This is a comic

This is a comic.

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We know, you post him every week. Stonetoss released a new comic, when are you gonna get to that?

You are a faggot.

I sincerely enjoy Ben's rendering technique.

How the fuck does a weak country collect debt from a strong one? Debt is a human-constructed meme. We could get rid of all of it by just signing a few papers.


>We know, you post him every week.
And he gets banned every weeks.

Hey guys *KOFF KOFF* what's going on in this thread?

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Stoney is ban on sight now? lmao

fuck trump

>freaks the fuck out
>now the number of new cases is declining well

>Ignores anything unpleasant (again) and continue to be nasty asses
>corona case is skyrocketing

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Oh hey man, c'mere and give me a high five! We're just posting some Ben Garison comics.

For once, for the FIRST TIME, it's not his fault, and yet he's actually taking the fall for it.

It's like seeing the Joker finally getting the electric chair, but only because he was framed for a crime that the fucking Condiment King did.

Friendly reminder, the economy is going haywire over fears for a virus that killed less people in its entire run than car accidents killed just this morning.

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The deficit is even faker. Inflation is too complex an issue to say that dogmatically, every dollar we put into the money supply, we need to take back in taxes, or else we have this terrible big number we have to deal with. The fact is, the deficit is getting larger, and yet the Fed isn't seeing as much inflation as they would like to. And yet we keep acting like someday we have to balance our national checkbook or some vague bad thing will happen.

Because people aren't vaccinated against it.

T. retard who doesn't get it.

Nobody is scared this'll be black death 2, people are scared a superflu is going to incapacitate workers and that that's going to fuck up the supply chain irreparably.

>its entire run
It’s just getting started, though.

Because there are no vaccines for it.

Yas Forums, you said you wanted to get rid of boomers. What the hell did you summon.

>Its mostly just killing their parents
Can't millenials do anything right?

By you going bankrupt if you try to renege on payment because no investor on earth would trust you, which means your fiat money is also worthless paper, which means none of your companies or citizens could afford anything from abroad, crashing your economy to the ground.

Trying to explain econ 101 is like trying to explain quantum field theory to a particularly dim rat though.

Does he? Why does he keep coming back then? Why do his threads last so long?

He could be taking steps towards containing the breakout making sure people have access to testing, but he's shitting the bed hard.

Not if the one reneging is the keystone of the international economy and also the world hegemon.

That would make it even worse, dumbo. Suddenly dollar is worthless green paper. You cant buy goods or services on it. Every american company is essentially bankrupt. The petrodollar is gone, replaced by the petroeuro or petroyuan. Every single forex investment or dollar reserve is gone, just poof, gone. Every company that owned some of the US debt are most likely bankrupt. You'd also get the worst and most useless bank rush in history. US importers are unable to pay their suppliers, the influx of goods suddenly grinds to a halt. The shelves are empty, no cargo is arriving any soon. Civil unrest follows soon.

Would be an absolutely amazing move. and a great way to implode in somalia-tier civil wars.

Then it's perfectly rational for people to be a bit scared. The WHO is saying we're at risk for a global pandemic.

A shame Obama didn't take action against swine flu until 6 months after it became a major issue. But hey who cares? Swine flu only killed 150,000 people.

car accidents aren't contagious dumb ass. Its a relatively new virus that most people aren't/weren't prepared for. Its airborne and can be found in the colon.


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>if you try to renege on payment because no investor on earth would trust you
Deficit isn't actually debt though.

The economic collapse is not because of national debt. It's because people stop going into work and stop buying a lot of stuff causing investors to bail and sell their stocks. Nothing to do with national debt, the "debt collapse" is a Boomer meme used as an excuse to cut social programs (while increasing military spending so the debt still increases).

You have to understand these people to understand their comics.

It isnt, but reneging on it has much of the same effect.

>but what about Obama

If you're going to shit on one politician for shitting the bed on a pandemic, than shit on all of them. Don't be a biased prick.

Swine flu is very tiny compared to covid-19.

Not to mention that the fucking number of confirmed cases is only going to go up given that it’s impossible to keep shit from spreading in NYC and it acts like a hub to the rest of the country
I’m a Software engineer and they straight up told everyone at work not to show up into the office until end of march

Are you saying that the illusion that we're actually going to balance our account at some point is what keeps the value of the dollar worldwide strong?

>Swine flu is very tiny compared to covid-19.
>1.4 billion contracted swine flu
>conservative death estimate was 150,000
You serious user?

The account IS balanced. Payments are being made for anyone who decides to finance the US government.

>keeps the value of the dollar worldwide strong?

That would be the petrodollar

I don't follow your reply here, that's not what he's inferring. Can you please elaborate on what made you post this inane comment?

this is a pandemic already , WHO just doesnt want to call it one for panic reasons (literally every possible definition is filled including the literal , WHO internal and World Bank Pandemic Bond release definition )

But hes irrelevant.

Um pandemic ≠ global pandemic

ok friendo

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Do you know who profits from fear-mongering the Corona Virus in the news media? The News Media and the medical/sanitation corporations.

