So does anyone know why he left and who is going to replace him yet? What’s happening at DC? Are we still going to have to suffer 5G?
Any update on Dan Didio
he's still writing Metal Men, a top 5 series at DC right now
Is likely that’s Geoff Johns used his influence at the top of WB/AT&T to get Didio fired, his revenge for DC Rebirth being sabotaged and also because New52 ruined DC Universe in Johns opinion. Seriously, read DC Rebirth and Doomsday Clock, both are basically Johns saying “FUCK YOU” to Didio and New52.
Scripts were probably written ages in advance, he got canned and tossed out the building in the same day.
Johns should be fired too, they’re both terrible
He tried to replace Batman with a black person
You forgot Shazam
Shut it, Dan
Johns is less terrible than Didio, if anyone is to be fired from DC is the people close to Didio like Bendis, Tomasi, KSD,..
Why is there one dumbfuck lumping in Tomasi with Didio? Didio's bullshit drove Tomasi out of editing, and Didio keeps on fucking over Tomasi's books. Yes, Tomasi is clearly a big fan of the man who okayed the destruction of the Super Sons.
In what world do you think Tomasi is buddy buddy with Dan? Dan's the guy who fucked him over regarding Superman, giving Tomasi's job to Bendis
Why do blacks have to try and take everything from us? Why are they so creatively bankrupt?
Isn’t Blacks but creatively bankrupt (((white))) dudes like Bendis.
>You forgot Shazam
Never read Shazam, what was on it?
I think we might still have to do 5G, but maybe it won’t be as cucked. Hopefully it will also not last long.
Pam Lifford was disgusted at the concept of a white Batman having a penis of above-average length, so she had Didio fired so that she could not only have Bruce Wayne castrated and killed, but replaced by a Blackman with a penis of considerable length and girth whose only thought is to have sexual intercourse with a large black woman named Sam Gifford.
Well for starters Johns is completely ignore the "King Shazam" Infected nonsense, and overall nearly everything else currently happening in DC. That, and he also brought back Superboy Prime, who looks directly at the camera astonished that the audience has stayed around this long in a "wrong" universe
5G will happen, but not the way Dan originally wanted it. I think that's the whole reason why he got the boot
Have any ideas what they intend to do with it now?
I honestly couldn't tell you. The nature of Dan's exit, as with what exactly 5G is, was purely rumor and speculation. A few months back we had a "leak" dump but that may have been entirely bullshit. Still, you have to wonder if the negative reaction to that swayed higher ups
Black Batman was Bendis’s idea
You are a drooling Bizarro-tier retard if you think Tomasi is at all involved with Didio.
Of course it fucking was
There's no actual evidence of that. There's no evidence that Luke Fox Batman was gonna be a big facet of 5G in general beyond speculation.
Weren’t they grooming Duke instead, at least originally? I feel like that was part of the reason why we got “Ric” Grayson
No one’s replacing him. Jim Lee’s just the sole publisher now.
He ok'd Super Sons in the first place
He's not ignoring it, Billy's timeline makes 0 sense so you can plop it wherever you like.
>Weren’t they grooming Duke instead, at least originally?
Again, we don't know. We know next-to-nothing official about what 5G was actually gonna consist of. Even the most detailed leaks we could get from Bleeding Cool was comprised of *a lot* of assumptions on Rich's end. I doubt it went as far back as Duke though, as his prominence in Batman began and pretty much ended in the first year of Rebirth almost three years ago.
It's a 12 issue series right? No way the scripts are fully written and finalized with editorial/the artists this far in advance.
>He's not ignoring it, Billy's timeline makes 0 sense so you can plop it wherever you like.
So he's ignoring it.
Johns must have a hand on Didio firing but also happened because Didio pissed a lot of his formerly loyalists like Snyder and Tomasi by trying to micro-manage events and hiring Bendis.
Why would Snyder be pissed at Didio? Dan caters to him constantly
Snyder said on Twitter that he had “nuclear fights” with Didio, by what is said of Didio of people who worked with him is that he likes to micro-manage events and storylines.
DiDio got fired because he started to piss off everyone at DC.
I wish the same would happen to Bendis.
what influence? WB fired him after JL
Is likely that he is next unless Bendis is meinho protected by someone high in the WB/AT&T hierarchy.
We don't know exactly why Didio got fired, we do know 5g was already a clusterfuck, King's Batman was unpopular (in house), Black Label was a mixed bag and Lee was willing to do twice as much work for the same pay.
I don't think WB knows or cares about Bendis, somebody like Lee or Johns would be more likely to get the boot first solely for being higher on the totem pole.
Johns still is working at WB, the succesful Aquaman movie was based on his run. His also a personal friend of Kevin Feige who quite powerful in Hollywood right now. The JL fiasco is mostly blame at Snyder and Whedon.
seriously, Didio's rise led to the firing of Tomasi's original editor friend, Dan Raspler. Tomasi was Dan's assistant for five years (working on books like Hitman, L.E.G.I.O.N., and The Spectre) before becoming a fulltime editor.
