ATLA Netflix Discussion

What are your predictions? How do you think Bryke will mess it up?

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Well the obvious is they'll toss in as much LGBT shit for no reason so they can create controversy and equally gain attention because i doubt it will have anything to do with the story so more or less it will be for lazy dramatic advertising by some soft white simp boys pushing their fag agendas. Sound about right?

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You can't do the setting justice in live-action unless you have a blockbuster-tier budget for every episode, which they won't have. Expect them to cut corners as much as possible, CW-tier CGI for the bending, drastically scaled down settings (Ba Sing Se will probably be a small town), and Appa/Momo cut to a bare minimum.

I also can't help but think that Bryke won't be able to resist altering the original story, both to fit the changes they introduced in LOK (the magic carpet giving the avatars power for example) and just because they think they can improve it. Hopefully that means more development for Toph, but I bet it means they do something dumb like Zutara.

Well Kyoshi being gay is canon now, so that will probably come up in the Warriors of Kyoshi/Avatar Day episodes. I assume they'll also dial up Sokka's sexism a bit.

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Predictions? I've got a few

>still whitewashed
>make Katara lesbo
>make Zuko gay
>make Sokka an incel
>completely serious/depressed Aang
>Iroh completely written out
>Cabbage vendor played by Jack Black

well obviously yeah, but besides the normal fare what will he do EXTRA bad? Like make Toph deaf instead of blind, not genocide the airbenders, etc.

Bad CG and choreography, cringe-worthy dialogue, and they'll still find a way to fuck up the casting.

So right that that's the /thread.

>still whitewashed
I think they already promised they won't do that. At worst Aang will be white. Odds are that both Katara and Sokka will be black though. I'd be surprised if Zuko and Toph weren't asian, since the Fire Nation/Earth Kingdom are so explicitly based on East Asia.
>make Katara lesbo
I bet they'll make Azula and Ty Lee lesbians, that's a popular ship and Bryke have shown with Korra that they'll let fandom ships influence their story (or that they'll exploit them for cheap publicity at least).
>make Zuko gay
>make Sokka an incel
Depends on the race of the cast, if they go with black Sokka at worst he'll just be a bit sexist.
>Iroh completely written out
Why would they do that?

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Katara better be a cute brown girl

I predict the first season will be a near exact recreation of the original, minus some more forgettable episodes like Great Divide. This will lure audiences and critics into a false sense of security until season 2 where they start fucking with character dynamics more and more, playing with ships they didn’t the first time around and trying to give “empowering” depth to characters like Azula.

Worst case scenario they’ll pull Last Minute Lesbians again in order to shield themselves from criticism.

>Well Kyoshi being gay is canon now, so that will probably come up in the Warriors of Kyoshi/Avatar Day episodes.
She’s bi technically, but I’m still mad.

>azula and ty lee lesbians
Oh god no.

>I predict the first season will be a near exact recreation of the original, minus some more forgettable episodes like Great Divide.
I don’t even think that the first season of the Netflix show will cover the entire first season of the OG series. I think they’ll end it around the Jet episode and then season 2 will be the rest of OG season 1. Or worse, every season of the Netflix show will correspond to every season of the OG series and then they’ll make a “season 4” because they were planning to do that with the OG series.

>Worst case scenario they’ll pull Last Minute Lesbians again in order to shield themselves from criticism.
Korra was awful. The lesbians thing was just bad and the comics made it worse.

Is it safe to say that Bryke at this point is pretty much JK Rowling and George Lucas combined?

No, I wouldn't.

JK got lucky, she used a lot of basic fairy tale creatures that are taken from other sources and treated them as her own. There's always better writers and stories that haven't gotten noticed yet ,Potter was a Mary Sue, there was always someone helping him and giving him things and it got old.

Lucas HAD some creative and interesting ideas to create a Universe but his creativity eventually reached its end and he cashed out before things got worse than they already had.

Avatar does shares ideas from other sources but did enough to be its own but the universe they exist in is pretty limited especially when they ignore the spirits.

>azula and ty lee lesbians
>Oh god no.
There's no chance they don't do it.

What I meant was Bryke has the over explaining and retconning of George Lucas, and the “this character is gay!” of jk Rowling.

We’ll see about that.