It was pretty funny seeing people on the right switch from laughing at the Chinese outbreak to sticking their head in the sands and pretending Trump didn't just fuck up majorly by not doing anything of note to prevent it from reaching the USA.

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Moe people died from being hit by a car within the last few hours than this virus has killed in it's entire existence.

>Covid-19 has a mortality rate of 3.4%
Every pandemic has a high mortality rate during its begging when it kills those most susceptible to it. The rate will shoot down exponentially as people recover. Remember it takes a hell of a lot less time to die from something than to recover.

>a virus that killed less people in its entire run than car accidents killed just this morning.
It literally just got started. btw the virus is a serious threat to boomers and people with immune/lung problems. Take precaution for their sake.

Well damn. Why even use global as a modifier then?

>Does he?
>Why does he keep coming back then?
Because he's an "epic troll" that makes Yas Forums seeth.
>Why do his threads last so long?
>Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!

probably gay bureaucracy bullshit

>The rate will shoot down exponentially as people recover.
But we are only getting started. It's going to go up before the month is over.

Well atleast I can avoid farts pretty easily unlike the coughs and sneezes of degenerates that dont cover themselves.

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Only your mother believe such comments make you smart, faggot.

You do know this virus takes a while for symptoms to start showing? This is the very beginning.

This better be true, braposters are a fucking plague deserving that painful death.

there aren't vaccines for anything, sheep

Even taking into account how obscenely conservative that death count is the mortality rate is tiny, what the fuck. If 1.4 billion were infected with corona you'd be looking at a minimum 28 million dead going by the lowest commonly estimated 2% mortality rate. Survivors also are more likely to become reinfected and are left with lung tissue damage.

>not believing in the cooty shot

I'm trying to recover from corona right now. I've been put under house arrest in my apartment.
I wish everyone who thinks it's "just an overhyped cold" could get it, too.

I haven't stuffered like this since I had malaria in 2006.

cases can't go up if you don't test anyone

Damn it's like South Korea is a functioning state with a proper healthcare system and America is mostly a third world country that rich people fuck around in.

Damn, what's it like user? Hope you pull through mostly intact.

Something tells me you're exaggerating juuuuuust a little.

>my dad works for Nintendo

There is so much obvious shit-tier fear mongering going on in here like it's just another day at the trolling office. Nothing to see here folks.

Start buying stocks now. In ten years, you'll either be glad you did or the world would be so fucked that you'd be broke even if you held onto cash.

nooo not my bitcoinerinos! fix this globalists!

Waiting for a US politician to get it. Stocks will tank then and I'll make out like a bandit

Which companies would you suggest?

good, fuck this world

power to the people

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Italy has a fully socialized medical system and it's not going so well over there, quite the contrary.

Here's a lesson in econ 101.

>hey china, we're not paying you a single penny because you unleashed a deadly supervirus
>if you try and cause any economic issues, we'll fucking nuke you back to the stone age

Boom, I just fixed the global economy.

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>such obvious fear mongering
>c'mon, keep working for the economy!
>please ignore how quickly it's spreading and the mortality rate, it's so small compared to WW2
>nothing to see here folks, just ignore your dying loved ones and entire nations going into lockdown
>your corporate overlords thank you for your service. flowers and a giftcard will be sent to your next of kin, or whats left of them

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I can't sleep because of the constant coughing, which brings up slime with traces of blood in it every time. My eyes are weeping thin, white pus and I've given up on trying to wipe it away as it sticks together my eyelashes. My throat is burning and hurting so bad I can barely swallow my own spit, much less solid food. It's been like this for a week and has become progressively rougher. At this point my entire body is wrecked from lack of consistent sleep and it hurts like I was beaten just laying on my back. The doctors said that if it makes its way to the lungs I'll have to be committed and given respiratory help.

Nice try /cvg/ but this thread isn't your little safety zone to try and talk about a non comic or cartoon related topic


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>mostly a third world country
not commenting on your ideology or anything, but don't misuse terms if you're trying to sound smart.

To be fair he tried preventative measures in the first place by calling out corporate dependence on shafting America on employment and manufacture opportunities in favor of China in the first place. He couldn't go full authoritarian because then the usual suspects would go on and on about Mad Tyrant Trump crashing the markets and overreaching his authority if he shutdown all air travel to keep the spread contained. He'd have to crack down on illegal immigration, too, and you see how people react to that.

>Being scared of memeflu just as spring is about to sprong.
Why does anyone still listen to the media?

Now that is a low effort shitpost, but most americans actually think like that.

If you don't want to be too active, just do an index fund like SPDR S&P 500 ETF. Otherwise, it'll depend on your risk tolerance, whether you prefer having a yearly income, how much time you have until retirement, etc.

Fuck scientists and the media. Only Dear Perfect Leader knows the true way through all of this.

Indeed, spring will come to kill the viruses
and illness and /cvg/ will be claiming lol just kidding we didn't really think this was an apocalyptic disease.

>fuck scientists and the media
You mean the same people that said we shouldn't quarantine anyone or close borders because that would be racist?

Yeah, the details he puts into it are really nice - wish he wasn't so didactic with the constant labeling.