Raspler (and Andy Helfer) were purged after Infinite Crisis and Didio's promotion to executive editor.
>So does anyone know why he left
The official story is for creating a hostile work environment. Lots of editors and office staff quit over the past several months and on exit interviews cited that his push to get 5G out on time but with none of the same problems that plagued COIE & NU52 caused things to get frantic.
Unofficially? Time Warner/AT&T told Didio & Lee that going forward DC Comics 'has to pay for itself' so Didio was probably panicking since DC has more or less been subsidized and now that AT&T is in the mix their bean counters are asking why this money pit still exists. Lee doesn't give a shit since he's got Wildstorm and he can always go back to self publishing or do X-Men covers.
It also didn't help that Didio made a lot of money and already had a pretty thick HR file because of his own dalliances with female staff & covering for guys like Berganza.
Oh yeah...publishing Batpenis the very week Diane Nelson's replacement Pam Lifford took over did NOT help him either.
>Time Warner/AT&T told Didio & Lee that going forward DC Comics 'has to pay for itself'
sauce or gtfo
>The official story
There is no official story. Stop spreading this bullshit.
ViacomCBS just sold their publisher Simon & Schuster who much bigger than DC, I wouldn’t be surprised if from a year from now DC simply don’t exist anymore.
I guess this is where I'm supposed to say "My Uncle works for DC" or something? I am social with people in the DC yard. I can't give their name.
>There is no official story
Yes that is true, there has been no story by DC/TW but internally 'creating a hostile work environment' is the cause on his termination paperwork
Also? It was an HR termination so he's lost whatever golden parachute was in his contract.
Is Bendis on his way out?
DiDio is unironically a better writer than Johns
Forgive me if I throw your insider knowledge in the trash bin along with all the other anons who like to show off their insider knowledge here.
I fucking wish but if Bendis goes anywhere it will probably be up into live action development for TV/film since his only reason for flipping to DC was the promise of 'Hollywood money' but that was the deal he made with Didio so he may be scrambling to find new footing along with others who were Didio's personal favorites.
Being self aware of your word being worth jack shit doesn't change the fact that your word is worth jack shit.
Is there any evidence that King’s Batman was unpopular beyond the interview where Tomasi said he did not want to be the guy that followed King?
There was the Harras thing.
I need some sauce bruh
Duke most likely was the plan until Bendis came along and most likely demanded to create a new OC to be Black Batman. If anything, Batwing (the rumored BlackBat) was a compromise candidate as far as DC realizing Bendis creating an OC Black Batman was a no go given how badly his Superman run was received, and Bendis refusing to touch Duke out of spite and malice towards Snyder since Snyder, like with DnA and Thanos, would burn Marvel to the ground before allowing Bendis to touch Duke.
Sales were more or less continuously dropping after #50, though it only really hit a sharp downturn around the time Knightmares started.
We don't know anything about the editorial situation beyond King's word (that being he wanted to drop it to focus on other projects) that for once I do think is probably genuine. After all, you don't take a guy who's work you're dissatisfied with and put him on even bigger projects where the consequences for failure are monumentally bigger. I think the fact that sales were declining just meant that editorial didn't really do much to dissuade him from doing it.
>Duke most likely was the plan until Bendis came along and most likely demanded to create a new OC to be Black Batman.
user I appreciate your creativity but there is literally no evidence of this at all.
Harras HATED King's Batman and realized that the only people who liked it were people who never liked Batman before and weren't going to stay after he left, meanwhile long term readers were leaving in disgust and shop owners were still salty about the fake bat wedding. I'm no fan of Harras but he actually did his job as an editor and realized King was causing damage.
Snyder never wanted to stop writing Batman. To get Tom King to commit to a DC Exclusive contract, King demanded Batman and Snyder got fired from Batman and put on a series of minis (Metal, All Star Batman) to wrap up his run.
Furthermore, Snyder originally was promised that King couldn't make any fucking changes to the status quo and that if any changes were to be made to the status quo, it would be through Snyder's various side books. DiDio kept this in place for about a year, before King started throwing a huge fucking tantrum when he was told that he had to write a flashback book to run while Metal was running due to Snyder calling the shots on the franchise and pulling rank on King.
King's tantrum led to him forcing the Batman/Catwoman wedding storyline into being and Finch being forced to work on his honeymoon to draw the proposal pages. Snyder was livid but by this point, King's run was getting super good buzz and Dan called and audible and told Snyder to fuck off and gave him Justice League to write and told him King's now running the show in relations to all things Batman. Which pissed Snyder off big time......
Where are you getting this information?
