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I can't believe Zatanna is fucking dead

she got what she fucking deserves

Attached: 06 BatAndSwitch.mkv_snapshot_00.22_[2020.03.11_00.27.00].jpg (1920x1080, 202.21K)

So we can all agree that Zee and Kara are the best characters right?

Jessfags can literally vibe elsewhere.

Attached: 1582555893689.png (1000x1600, 984.33K)

As far as actually good characters go, characters who are enjoyable to watch onscreen, I'd say the top three are Zee, Jess, and Kara. Jess and Kara have gotten more episodes where the focus is on them; Kara in particular is basically Faust's pet character. Zee has gotten less focus, but she's so flashy and over-the-top that overwhelms the screen any time there's some focus on her. The three of them are the heaviest drawers of attention and it's fair to call them the best characters as a result.

Diana has gotten more attention but she's so even-keeled that she doesn't attract as much appeal as the more over-the-top characters. Barbara is getting there, #DinnerForFive was great for her and it's fun seeing her awkward nerdiness come into focus. Karen needs more work.


Attached: source.gif (600x600, 2.18M)

Sometimes Kara is enjoyable but I honestly find her obnoxious more than anything.
Her jealously over Superman I just see as irritating.

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>Karen needs more work.
What would you suggest?
Her character type almost dooms her to the background.

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I think the Karen/Zee dynamic is worth exploring more, their friendship is one of the most interesting things in the show.

Obviously right now Zee is the dominant member of the friendship. It would be interesting to see Karen slowly grow to be more assertive, and Zee slowly grow to listen to her and take her direction. Faust could do in this show what she was unable to do in the Horse Show, and actually allow the shy yellow one to permanently grow out of her shyness and find her voice, with the encouragement of her prissy friend with the purple hair. Basically let Karen take the lead in their friendship from time to time, and let Zee learn how to listen.

Attached: 1566080503679.png (1920x1080, 1.86M)

I will only watch all of the show if it comes out on Blu-Ray.

Gonna do a video of spit-takes next

Attached: 00 TheLateBatsby-00_02_56_551.jpg (1920x1080, 363.85K)

for me it's scenes where it cuts to characters blinking with that classic cartoon blink sound effect

Attached: 01 SweetJustice, Pt. 1.mp4_snapshot_08.53_[2020.03.11_01.20.53].jpg (1912x1072, 306K)

Reminder that Jess belongs in the trash

Attached: 28 CruzControl-00_02_16_678.jpg (1024x1024, 196.5K)

Only so she can fish out recyclables like the idealist pure soul she is

Attached: 06 HateTriangle.mp4_snapshot_06.05_[2020.01.06_21.40.55].jpg (1912x1072, 204.03K)

There's a metaphor there but it's not coming to me.

Don't forget

Attached: 46 SuckerPunch-00_01_29_631.jpg (459x459, 51.62K)

>best girls in the trash
what does it mean faust

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E36 - DinnerForFive.mp4_snapshot_01.42_[2020.03.08_11.31.50].jpg (1920x1080, 147.96K)

shit girls, especially babs.

don't be mean
they're good girls

Attached: 1583425847969.jpg (958x905, 298.92K)

>your waifu a shit
Infinite bump generator.

No. Get better character traits.

Attached: infinite_bump_generator.webm (800x800, 437.31K)

I like that Zee and Karen became BFF. They were sort of doing Kara and Zee first but this is so much better.

I wish, user. :(

>Zee cucks Kara with Karen.

There aren't enough spit-takes. I'm doing hugs instead.

Why is she so fucking perfect bros? I want to make her my bride

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However, Jessica could suffocate you with her legs.

Attached: Hips.jpg (505x284, 28.3K)

I want to be inside her, but only if she feels ready and comfortable with that.

>Zee, darling. Why don't I invite your little friend to join us. What was her name again?
>I dunno, daddy. Kara....Karen. Something. I just meet so many people.

Attached: zeesider.jpg (1381x634, 169.07K)


Attached: Anon and his Zatanna.jpg (1988x3056, 1.16M)

Her narcissism reaches a new level when she tells Luthor that she is out of his league.

Why does getting made involve getting shot in the back of the head?

>the consider following

Read left to right, not right to left like in your chinese cartoons nigga

How rich is Zatanna, relatively. Her home seems really impressive

Attached: 09 Beeline.mp4_snapshot_06.48_[2020.03.11_03.18.10].jpg (1912x1072, 448.11K)

She lives in the casino or wherever her dad headlines. So probably very well off but they don't actually own the place.

the lack of Diana in this thread disturbs me

Attached: Happy Diana.webm (1920x1080, 1.78M)

Can't the Zataras literally just conjure money out of thin air or directly enchant their own credit ratings? Is there anything preventing magical money forgery?

You mean left to right to left? You fucked up, admit it.

I love Jessica's face here

>consider the
>(normal english conventional of 2nd sentence under 1st sentence)
No, YOU fucked up. Admit it.

does she reverse each individual word or the entire sentence? I've never noticed

Attached: 1564458602200.jpg (1031x563, 103.59K)

>Jess is a tree-hugger
>Jess hugs pam
>Pam is a tree

Attached: tree_hugger.webm (1920x1080, 1.36M)

Did you vote for your waifu?

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It's normal order with reversed words

Attached: zatanna 32.jpg (1920x1080, 313.47K)

alright but who's the best boy?
I for one vote for Dexter

Attached: Dex Starr.jpg (1028x571, 81.84K)

Attached: filthy_casuals.png (540x190, 46K)

I don't have a twitter

>It's a 'Carol pretend a pregnancy to keep Hal around' episode.

Attached: lanterns_by_spyrog3_ddr8j5f-fullview.jpg (1280x1159, 93.99K)

Cuckrol is going to die alone

>I won't die alone if I take you all with me.

COLUMBINErol has no chill

DCSHG fighting game when?

Attached: EIAJU0dU4AAo0hc.jpg (1123x1500, 137.78K)

yes, of course I'll vote for my waifu...

Attached: wonderful steve.png (1080x1080, 994.35K)

Poor Steve
He doesn't stand a chance against Zee

he's a much better girl than zee and he's not even a girl

Attached: steve.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

I've probably watched the Deathstroke episode 50+ times at this point
currently in the process again
>So your Dad's niiiiiiiiice?

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E36 - DinnerForFive.mp4_snapshot_03.22_[2020.03.08_11.25.07].jpg (1920x1080, 187.12K)


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Robbie destroys JessFags with facts and knowledge

Only karen and jess are shit

Is zee about to crash that plane into the twin towers