Be they human or spiderpaw, Nannas are universal.
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What's with all the lizards?
Starting to understand why everyone hates Lizards.
Unsounded has become Overlord.
It's always the nigga with dreadlocks that gets weird
They did nothing wrong
Other than defile Nana's soup spoon
Thats a bit unfair. They've been shit on for pretty much forever. It makes sense they can only take so much. Wanting to kill children is cruel, but it doesn't make them much worse than pretty much every other faction in the setting.
spiderpaw pls go
They only want to kill children, not conscript them, muck with their biology and rob them of their life and THEN conscript them, or sew First Silver into them
Downright charitable
If Ruck's mind-fucking of Bell is under Sonorie's orders, I wonder how much of the general's machinations are actually part of her plan. She rejected Prakhuta's silver publicly, but is it possible she wants it to be present in Port Morstorben during her trip there? Is its weird effect on the khert necessary for whatever pymaric attack she has planned against Alderode?
I'm like 90% sure Sonorie has no idea what Ruck is doing to Bell. And I don't think she condones the silver headed to Alderode. If she did, why would she make this big show of being against what Bell is doing?
Ruck is playing at least 3 different sides here, sonorie is just underestimating the millennia year old mind rape snake
>If she did, why would she make this big show of being against what Bell is doing
Because she wants the silver to very publicly fail and for Bell to take the blame. Then she scoops up the silver to "fix Bell's mistake" having taken control of a superweapon while appearing as the peacemaker and destroying her rival without appearing to have acknowledged he was ever a rival at all. Creating a crisis you can take credit for solving is Machiavelli 101, it's literally advice given in "The Prince."
Trump does this a lot, I've noticed.
Where's all the chubby two-toes waifus
Apparently Ruffles is jailbait
Trump just calls things "crises" and then really doesn't fix them, he just continually claims he's "closer" to fixing them.
Like, building a wall to "stop illegals" while simultaneously employing illegals in his personal businesses to save money. He's never going to "fix" immigration, he's just going to be in a perpetual state of "working on it".
He's the anti-Machiavelli. A true "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit".
Reminder no Ana bullying
Around geckos, watch your neckos.
And granny must have been pretty hot back in the day too.
Some lizards, like some people, are fucking dickheads. Blind hatred of even an entire group of people, let alone an entire species, is retarded.
I giggled
So should I start posting the race war starts now here, or wait 50 pages for when these guys inevitably come boiling up into the monastery full of piss and baby murder?
If they're smart they'll recruit Duane. Enemy of my enemy is my friend, and all that.
Yeah, there was someone in the last thread who had an odd hateboner for Ana. Even if she isn't a blameless person, she doesn't deserve the shit she's gone through imo. Nobody does, except maybe like starfish
Yeah, there's bad and then there's BAD
just wanting not to be stuck as a whore is hardly sinful. Hell, she wasn't even super happy and killing people, unlike every motherfucker around her
Ana is a good villain because she's done terrible things but you can understand her motivations and sympathize with her. If you look at everything she went through up until she got stuck in the Silver, and you look at the particular contours of her character, then what she's done makes sense. It makes sense that she'd be willing to become a terrifying monster more powerful than anything else in Kasslyne. Is it a thing she SHOULD have done? No. But you can understand why she'd do it. It's a logical move for her character. So you're simultaneously sympathetic and horrified. That's the mark of a good villain. Prakhuta is basically in the same boat. We're horrified by what he does but we understand why he does it. We appreciate his motivations.
Actually, Prakhuta and Anadyne are a good pair in this regard. Both of them have become abominations for entirely believable reasons.
Anadyne was a boring character.
Appearance wise she's very generic looking and personality wise her whole shtick is that she isn't quite as bad as the other members of Stockyard's entourage but is still a self serving backstabber.
It doesn't help that Ashley kept pushing her as THE waifu bait of Unsounded while in reality fans were more turned on by literally every other female character including Illganyag her supposedly "ugly" bff Knock and the talking cup of coffee.
Anadyne getting silvered is the best thing that can happen for her character because at least now she has the potential to become interesting.
>Recruit Duane
>To kill children
Son, how the fuck do you think this will go?
>Minnow abides
Now I want Dude Minnow and Walter Claggart.
>Sharteshanians! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of Crescian economics, Minnow, at least it's an ethos.
I can't imagine owning a spoon specifically for soup, let alone owning so many that I play favorites.
No need to brag, user.
I own a 200 dollar setting for 8 made in Philadelphia of good American steel.
And if you converted one of my spoons I'd show you your liver.
>It doesn't help that Ashley kept pushing her as THE waifu bait
I am like 95% certain you're imagining this. Unless she started selling Anadyne dakis or something.
