Ant-Man (2020) #03

Time for a storytime about Ants featuring Spiders and Cats

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>Wells picking up on plotlines from his HFH run over a decade later
This feels weird as hell.

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Dun Dun Dun

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Next month more bugs.

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Oh good, I was worried this would be a story where no one would believe him.

T'challa damn

What's up with Marvel and shitting on anyone that is Ant-man?

>having black cat all over someone is shitting on said person

Oh no Black Cat showing interest in Scott was the best part its good seeing Pete getting cucked when he is an asshole but everyone else is just cringe .

Ha Scott always been this much of a joke. Or is this recent?

Scott has always been a bit of a doofus. This run is playing it up though

especially because Peter has already a relathionship. classic bad writing.

Thanks, OP.

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>WWH fallout
>Savage Land bugs

Are we getting the return of Miek?

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thanks OP!

I really like that chatbox thanks.

Spiderman is jealous for that joke .

Nice tits on Felicia and nice pecs on Spidey

damn ant-man, you just let them all die

Spiderman wants both MJ and Felicia.


another day another female character get`s her cleavage and boobs censored, no thanks even if the story wasn`t full of feminist dialogue about "women>men" I would not read this crap

panel 4 needs Kerby Crackle

Try harder Gookanon

Not really, I miss Johns writing him.

Why does every comic have to be the same censored feminist garbage nowadays?
Stuff like this is why trump will win 2020
White Men had enough of liberals ruining all their hobbies

I really REALLY hope trump wins 2020 so when the next virus epidemic comes all amerimutts will die

Not familiar with Ant Man that well.
Was Scott always a wacky loser or is this modern marvel pushing the whole "lol what a loser, let us have all other heroes shit on him nonstop" thing like how they did with Spider-Man for years until finally toning it down recently?

>Was Scott always a wacky loser
Yes, this book is exaggerating a little bit but given the tone it's not like they're committing character assassination.

Why is he jealous of his ex now?
And it's not like other heroes fucking Felicia is something new. Most of his friends have done her already

You forgot your Sneed.

He takes being a hole brother very seriously. Ever since he found out about Norman it's given him a complex.

Awaiting reaction image from that last panel.

Read the thread.

Ruh roh

Another month, another good Ant-Man comic. Thanks OP

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I was reading the comic and wanting to bump it.
Thanks though.

I do like that some people in universe think Spider-Man is a big super hero

Well, he is.
Slott's poison is slowly dissipating too.
You don't see other heroes going "ugh I hate him so much" anymore, and Spencer made it a plot point that he has a positive reputation on NYC now.

anything with Felicia and Peter automatically hovers the kino zone

At least they don't shit on him like they do with Pym


Thanks for the misandry, OP.


Kind of wish they kept the Stinger/Stature mix costume we saw in Unstoppable Wasp.

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