IMMORTAL HULK #32 Xeenu is hung hung

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You’re a faggot. Nice leak tho

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just like one of my japanese animes!

Oh no I looked directly at the leaks...

She’s Trans because why not I guess

This will be my final post on Yas Forums.

How can anyone think that this is heroic for real ? How can anyone take seriously a superhero book with Xemnu as a supposed to be incredible hero ? How can anyone see Xemnu as a good guy for real in this book ? "Oh me, oh my, Xemnu is smiling, so nice, this makes me remember recess guys..." why are you lying to yourself like that ? You guys are just forcing onto yourself the new fade there will be in this hivemind of a board, with the blandest, tamest, most classicly safe comic book there can be, while your selective outrage is shitting on The Immortal Hulk for things that would be praised if they were written by someone else, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO you have to shit on it even if it's good because the hivemind dictates you to do so !!!

No wonder you can't get laid, but guess what ? I got a girlfriend now. For the first time of my life after 36 years I finally got a girlfriend, and all that nerd fuss has become so irritating since. I'm just leaving for good now, I had plenty of fun with that board but I'm done. I wish you to get girlfriends to, maybe it will open your eyes about the hivemind that is destructing your self, but sadly, the hivemind is probably keeping you away from being able to seduce anyone, so you're most likely trapped in a vicious circle, and sadly, there is no Jean Henri Gaston Giraud to save you from it. I just hope that this message will maybe help you to think by yourself a bit more and to get a girlfriend to.

Enjoy your book

Why is World Breaker, Gladiator, King and Father Hulk saying remember? Is Xemnu trying to pre-empt Hulk? What a integrated way to to circumvent status Quo and bring back years and years of character developmemt.

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Kinda wish he didn't just have Devil Hulk's face.

>i'm trans

What the fuck does that have to do with the story

Did you miss the last two issues?

It's literally explained on that same page

Bennett draws all hulks as monstrous

was wondering the same, why that Hulk. I had the impression that Savage was able to remember from the last issue but it looks like there was something else going on inside of Bruce's mind.

Nah, he gives different faces to specific iterations. Like the one bit where Bushwacker is smothered to death by that Hulk amalgamation had several different-looking faces in them, a lot of them callbacks to how he's looked in different decades.

Kind of a shame. I've been mentally associating his gaunt, low hanging jaw as a look specifically associated with his more monstrous personalities, and what makes Devil unique is that he keeps that appearance while retaining wit and cunning. But now I guess even the more noble, focused gladiator Hulk has that look too... so am I assume that if some other artist drew Devil Hulk he wouldn't look unique at all?

For reference

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>every single not trash Marvel comic is being written by Ewing.

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Shouldn't she be happy Hulk/Banner don't give a shit about that and just want her for her skillset?

> Is Xemnu trying to pre-empt Hulk

Because he is and he did. Only Angry Hulk remembers he is Hulk. Devil Hulk forgot who he's in fact Hulk.

She's talking about Xemnu's mind control

oh yeah I remember, carry on
I always like to think Hulk faces can be pretty interchangeable besides specific incarnations like Joe Fixit, Devil, etc.

>Is Xemnu trying to pre-empt Hulk?
It's caused by Xenmu, but what's gonna happen isn't an illusion

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He's the only one still trying at Marvel, Slott, Aaron and Cates just want their retarded clickbait characters and storylines to be turned into movies while everyone else would rather be writting anything but superhero stories.

aw shit

Is that official? because i know what that object means.

Yeah, from the guest artist of issue #33

>Marvel's only writers are the ones Yas Forums most hates

Luckly for them, they are not.

>clickbait characters and storylines to be turned into movies

For how bad Aaron an Cates are, i have never seen neither of them trying to mimic the MCU. That was Bendis and Lobdell.


Are you kidding? Mother Storm? Knull? Pointless retcons that do nothing but replace old lore for something cheap that would sound cool to 13 year olds?


Neither of that stuff looks like something they would use for the movies.

I recall he said that when Hulk is his strongest, he's the most Kirby-esque. Exaggerating the forehead and whatnot.

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It is like you are reading off a paper of the usual stuff Yas Forums say about writers to try to fit in. You are trying way too hard.

Yes, you're getting angry over nothing, we know.

Oh sweet merciful god the storytime is going to be a complete shitshow.....

Again are you serious? Knull is a generic evil deity that want to kill everyone, Mother Storm is the generic magic sapient weapon bullshit. You can easily use those generic as hell premises to movies or games.

>"What does this have to do with the story"
>"This is what it has to do with the story"

He's right tho

Fuck off shill.

Lmao more sjw trash

Ewing just can't make this shit naturally flow with the story, is always so out of place.


Going by that logic, every writer does it "while hoping for people to make a movie about it".
Bendis literally created an event knowing that there was a movie coming out hoping that they would use his ideas for it. That's what people means when they say that about a writer.
Now go being a retard somewhere else.

No need to samefag, people are already calling you out for the newfag tryhard that you are.

You're a fucking dense motherfucker you know that? Those retcons add absolutely nothing to the story besides giving the writer a huge presence over the title. Fucking retard.

>am i doing it right? Did i left some second hand retrite term somewhere? Did i fit in just fine now?


What about YOU stop samefagging?

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The line immediately preceding that was Worldbreaker saying "I'm the strongest there is."


So... Is she a "He"?.

How that's it, is she a man or woman who thinks is a man?

I don't know anymore..... I'm just a simple man...

Don't assume their gender.

Sjw are whiny bitches that completely ignore the quality of a story when they see something that hurts their feefees or contradicts their political agenda. Kind of what you are doing right now.

Oh god stop fighting over Cates and Aaron in the Immortal Hulk thread, I hate them too but geez they're everywhere.
Doctor McGee is a trans woman, that's it. Don't overcomplicate it.

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The tranny problem is so fucked you can't intimate Marvel super science would make "transitioning" better without triggering some thing some where. With cyborg laser eyes and people getting turned into dinosaurs you'd think yanking out or putting in a Y chromosome would be easy.

"Immortal Hulk" is gonna fight the Juggernaut in issue 2 of his mini, btw

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Why are people acting like it's a plot twist when we've known she's trans since last issue?

Well it's two-fold: for one thing, some people it was a subtle reference, so she's spelling it out this time, and on the other hand, outragefags.

what if Xeenu pulled a jean and got the people to think they are trans now so they have to pay to get their dicks cut AND then be more maliable

I missed the last issue could you provide the evidence of this?.

Good rule of thumb, replace "trans" with "not." So she is a "trans woman."


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