>White supremacist
Didn't read the thing, did ya?

but you called it a Yas Forums comic, and Yas Forums is well known for their nazism, so essensially, you called it a nazi comic, if you said leftypol, I would assume its a left leaning comic. Besides how you read it is based on skyler point of view, reading things with purity, it seems like you just watched a youtube video and made your opinion, its like watching NO Bullshit saying how HBO watchmen is "libtard shit" and saying it is without watching it


No I did not call it that. I did tell you, several minutes ago, that you confused me for someone else. I also told you to kill yourself. Trip into a fucking noose you confused retard.

Ill give you that, but it still seems like you actually hate the comic for no particular reason, even then your not giving a reason, you just hate it because you do, or your only pretending to be retarded

I never said I hated it. I did say that whatever you think is being implied is on you not me. It's clear i'll need to repeat myself several dozen times before you comprehend the basic English I am typing to you. I do not call you a moron as an insult but a fact and do not tell you to end your life as some form of attack but as genuine advice coming from a person who can tell you're better off dead.

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it seems like your had a bad day user, and you know telling people to kill them selves is like saying hi to your boss?

More assumptions. It's all you can do. A complete inability to comprehend nearly everything I have said leads you to make things up in your own mind in the hope you get something right. A blind person guessing the colors in front of them and then wondering why people are trying to correct their baseless guesses.

I really think your a redditor, due to the amount of smug coming from your post. using Yas Forums doesnt mean your a genius, it means your a retard

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>I really think
No you fucking don't, retard.

see, you read the first lines and got angry, it seems like you just hate everything

More assumptions. A continued lack of comprehension. Further proof of idiocy. The solution to this problem continues to be suicide.

you hate everything, I guess you will never be happy user, besides, Ill enjoy my thing, while you enjoy your thing, I hope you learn to accept others for their beliefs and liking

You kinda sound like rorschach btw

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I like this comic, it makes me feel very happy

He fuckin does

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I know user, I think Rorschach all along was not racist, so HBO watchmen was wrong, holy shit, I gotta tell my mommy

Wrong again, moron.
I do not sound like anything you disgusting crossed eyed dog. I am typing. Any voice you are hearing is in that malformed brain of yours. The one that proves eugenics is a good idea.

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here user, I read it in his voice
user, Have you ever read something and when you read it, you had a memory of a voice? im not being literal

You're not being anything but moronic.