THE FLASH Movie Will Feature A Female Mirror Master

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Very creative, Warner.

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>there are bad women
Why are WB such Nazis?


Ah goddammit. I wanted a comic-accurate, Scottish McCulloch. It isn't that hard

THE FLASH Movie Will Feature A Naked Barry Allen

So are all of flashes enemies gonna be female? Cause this sounds like someone out there really wants a stopman movie.

>I happen to be a longtime fan of this obscure character

In a way it might make sence, think about it, in a mirror left becomes right.
So a guy, becoming a girl in a mirror dimension might make sence.

Why do you keep repeating this post on every thread user?

I hope she's unintelligibly Scottish too.

Cast her.

>So are all of flashes enemies gonna be female?

Thawne will not and was never meant to be female, that was reddit fanfiction pushed by an obsessive Millerposter.

But user, most people in the public or general did not like miranda/brave movie.

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Flash was the worst part in the DCU JLA.
Why does he get a movie?

>Reverse-flash = never female
So is reverse of male, another male?

>of the DCU JLA
Is there another one?

Because Yas Forums incels like you will cry about it and it’s entertaining

But Scudder is not a female

Mirror mommy

I liked TV Mirror Master, have no issues whatsoever with this casting and am generally of the opinion that representation is important (if anything, from a marketing point of view, but ignore that), but you're just outing yourself as a normie if you think Mirror Master is obscure, he's one of the most recognizable and well liked rogues, probably only behind Captain Cold.
These types of non-arguments do nothing to help any cause and only makes you come off as an obnoxious asshole, giving fuel to the other obnoxious assholes.

>The Rogues are obscure
Back to Yas Forums with you

Hell, in the Silver Age Mirror Master was considered the number 2 top Flash villain, second only to Gorilla Grodd. He even outranked Thawne.

Attached: Mirror_Master_0001.jpg (717x1024, 292.89K)

that's because she wasn't a villain

His character doesn't work as a woman. Hell, 99% of the Rogues don't work as women. The exceptions need to be explicit written in and written around the others.

what, exactly, does he do that wouldn't suit a woman?

I would've been ok with the idea of Reverse Flash being a woman, only if it rubbed in to Barry's face that he couldn't save his mom.

Maybe have the twist being that the Reverse Flash was actually pretending to be Barry's mom in the flashbacks, and it turns out that the memory of Barry's real mom was wiped and replaced completely. That would be fucked up.

you thought that was your mom? it was me, Barry! I kissed your forehead and tucked you in at night!

Yeah, he was pretty much the focus of the iconic rogues team-ups like pic related.

Thawne wasn't really considered an A-list villain until he killed Iris. For a while he even tried to be a hero to one-up Barry.

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>I fucked your dad Barry! It was me! I fucked your daaad!

that wasn't milk barry!

lol what the fuck

Read the comics amigo. DC Universe is only 7.99.

that's not an answer you colossal faggot

Not here to be your wiki tho am I mate

>Ezra Miller

>caring about consoomer movies

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no, but if you had an answer you'd be pretty gleeful to share it

>Female Mirror Master has two giant reflective mirrors on her chest that she "flashes" enemies blind with

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Ezra is just Ezra, he said you can call him whatever you want

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Pronouns are faggot/cocksucker

I hope everyone involved gets Ebola and shits their faggot ass intestine out.


He'd be okay with that too, unironically.
The media took his words completely out of context when he was talking about gender and labeled him as non-binary when he really isn't.
He said he doesn't care about pronouns but doesn't really identify in particular with male or female specifically.
So he's not going to seethe for being misgendered or not being called "they" or whatever, but probably experiences some degree of dysphoria which is why he dresses/looks the way he does.

Why didn’t his parents just abort him

Jesus Christ that would be next level Thawne fuckery. All the few remaining precious childhood memories being rewritten just to be a dick to Barry? Priceless.

so fucking tiresome

If you wanna pay me to be your teacher, sure, but otherwise, nah.

Like why not just put emphasis on the actual Female Rogues instead of gender swapping, Peek-a-boo is actually a pretty decent bad guy or hell just make new female rogues that fit the dynamic

This seems so lazy in both it’s just stealing from the show and that gender swapping characters is just super fucking lazy

>stealing from the show
It's not stealing when its literally the same properties

Because nobody gives a fuck about Magenta or Peek-a-boo.

Imagine. Flash goes into overdrive, and rapes her so fast, the pleasure will be all at once for her.

Mah fellow brother of culture!

Stop reading there, big yawns.

Well that’s just not true

On the list of problems this movie is probably going to have? A female bad guy is at the bottom of the priority list.

Wow you're so cool and subversive, can I subscribe to your blog for more hot takes?

What list of problems is the movie going to have?