Jonathan Hickman and Mike Huddleston presents a book about manners.
Decorum #1 Storytime
Bump if you're reading.
People can be so rude on Yas Forums. I could definitely go for a book about social decency. I'm in.
Wait... the book is about some femoid?! I added it to my pull months ago, but I didn't know what the fuck was going on, since the covers all showed random characters. Oh man, I feel like I was cheated?
>boo hoo hoo girls are scary
The rest of the world isn't informed by and doesn't share your weird idiosyncratic insecurities about half of the human race. Expecting them to be catered-to in a book meant to appeal to the wider audience of people who aren't filled with loathing for anyone with different reproductive organs than their own is unreasonable.
Mmm, noodles.
Bad bait, no (You)
I know "fuck your charts, Hickman" is a meme around here, but I genuinely enjoy this mixed-media approach he takes, and the fact that it's become the norm for X-Men books. There's merit to be had in making use of different storytelling styles for different purposes rather than feeling the need to rely upon having characters monologuing information like this out of a hidebound sense of obligation to narrative convention.
In case you're wondering, I skipped an empty page.
This is a good page.
And that's it! If you liked this, support your LCS or whatever.
Bumping for the really nice art and Hickman.
This book is gorgeous and I have no idea what the fuck I'm reading.
I like it so far, story seems interesting (like a lot of Hickman stuff) and I dig the art.
But... Is Hickman going to finish this? I'm still waiting on Black Monday Murders vol3.
>real drawn pages 30
>white and text page 10
What is the coverprice? It seems like it is very overpriced
I know what you mean, but I think the art is cool/good enough to "miss" a few pages.
But I can see how if you don't like the art you might be miffed a little bit... but then again, if you don't like the art in a comic...
New hickman comic, sweet!
Art is cool
Story seems interesting so far
>still not buying it until he finishes the damn story. Fuck you Hickman, you lazy fuck! Where's Shield? What about The Dying & The Dead? Frontier? Black Monday Murder?
Manhattan Projects too, fucker!