you could do worse for an overlord than crayzar. he (they?) seem to genuinely believe that the game is the best way to organize a society in the material conditions of the post apocalypse, and have more or less succeeded in bring society at least back to the level of complexity that existed before the rad wars.
>nooo don't make fun of my cheeto daddy!!!
highly doubt that mad max-esque scene with flypp was supposed to be related to orange man.
It was somehow too subtle for a lot of people, but
-line of refugees at a giant wall
-"if you send us back we'll be killed" (why refugees want asylum in the US)
-"Well, you're clearly just lying so you can get out of the wastelands!" (BP's justification for illegally detaining refugees)
-they put the "child" in a tiny cage
It was pretty obviously a dig at America being monstrously evil at the border for no real reason
>mad max-esque
Is this nigga for real
Crayzar may be an insane megalomaniacal AI demigod (ballmaster?), but he does seem to genuinely love humans and want them to thrive.
Why leptons No.1 fan was banished?
Simulator bug?
The ability to immediately heal from any injury has allowed them to marginalize one of man's greatest offense against others. Almost any wrong that a person can commit, can now be reversed. In such a world, he needs only to distract citizens from potential endless monotony.
Sorry, refugees have to claim asylum in Mexico and not go asylum shopping and probably not spew unwanted children to endanger and use as props on "dangerous" treks funded entirely by (((mystery money)))
>t. ex had refugee papers for 15 years before getting tired of where she was living and eligible for citizenship and went somewhere else claiming OMG I JUST GOT HERE and it worked and I HELPED so stop being a histrionic fag and just watch the stupid fucking cartoon
is rudy ok?
>they should claim asylum in mexico (where they will be murdered by the cartel they're escaping)
>they should stop procreating
You just accidentally promoted the dictionary definition of genocide
At least I hope it was accidental
What an asshat
Did you just racistly assume the cartels are the same? Check your privilege and dilate
>lmao tfw still have done more to help actual refugees than you shoving shit up your ass and crying on the internet about it, vote for Bernie amirite
Central america is all one big brown blur huh
Looks like someone learned nothing from the sensitivity training
Too bad Crayzar isn't real to put you in level 6
Fist of the North Star takes huge chunks from Mad Max.
>Grasping at straws this hard
No, I think we killed him.
oh shit
>Inbred election immigrants need to grasp at straws to shit on a fucking ballmastrz thread
Some people really are nothing but meat robots.
Shit. I really liked the first season but if this just turns into another TDS-fest (which of course, the crypto-commie Yas Forumsmblr cucks here will bend over backwards apologizing for) then I'm out.
Shit up liberal pussy.
The gremlins clawing at the wall should be glad they can walk away alive.
Crayzar is just the warden but naked
People still going on with "lol superjail is so epic" is almost as worse as OP with this bait thread. The warden was a shit character.
>Not Dunkald
Low hanging fruit man
Good, fuck off retard.
Amazing how just two threads ago everyone was acting perfectly lovely towards each other, and now here there are multiple posters talking about how Mexican people are subhuman.
No user it's just the deranged Yas Forums trannies
How can anyone that likes double king be this trash.
Just fuck off and die
>if this board doesn't conform to my standards im leaving
fucking bye
Lenny, stop it, he's just a boy! He doesn't know any better!
Superjail is literally made by the same people you absolute retard
>Almost any wrong that a person can commit, can now be reversed
This is only really true during the games themselves. BEHO is established to be very expensive, so if you die outside of the game, you better hope someone has the will and the cash to bring you back.
There was some techno-babble about how the technology used for the simulation somehow bonded to Rudy, causing the computer to mistake him for part of the simulation.
No, he's the Warden except chaotic good instead of chaotic evil.
>he (they?)
Are you suggesting Crayzar is more than one person or trendy pronoun shit?
The fort from Mad Max 2 even shows up in one episode.
The warden was lawful good, he ran a prison.
Crayzar mentions being a cyborg, so he could be a genderless.
They needed to take "refuge" behind the wall, what else would they be called?
t. Warden
"I heard I can get free shit" immigrants who have to hang around because they're stopped from illegally entering a country are not refugees.
warden was more chaotic neutral than evil. He actually cared about prisoner wellbeing.
ur mum is genderless
Oh, I thought we were talking about the people in the simulation.
>why refugees want asylum in the US
That hasn't been a thing in ages. They're "econoimic refugees" aka cheap labor.
>south american cartels don't exist
cool story retard
Literally just google "economic refugees". I'm not making shit up. They're here for money.
mfw people arguing over a Fist of the North Star reference instead of posting Dee Dee pics
The term you're looking for is "economic migrant"
And no, the vast majority of people on the southern border are refugees, not migrants. Economic migrants overwhelmingly enter the country through airports and the northern border.
In fact the vast majority of illegal aliens aren't hispanic and never crossed a border. Illegal border hopping is a very rare occurrence and only happens in the most dire of situations because of how dangerous it is to cross the huge stretches of uninhabited land between mexican and american civilization.
You've been brainwashed.
How about Ace pics instead?
Refugees have to go to the next safe country. You don't have a right to take a plane from Somalia to Mexico just because you want to collect welfare in America.
>Illegal border hopping is a very rare occurrence and only happens in the most dire of situations because of how dangerous it is to cross the huge stretches of uninhabited land between mexican and american civilization.
Blatant fucking lies.
>refugees HAVE to go to the "next safe country!"
No, that's not a thing. Also I love the implication that any SA country is safe from the cartel
>from somalia to mexico
You're not very good at geography, are you?
I want to marry DD!
Look it up you fucking faggot nigger. The vast majority of illegal immigrants, by a GIGANTIC margin, are overstayed work and school visas.
You're just gullible and don't like brown people and rich cunts latched on to that so you wouldn't notice them stealing from you daily.
>i-its not a thing
>they have a RIGHT to get welfare
Be straight are you baiting or honestly just deserving of a bullet to your skull?
too bad she's married to me, user
Yeah, I don't like brown people and I don't like rich people either. Wow it's almost like all these illegals are imported by rich people to push down my wages and the only one aiding and abating the rich are faggots like you who talk but offer no real solutions except "tax the middle class, because somehow this will beat the rich".
>doesn't understand welfare either
You have to pay taxes to get welfare
You really don't know shit about your own country, do you? The schools failed you miserably.
Where the Gaz belly posting at?
why do ‘people’ keep getting so upset about people making fun of Trump?
>it's almost like all these illegals are imported by rich people to push down my wages
Nigger do you pick fruit? Wash dishes? Then your wages aren't being depressed by anything but republican lawmakers union-busting and refusing to increase the minimum wage
Keep on falling for their lies dipshit, you're a good little soldier.
Literally a tranny zonked out of his mind on horse estrogen, holy shit