Why are you looking at me like that, Nerdtron?

Why are you looking at me like that, Nerdtron?

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She should've kept the pigtails from the movie.

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Man the design of this is too strange lolol

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Makes her look like a 3 year old.
The designs are already too juvenile

This episode is 110% why I have a panty fetish

Not with that voice.

They didn't want to animate them moving around.

>show pairs the two minorities together

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It would cause too many collision issues.
You can cheat a rear ponytail and have it clipping through something behind her and not see it.

B-But I thought only Japan & Europe could lewd underage girl.

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I'm surprised they chose to make super an über-nerdy character like Jimmy wear boxers instead of briefs (or some scientifically-designed super-undies).

>Jimmy Neutron was 18 years ago

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Be thankful, if this show were made today then Cindy and Libby would be lesbians, Jimmy's dad would get a sex change to transition into a woman, and sheen would probably be gay.

She'd be hitting everyone in the face with them. Their heads are so huge, those pigtails practically double the size.

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Since when did Yas Forums become such animation experts?

my dad loved Jimmy Neutron and would watch it all the time, he has a gov job and was able to work from home. My friends knew it and thought it was really funny, so anytime I fucked up at school or did something stupid they would look at me and say "I wish Jimmy was my son."

Animation circa 2001 is fucking easy to grasp now.




>Jimmy's dad would get a sex change to transition into a woman
That guy was fucking crazy, that would be the plot for an episode and it wouldn't be OOC for him.

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I've done 3D modelling and video production for over a decade.

Remember when he made a woman give birth multiple times just because it amused him?

I heard there was a crossover between Jimmy Neutron and Spongebob

Don't make such bold claims you can't even prove.

Between Jimmy, Sheen, and Carl, who lost their V-card first?

It’s pretty basic common sense if you know anything about animation.

Because jimmy neutron, despite being a nerd, is actually pretty based and only scrawny wimps the shotas Yas Forums wants to fuckwear briefs


Put your pants on, Cindy

Sheen for sure

Ultra-Lord doesn't count.
She can't they were 'accidentally' controlled by one of Jimmy's inventions.

Kekimus maximus

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Ya. The early aughts were when the world was at least SOMEWHAT based.

Go Jimmy Jimmy, that's the voice I hear inside...

You mean Nicktoons Unite?

Sheen. No way is it going to be Carl, and Libby would put out before Cindy

He has one option.

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that actually sounds like it would be funny

>that episode where Carl dates a Swedish girl

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Remember how fucked up it is that Jimmy and Cindy switched bodies and got permanently brainwashed into believing they were each other?

Carl also gave birth to some aliens

Was this one of, if not, the last of the American cartoons to show pantyshots in kids shows?

one song from this show been stuck in my head for lots of years and it "I have the ring we all can sing but sheen" it from the wedding episode

Rewatching jimmy neutron right now. Jimmy and Cindy's relationship is cute

That doesn't count. Right?

A lama is fine too.

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>that episode where Jimmy and Cindy are stranded on a desert island together

You just know some Blue Lagoon shit went down.


Would watch that episode.


Based Dad

It was a really revolutionary episode. Normally cartoons does not have the guts to show the underwear of girls

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Have you never watched cartoons from the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s?

Cindy doesn't HAVE anything to put out.
Except for maybe the cat.


Why was it acceptable to show underaged children running around in their underwear?