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Some anons in an earlier thread talked about CGI budgets and how a show like GoT had to reduce the screentime of the direwolves because animal actors are difficult to deal with while CGI animals are easy to fuck up. So that probably means that such fantastical elements (Appa, Momo, and all the hybrid animals) will appear as little as possible.
They'll probably struggle with making bending in general and certain locations/props look good within the limits of their budget, too.

>,Potter was a Mary Sue
Are you serious? HP books had their flaws but that wasn't one of them.

that one korra comic sealed the deal

to be fair i didnt like it enough to read it, chance is the character was better in the books but in the movies after he was saved from his bully jealous family he might as well been treated like a royal prince for years, sure the bad guys caused him issues but theres was always someone going out of there way to help him and everyone knew who he was and they treating him more important than anyone else. I see him as a mary sue, nobody needs to agree with me, that's my perspective.

>nobody needs to agree with me, that's my perspective.
Oh boy, I do hope you're not writing anything.

I don't care about live action.
Give me cartoons.

Why are they doing this
Just fuck off and live in wealth and obscurity, Bryke.

You're hacks. You got carried by an incredible production team. With them gone LoK was a disaster and that Netflix show is straight up unwatchable eye cancer.

Stop Lucasing. Retire.

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>to be fair i didnt like it enough to read it
Oh. Opinion discarded then.
Try browsing to get a grasp of what an actual Mary Sue is like before you throw that word around.
Also, if you really want to label someone from HP as a Mary Sue, Hermione was the one who might count as an idealized self-insert of the author. But even she had her own set of character flaws and things didn't go her way all the time.

I just remembered, what happened to Threadworlds? Is Konietzko still working on it, or did he drop it in favor of remaking AtLA?

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How the fuck is LGBT shit still causing controversy and headlines? I remember one of my favorite shows in the 90s having several gay couples, but no one gave a shit. Not to mention cartoons have been full of LGBT stuff since the ending og Korra. It's like we're moving backwards in time.

This (it is on Netflix)

Aang hooks up with a female character the same age as him (this doesn't mean Zutara becomes canon though)

because everyone has an opinion and the Media creates drama and without media stirring up trouble i dont think most people would care but they do care about it being tossed in their face over and over by insufferable cunts pushing more and more media to have gay characters and even thats not the issue, the problem is those characters being gay is typically their only attribute and add no value to the story and it becomes their personality.

When its shoehorned into media for diversity or drama it comes off as some LGBT stupid agenda pushing for acceptance when WE DONT CARE, we just want good characters and them suddenly having a character change races/origins/sex/ and sexual preference for equality twats it just gets old and seen as lazy writing.

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>How the fuck is LGBT shit still causing controversy and headlines?
Who knows but that's what happens. I can already expect the show to have at least one LGBT character, if not a new one, one of the established characters will be it.
Articles will be like
>"Katara and Toph?! LGBT+ in the Avatar world and why you should watch the Netflix show"
>"Why the openly gay Avatar character matters so much"
>"Representation in Netflix Avatar: lesbian character joins the main cast"

Sokka is already an incel

>I assume they'll also dial up Sokka's sexism a bit.
That was kinda stupid as it was in the past with a different atmosphere, if it was literally only this in the entirety of the Netflix adaption, I still wouldn't watch, because they're going to make Sokka suffer strawman shit worse. I was willing to take it more of a facevalue thing back then but it's not the way shit like that is written anymore, and ever since then there's only been more reason to believe it wasn't written in a face value way from the creators because of their shit over the years.

Well damn, if only Bison were easier to train.

>one trick ponies back to their original trick after showing their incompetence at trying something else
This is sadder than a 50+ year old wrestler at an empty booth in a convention


Boy I can't wait to see half the female cast be turned into lesbians

It's sad that's what the name Netflix is synonymous with, if only they wouldn't fucking pull that shit so much. Only thing I ever actually liked from them was the newer Dr Suess cartoon. Really felt like its own thing that just happened to be split into episodes and put on Netflix. It was even fucking backed by Ellen Degeneres and didn't suffer for it.

Played by either zendaya or willow Smith.

>It's sad that's what the name Netflix is synonymous with
They caused that with all the totally-not-for money overuse of minorities, both racial and sexual.

>>Cabbage vendor played by Jack Black
lol this would be perfect

Gurl powah, faggotry, cuck men, even more bad writing, lack of budget exposes their lack of talent.

Its gonna be shit

Gay is lauded and obvious gaslighting combined with demonization of heterosexuality.