Who gives a shit? He'll get replaced by some Marvel castoff who will not only continue the cycle of shitty content but actively work to destroy the company for the glory of the Disney empire.
I can't wait to see you Dumb Cunt cultists seethe once your precious decades of continuity get stripped away and all the IPs get shelved or used to continue your "universe" of shitty undesirable films. It'll be karma for years of polluting the internet with your holier than thou chestbumping rhetoric and your endless fellatio of Grant Morrison. Your market value on here is already diminished to nothing, so it'll be just the thing to purge you losers for good.
>inb4 ur ladderbro
>inb4 ur mouseketeer
>inb4 whatever buzzword you'll spout in place of an actual argument
Granted, it's user shit, but didn't someone post a long list of alleged "inside dirt" saying that Geoff/Lobdell/Jurgens was staging a revolt against DiDio over 5G and that DiDio's side (Bendis, DeConnick, etc) were pissy that DiDio was going to put Lobdell, Jurgans, etc on the Black Label containment books and that they were going to be paid more than Bendis, DeConnick, etc and allowed to have their own little "Heroes Reborn" style microcontinuity due to Lobdell and company playing hardball and pointing out that their books would most likely outsell the 5G line given what happened when Bendis and company tried the same thing at Marvel?
My anus
Wasn't that YOU who posted that?
I just want Bendis gone asap
>Lee doesn't give a shit since he's got Wildstorm
This is the part where you sputter and explain how DC unbought Wildstorm
Yeah. The poster also said that they were going to another Convergence style two month "event" to sunset the previous canon with Bendis overseeing a massive "Titans vs Legion Vs JLA" war storyline.
Those two were announced as writing two out of the five "generations" one-shots that were to set up the new timeline.
>I am social with people in the DC yard.
Meaning if they're outside HR they shouldn't really know anything about HR related matters
Imagine him having to survive at Image
>I can't wait to see you Dumb Cunt cultists seethe once your precious decades of continuity get stripped away and all the IPs get shelved or used to continue your "universe" of shitty undesirable films.
I really don't watch the Yas Forums stuff and quite frankly? I'd be OK to see DC comics die a mercy death rather than keep getting mangled like all of this.
If WB/AT&T decide to license comic book publishing rights to the characters out? Things could get interesting.
You might be waiting a while. No chance Bendis gets fired, when he leaves it will be because he wants to leave.
>Lee doesn't give a shit since he's got Wildstorm
Ah yes, the imprint who's revival was so wildly successful that its second major ongoing was cancelled before it even started because they literally could not find an artist who could be bothered to work on it.
>DC won't exist anymore because Viacom sold off Simon & Shuster
I think you may have brain problems
>If WB/AT&T decide to license comic book publishing rights to the characters out? Things could get interesting.
lol how is that interesting? Licensing IPs out to third parties just means you're going to indie schmucks producing the same cuckold propaganda shit the Big 2 have been doing for a decade. In fact it'll probably be worse because the indie schmucks have no filter and no editor with enough consciousness of company image to reign them in.
DC has nowhere to go but down. It'll be all soulless consoomer garbage like Star Wars before 2030 rolls around.
Why won’t any artist do the book? Don’t they all get paid the same anyway?
The first artist they had dropped out because of depression and they just couldn't find someone else who was willing to do it.
He actually gets royalties on them as opposed to participation and the same creative control that Neil gets on Sandman. Also he's become the 'nice publisher' public perception wise and he doesn't have an original thought to save his life so the brass like him where he is to do what they say.
>and the same creative control that Neil gets on Sandman
So none.
You have never worked in a corporate office environment have you?
>I can't wait to see you Dumb Cunt cultists seethe once your precious decades of continuity get stripped away
We've already dealt with this once with the New 52. And we've won back a lot of what was lost once. We will again, if necessary.
> and all the IPs get shelved
Not likely. If in the extreme case of DC being closed in house, it'd likely licensed out to another company.
Much like how if Disney closes Marvel down in house you'll find IDW will have their current license to publish Marvel Comics expanded to teen and adult books.
> or used to continue your "universe" of shitty undesirable films.
Yeah, so our attempt to imitate your sucess didn't work out, so? We'll see how sustainable your MCU is now that they're adapting ANAD.
>It'll be karma for years of polluting the internet with your holier than thou chestbumping rhetoric and your endless fellatio of Grant Morrison.
Hey, You guys drove away the genius after his X-Men run because he had the audacity to portray Magneto as a unrepentant villain.
>Your market value on here is already diminished to nothing, so it'll be just the thing to purge you losers for good.
So much hate for no good reason.
Look I know you Marvel-fags are unhappy given the desexing of Ms Marvel and She-Hulk, as well as pretty much every other heroine of theirs so Disney could sell halloween costumes for little girls, but there's no reason to wish misery on others.
That's what you get when you don't lift
>So does anyone know why he left
Yes, but it's insider info.