Yeah I don't see it either
I think he is just using hyperbole for Ana being in story hotter than the likes of Knock or Elka while both of those are more popular on Yas Forums at least.
Leysa is the only "waifu" that Ashley has ever pushed. Anadyne is just an attractive whore.
Nah, her plan's the "hijack Alderode's dammakhert and do something fucky with it" thing. That's all she needed Ruck for. It fits incredibly well with the Queen's warped sense of reconciliation and lack of violent warfare. The pain monster is a nuke. It's violent, causes horrifying shit to happen, and in this universe kind of fucks up the laws of reality. Sonorie doesn't want to do that, she wants to unmake the things that everyone but Alderode sees as being super fucking terrifying about the country. That whatever her plan is is probably going to cause all sorts of other crazy bullshit to happen, even if it works perfectly, with enough fall out to make it a question whether the silver might have been only just as bad probably escapes her.
Sonorie may be smart and kind and be playing a long con, but the comic repeatedly reinforces that no one is above it all. This whole conspiracy is a fine example of it. Everyone thinks they're playing everyone else and no one actually knows exactly what's going on. Ruck probably "knows" the most but he's also the only one without a clear plan. He's happy just to see how shit goes down and has an easy in with any of the groups that could come out on top. So probably no one will and he'll find himself adrift with nothing to show for all his troubles but some passing snacks. Sonorie is riding a tiger in the certainty that it was the most moral choice to finally end the centuries of hate and bloodshed, but I have little doubt she's going to come to regret ever thinking it was worth getting Ruck involved.
"What game is this, where every player on the board claims the same pawn?"
When you're a subhuman lizard living in a cave under an isolated shrine, you've probably only got one decent soup spoon
IIRC Ashley mentioned multiple times that she expected Anadyne to popular with fanartists and waifufags and being suprised more people liked Knock and other characters.
That's because Ashley doesn't understand fanartists. But I cede the point on her intentions.
"expected" is far different from "pushing for".
Even Starfish got treated awfully as a young and then largely-blameless man, though from the way the story was told, even back then Fishie's brain wasn't running with the right drivers.
>No one snapchats their great uncle’s sentencing (he tried to commit suicide-by-cops by setting his car and house on fire) and I think most of us would leave out the details when updating Facebook to announce our eleven year old nephew’s newborn son.
>eleven year old nephew’s newborn son.
Using the spoon?
The only character whose waifu status has been physically acknowledged, as far as I can recall, is silver waifu.
And let's be honest, there's something about those silvers...
What do you expect Ashley's family is literally full of florida man
>Even if she isn't a blameless person she doesn't deserve the shit she's gone through imo
Deserve very rarely has anything to do with it. Nobody knew a walking Death Metal album cover was going to pop into the continent for a bit of genocide but that still doesn't make the wages of sin any less deadly.
>Yeah, there's bad and then there's BAD
>just wanting not to be stuck as a whore is hardly sinful
Again, it wasn't the hope for a better life that I took umbrage with, it was the slavery, extortion, usery, assault, kidnapping and murder. And now I'm supposed to pity Ana? Maybe I do, but I'll pity her victims just a little bit more.
yo Knock is mega gross and I hate every time I have to see her
How old is ruffles supposed to be; is she just a two-toes teen, or a near-adult?
I guess eventually the Cescian army will find a way to efficiently slaughter the waterwomen to end the storm. If the wrights use core leeching, they won't grow back either. No way the Inak could help from inside the shrine.
You can't Core Leech a Senet beast, they have their own Kherty thing.
You shut your whore mouth.
I don't get the hate on Anadyne I've seen in these past few threads. Yeah, she's ultimately a boring person who wanted more but was stifled by her overall averageness, and tragedy has come her way... That's the point. She didn't like that she was JUST "a whore", and simply wasn't worth investing in to become something more, and probably knew that deep down that was entirely sound of Nary/Stockyard to think, so she took the Faustian bargain, and got ass-fucked for it. Her being boring so-so pretty-but-nobody-waifus is part of that, and if you hadn't told me Ashley was surprised that this is how people would see her I'd be praising Ashley's ability to make a character who is "just average" both in-universe and out of it.
Here's a different but related question. Is Sonorie responsible for all the evil shit Ruck is pushing other people to do? She woke up a manipulative monster older than time and assumed that she could control it. If she was wrong, which seems quite likely, shouldn't that fall on her head?
Although Ruck would have woken up sooner or later anyway.
Ruffles will get mindbroken and join Cutter.
Minnow abides.
If I was an artist I'd make this, but sadly I'm not
Who are you? Be my friend.
5 star post user