Post comedic webcomics that you personally find funny please thanks
Funny Webcomics
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are those 70 each?
thats still 630 calories ronnie
maria is cute
Maria and Plush Maria are adorable
Man Plush Maria looks super comfy in the last panel.
Plush Maria always looks comfy, I wish I had her vibes.
>wears a sleep mask because she can't close her eyes
it's the little things
that's not much if it's all he's eating.
i can never look at these comics again without remembering the dog fucking comics
the what now
see this
except there are a lot more and get graphical
basically it's a huge amount of edited comics of hers that involve fucking dogs. Some of the edits are so good, they look like they are from the original artist herself
>look like
how early is it?
how many more is he having?
Wow user you really caught me. Make sure to screencap this thread to show your friends in your private Facebook group chats so they can see how you owned a libtard ebic Ben Shapiro style.
>Damage control on an anonymous site
i love how this killed all the shilling
i wish Yas Forums would kill more things
Ah it is a plot twist for their heads are irony.
Yes, user. You did it. You made Hitler proud. Please go back to messaging uninterested women now.
This. ...but its not very funny...
Is this loss
Call me Mr Buzzkill but doe that guy have an iron neck or something? I'd imagine here he would have been strangulated even faster thrusting his legs about trying to get away.
Plush Maria comics are something else
The alt text for that one is "neck exercises are like kegels for horse thieves," so I assume this isn't his first rodeo.
fucking hell please drop a nuke on this horrible state I hate it here nothing happens
t. new hampshirelet
Ah, did not have context. Thanks.
Where is the punchline?! Is this an edit, or...?
why does she have a star of david on head. its pissing me off
you don't need a context to enjoy it. You do need it at all. that's not even context, just an additional "joke. shame on you, you just assume the gay has a strong neck.
This thread is for good webcomics
Thanks for teaching me about Plush Maria
It's no edit. Most of the comic's jokes are either Plush Maria being somewhere with no context as to why or how or the things she does around others. She's just Plush Maria, doing her own thing.
it's supposed to be a flower on her headband
unplausable, and highly suggestive
>Launch codes to nuke k-pop stans
My wife.
You're not supposed to do it WITHOUT the metaphor silly. That ruins the romance.