Why do American cartoons go out of their way to make characters look ugly as possible? What's wrong with having a nice face AND giant milkers? Why must there be a tradeoff?
Why do American cartoons go out of their way to make characters look ugly as possible...
The cumbrain seethes once again. Go back to loliland japan and coom to your soiled panties, Ichiro.
Attractive character = male toxicity
Or something
You STUPID westerners gave women rights.
Though frankly even if women didn't have rights you would still have western animation filled with UGLY art styles. Western Animation would still be visually ugly.
I wanna bury my face in the right one's fat plump mommy butt
I said American and not western for a reason.
imagine what Yas Forums would do if they realized that
1. OP didn't watch this
2. OP doesn't care enough to get a different screenshot
3. OP is parroting whatever discord server goons told him to post this
The left one's milkies tho
Face bad
Body good
This sums up my main issue with "Sausage Party".
The mom was hot but had a messed-up face.
>Sausage Party
Oh yeah, that happened.
Or worse. The chick's cute, but completely flat as a board.
Are we not allowed to have 10/10's anymore?
We have an overabundance of fat, sloppy hags who throw enormous bitchfits on the internet if someone fictitious is prettier than them by a wide (wider than their fat cottage-cheese-resembling ass) margin
Lol for me it was always her and Minh.
God I wish that was me
I think the one on the left is pretty cute in a "girl next door" kinda way.
Connected honestly looks pretty cool, and I can't wait for Sony to win that Oscar next year. Fuck Gisnep.
Anyone who says they wouldn't plow the living hell out of Linda Mitchell is either lying or incredibly gay.
ok coomer
Not sure what you are talking about the one on the left looks good, it's the el goblina on the right that looks terrible.
>can't spot a qt milf when she's right in front of 'em
You poor, poor soul
Ugly people exists.
There are self caricatures of the writers
They're not ugly, they're just not extremely attractive.
You know, like most of the world's population.
Ironic shit taste is still shit taste user.
These two were always hot.
Pfft, your loss. I'm being fully sincere in my love for Linda. She's adorable. I need more shots of her from behind, though.
Get some standards.
What are your standards then?
the faces are probably supposed to be funny-looking
Reminder that every time you fap to the one on the right, you're essentially fapping to this dude's mom
Reminder that his childhood self-insert already has porn.
Look dude it's cool if you think middle aged Mexican women are attractive, but just know that you are wrong and the rest of us are laughing smugly at you.
Who is "the rest of us"?
Mike was one of the head people working on Gravity Falls alongside Hirsch. I'm sure he knew exactly what he was getting into when he pitched a movie about his family.
Wasn't that just the overall art style? IIRC, all humans in Sausage Party were hideous specifically from the neck up.
I wanna smother my face in that chest
How does that distinction make you any less of a seething cumbrain?
I can't believe he has Thompson's voice actor.
>no answer
Got his ass
These weird designs are associated comedy and have been for literally decades. They give characters weird looking faces because they are supposed to be goofy and funny looking because it’s supposed to be a funny movie. Movies that are more serious tend to have more attractive designs (How to Train Your Dragon and every Disney Princess movie). I think movie goers think that attractive characters just aren’t as funny as weird looking ones and frankly I think a lot of general audience members would agree to that. Like, they’d literally laugh LESS if the characters were hot. I think that’s stupid but people are stupid.
Aren't you the one seething over fictional characters who are attractive in the first place? People have their preferences. Live and let live seems to be a foreign concept to you
*movie creators not movie goers
This. It's a caricature of your average middle America woman.
Probably the one good answer in this thread that isn't made by trolls or seething assholes who can't stand fictional characters not being designed for their tastes. (Not specifying which group because you all do it)
All things said, they still look better than the characters in Onward.
This movie seems to be targeting the parents more so than children. The average married with kids couple honestly isn’t very attractive. I think many parents would feel somewhat uncomfortable to see very attractive representations of people like themselves on the screen. The dad still has a more idealized look though. He’s not hot and he’s not fit but his jawline is nice and he has a full head of hair. So maybe there’s a Goldilocks hotness zone where the leads can look just a bit hotter than the people being targeted by the advertisements.
>because you all do it
>you all do it
And you don't. Right.
I can’t understand Dan Scanlons aesthetic tastes. By all accounts he’s really poured a lot of love into Onward and it’s a deeply personal story for him but the character and environment design looks ugly. He was also director for Monsters University 2 and both his movies share an aesthetic sensibility he helped cultivate. I’m sure he’s a good storyteller because both his films have recurved fair praise for the story lines but does he actually like how both movies look?
>that isn't made by trolls or seething assholes who can't stand fictional characters not being designed for their tastes
Don't leave out the coomers whose tastes are perfectly sated by Linda's fat ass
>and not western for a reason.
But most non-American stuff looks like very crude facsimiles of our stuff.
I do, but that's beside the point. I save this energy for characters who are unecessarily redesigned to fit whatever agenda the designer wants rather than keeping it faithful to the original character.
Bad character design for original works aren't worth getting mad at too much. That being said, Onward taught me that visual blandness is worse than outright ugly.
I think you know. But in case you don't; why don't you tell the friends in real life (that I'm sure you have) about your tastes in past their prime Hispanic women and see how that goes. Maybe that'll give you an idea about who "the rest of us" are.
True. It's hypocritical that those who don'y like the designs are called "mindless coomers" while those who are blatantly sated by thos should be exempt.
It's like that guy who called anybody who hates the new She Hulk misogynists while saying new design "respects women" but then turns out his tumblr is full of eank material of Orc women.
We're all coomers here, don't start pretending you're above it all.
>We're all coomers here
>ANOTHER east vs west thread
You sicken me.
This. Yas Forums will complain about "CalArts Style," yet they'll still refuse any interesting or unconventional visual styles, even in the few times that it makes it to mainstream entertainment.
Different ≠ Bad
Don't you have a train you should be getting run over by?
Because women are very much involved in the industry nowadays and as a result, attractive female characters is the equivalent of insulting and hating women according to these no fun allowed bitches.
>implying this isn't attractive
Is Barbie really the only standard of beauty you guys have? Do you guys seriously still believe Steven Universe didn't have any attractive Gems?
Get your heads out of the '50s already.
>Because women are very much involved in the industry nowadays
Weren't they always?
>Why do American
>Do Americans REALLY
eat shit
>"I really needed that douche."
They're just daring the internet to ship them, lol.
Is it true that Wonder Bread was a character in the movie?