So it’s pretty clear Connie is a horrible fit for Steven and even someone like Spinel would be better, right?

So it’s pretty clear Connie is a horrible fit for Steven and even someone like Spinel would be better, right?

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Ok what's up with the hate boner for this ship?

Spinel is for me.

They’re breaking up soon. Also some people thought Season 5 Connie was a cunt.

Ok. Now what femboy will be getting with Steven?

Stevidot has kinda returned

The best ship is pic related

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Classic MC ship contrarianism.

The funny thing is you guys think Connie is who's bad for the relationship when Steven is far more toxic and awful or an individual.

He's just like his mother, just on different ways

Nah, Connie is a cunt who ghosts someone for saving people

Haha look at this dumbass thinking that Steven won't get a random ass femboy that they put in the show at the last second


Maybe Kevin is the femboy

No. That's not clear at all. As much as I love Spinel and think she COULD work with Steven, you're blind if you don't see how important Steven and Connie are to each other.

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They’re really not. Connie’s kinda over Steven and it’s why she rejects his proposal

Nigga why would a 15 year old accept a marriage proposal?

I like how you say "even someone like Spinel" as if you haven't already made up your mind Spinel is endgame, and you're gonna autistically screech when Steven doesn't get with her, EVEN if he doesn't get with anyone, once he breaks up with Connie.

Love. Which she doesn’t have for Steven

Even if she loved Steven she still wouldn't except the marriage proposal because SHE'S 15


No. She would have. She doesn’t love Steven and never will. Pretending their relationship has a future is pointless

She’ll reject him. He’ll turn into a worm. She’ll talk him down and realize he needs her. He’ll follow her to college where he’ll just live well because Greg is rich and so Steven doesn’t need a job or school. Then he’ll enter into a codependent relationship with Connie and turn into one of those pompous sensitive hipster dicks who wants for nothing and tells everybody how to live. This will be explored in the next limited series: Steven Universe: Warrior.

You don't see that Steven is in the wrong for proposing to a fucking 15 year old?

Either she wants to marry him or doesn’t. It’s important to find these things out now rather than waste years being with someone who will never take that step with you

She obviously doesn't want to marry because SHE'S FUCKING 15! SHE ISN'T READY FOR THAT TYPE OF COMMITMENT!

And Steven is. If Connie doesn’t, that’s fine but he shouldn’t waste his time with her when he can move on and meet someone who is willing to commit

Steven is in a terrible place mentally and has made mistakes he wouldn't have done otherwise. Why do you think that it's because of love and not a last resort to keep connie

She’s about a year younger than he is. People that young have married for hundreds of years. It’s only been in the last few decades that the social rules have changed, and only really in the western world, in particular in America. I mean, I wouldn’t have done it when I was that age, but it’s not really that unusual.

He could have picked anybody but chose her, he could have picked someone like a Gem who would have been okay with it, but he proposed to Connie because she was someone he wanted to spend all of his life with and thought she would too. He was wrong and now should move on.

Connie's better with Marco, it's a fact around here

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Marco is for Janna, pleb. Connie can shove her hooknose up her dad’s asshole

Where's this proposal thing coming from? Was there a leak?

Yeah. He proposes. She says no. It’s done.

Yes this is why they're talking to each other in a later episode. Sorry about this Yas Forums, this retard has been shitting up threads for weeks. Don't mind him, he'll probably off himself after the finale where it shows Steven and Connie truly love each other.

They don’t. Connie doesn’t love Steven. You’ll be lucky if you ever see her again after next week

>trying this hard
What's your stake in this? You act as if you've got money riding on the outcome.

It’s just true though. After the proposal rejection, Connverse will be dead forever


I was pretty disappointed that she didn't really try to help him get along with her friends at the ice rink. I know she reached out later, but he was crash-and-burn in the introductions and she did nothing.

Not feeling it. Think she needs a break from his belly's gem.

That's... That's pretty top-tier.

Any other cross-series ship recommendations I should know about?

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Autistic Spinelfags

Lars, duh

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>And Steven is.
To fucking hell he is. He's losing more of his marbles with each episode. You shouldn't indulge someone in that state. Declining that proposal was the right move.

Steven is only a year older. It's two kids being awful

Also, Connie is a woman after all, and now Steven's fulfilled his magical destiny and is looking to settle down into a mundane life, she's lost interest in him. He has nothing new to offer her, so she's moving on. If anything Steven's in the wrong for presuming she ever had any feelings for him because of their history and everything he's done for her. He's letting his toxic masculinity out and must be punished.

No. She simply doesn’t love Steven enough. He’s ready and she isn’t. He should be with someone else.


All I’m getting from this serious conversation about commitment at a societally dubious age is that I want a desperate young bf who will give me all the affection in the world to keep our absurdly codependent relationship together. I would say yes every time.

Why can't you just make a self-insert OC and ship that with Spinel instead?

I'm here for one and only one reason.
To make Connie pay in pain.

So has anyone got any more fics or comics where Connie gets hurt?

they show a willingness for connie to leave steven behind.

a literal alien half god that can ressurect the dead and permanently correct your vision by spiting on you. and that likes you.

Because I don’t want Spinel, I want Steven and helping him heal after Connie is just a bonus

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I wish. Only thing we have is the ones where she’s humiliated by Steven cheating on her

Spinel for Steven will be what Shinobu is for Araragi.
Steven may have this normal basic thing with Connie, which may not even last for Connie's lifetime, but what Steven and Spinel will have is something that transcends love and their souls will be bound forever.

Attached: shinobuararagi.png (1280x720, 720.64K)

There are a couple which involve fucking Connie up. Physically, mentally, or emotionally. But I can't dump them here because the spam filters are going to catch that, and I don't know whether that one janitor is around to ban me again.

Mind sharing titles and sites then instead of direct links?

So here's the list.
If you can't find it on AO3, it's likely on

>Ashes And Blood
By: mandaree1
>Distant Lights Darken Dreams
By: mandaree1
>The Ones That Bleed Visibly Hurt The Least
By: mandaree1
>The Stranger in Me
//Bloody good, definite reccomendation from me
>Counting Time
By: mandaree1
>Twisted Roses
>Trust Fall
//Great way to show smart characters doing dumb stuff
>The Disorienter

Jesus fuck, why do I hate this tiny bitch so much?

Why not? If you are already going to be together forever then making official is no big deal.