Because netflix has always been hard gay and creepy as fuck queer and gaslighting.
They had an alt sex and wiener tab before they had a family and children's tan on the original netflix app.

They'll make TyZula canon, Toph is now a transgender Puerto Rican boy, Aang is now ONG and also black, and everybody bends elements by having spastic fits instead of using martial arts forms. Oh, and in all the flashbacks Sozin is a stereotypically white bucktoothed redneck hillbilly that "hates them queers."

maybe this will finally get my friends to watch the show. it sucks being in your 20's and trying to get people to watch a show like this.

you can't have an opinion on the book unless you've read the book...

More like everyones blacker than the blackes black times infinity.

>alt sex and wiener
the fuck is a wiener tab?

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They knew they screwed up wih Korra. Thats why they are coming back to the first one. If this fails their career is over.

As far as I remember Korra is mostly seen as a success, and the comics were supposed to aid in a successful perception of it by appealing to those vocal types. They're just going to fuck up something that was good before.

Katara is a lesbian, the last scene will have her and Suki kiss on screen similar to how she kissed Aang.

Sokka is genderfluid who will be discovering his genderfluidity after Kioshi Island adaptation, he will find himself weirdly comfy in girl clothes and will be switching between wearing girl and boy clothes.

Aang is asexual with a vow of celibacy.

Zuko is asexual too who is struggling with his own asexuality.

Toph will get a black boyfriend to spite her rich parents.

Azula will be bisexual, it'll be implied her, Mai and Ty Lee have orgies. Her and Mai wanted Zuko in on it but he refused.

Iroh will be gay who has struggled to come out his entire life. Him forgiving Zuko for siding with Azula in S2 will be rewritten as entire Iroh's arc who always felt shame for repressing his sexuality and when he'll forgive Zuko he'll come out. It'll be a parallel to Zuko finding his honor, he'll find his pride as a homosexual side by side with him.

One of the nations will be remade into black in its entirety.

Ty Lee will be transgender.

>Toph will get a black boyfriend to spite her rich parents.
Don't do this to my daughterfu, please don't.

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Has anyone here read legacy of the fire nation? If so, have they just left Suki out as the preview images suggested?

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>Ty Lee will be transgender
That makes her even better

What if Mai and Azula kiss
Then mai leaves her for Zuko

>I assume they'll also dial up Sokka's sexism a bit.
Bonus points for when they downplay his reason for being that way, for example growing up as the only able bodied male of a tribe of children and old people in the middle of butt fuck nowhere.

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It will be dull and humorless like the 2010 movie because gritty "realism".

The original charm of the show is likely going to be removed or heavily altered. Most of the humor worked because of the animation and the original voice actors. Add that to a prevailing belief that live action adaptation = realistic = darker and grittier, and you'll get a more "serious" take that winds up being less impactful than the cartoon.

So i guess that Netflix ATLA will just be The Last Airbender 2.0 then?>How the fuck is LGBT shit still causing controversy and headlines?
In this case, it’s more that they’re going to make characters who were never lgbt into lgbt.

>Not to mention cartoons have been full of LGBT stuff since the ending og Korra
Korra sucked though.

Nah. They’ll insert MCU tier humor and have forced quips whenever everyone tries to be serious.

Air Bending is no longer going to be attributed to a single race. "Air Nomads" will be from every race/religion, and that's why they travel around so much. The Air Temples are going to look like a multicultural paradise. They are going to tie this to the Fire Nation's politics, and make them full anti-race-mixxing bigots

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I expect Sokka to take the brunt of the bullet. Expect him to be the strawman in situations where he should be the voice of reason, expect his flaws to magnified and his character development to be reduced. Worst case scenario expect them to make him into a cock sucker and to make that a central plot point.

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i have seen this thread a lot on here and all of you post the same shit some shit about the characters being gay and men being useless are you retards feeling ok

all he said was you are a girl and i can beat you calm down you loons

he quite literally laughs at the idea of female warriors to their faces in the scene, and later realizes his mistake and humbles himself for 3 reasons
>realizes that hes not the hot shit on the block like he thought he was
>he can improve by learning from them
>war has effected everyone in different ways and everyone has to adapt, who is he to judge
The likely problem with the remake is that it will follow current trends and devolve into
>OMG sexism yass queen slay, stronk women dont need no man

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>the over explaining and retconning of George Lucas
That's already in the mix with Rowling.