Flynn! Am I still to create the perfect system?

>Flynn! Am I still to create the perfect system?

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Clue was unironically completely justified in his actions but went about doing them in the in worst possible way

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>It was a coúp...

The Grid was really all he knew, and his one job was to perfect it. I felt sorry for him in the end when he asked Flynn, after helping Sam escape, confused and exasperated, "why?", Only for Flynn to reply, "he's my son!". Clu must have felt even more abandoned and insignificant because of that.

Yeah Finn really fucked up with Clu considering how he was giving a barley human program that could basically only do what it was made and an incredibly vague task of making a perfect system not to mention the grid really could handle the ISOs

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no idea why this was so funny

One reasons is because it’s probably one of the dumbest responses Finn could’ve had at the time, he was probably better saying nothing

The answer depends on what your current view of perfection means.

>One reasons is because it’s probably one of the dumbest responses Finn could’ve had at the time, he was probably better saying nothing
It's the way he says it. It's sounds like a smirk in audio form, basically it's a combo of duh/yeah, while being dismissive of Clu who's having daddy issues the whole time.

I always took it as like befuddlement

Because the line was delivered perfectly.
The answer is yes, but you can tell he knows something fucked up is about to happen

>create the perfect system
>only has two console exclusives

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>I always took it as like befuddlement
There's a lot to unpack about it. Remember that he treat Clu as if he's a machine, because he is, but at the same time he has the hypocrisy to treat him as a himself, because he is, he just can't grow like a human can. So it's not like he's smirking at Clu because he's lesser but because in his time in the Grid he's grown and made new realizations about how the system can be better, Clu on the other hand is himself in one moment of time with a set of directions he will fulfill. So the question comes up "Am I (Clu as a separate entity asking if his directives are still the same) still to make the perfect system?". "Yeah!" Said with confusion and no little bit of arrogance because the word is directed at something you produced out of yourself, you own it, it came from you and you didn't consider it's separation from you to be important until such a point in time as it could choose to stand against your wishes.
Kind of like a lot of parents who think they own their children regardless of actuality.

It's like your toaster suddenly confronting you and demanding to know if it's still supposed to make toast.

>It's like your toaster suddenly confronting you and demanding to know if it's still supposed to make toast.
A bit yeah. It's actually my favorite line in the movie because if you don't think about it, it feels totally out of place. If you do think about it , it's one of those great moment of hubris in story.

My brother and I still say this fucking line.

It is a great line

it's used whenever someone asks you something obvious

So can Tron be classified as a dead franchise? I mean most dead ips don’t get amusement park rides at WDW but after legacy underperformed Disney dropped it but I honestly think they should’ve committed more

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Roll credits

Tron could have been a money-maker franchise if more care and time was giving to it, but sadly not enough care or planing went into it.

Pretty much, although I’ve heard some rumors about an upcoming 4K release of Legacy with improved cgi for clu but if they were smart they could expand the script for Tron 3 into a show or movie on Disney + to diversify the content to make something akin to a Netflix original

Apparently they just canned a Disney+ series that was in development.


Unfortunately as long as Disney has Star Wars, which was what Tron was resurrected for to compete with in the first place, I don't think we'll be seeing any new Tron related media again anytime soon.

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Well, the true Tron related media were the friends we made along the way.

Bruce Boxleitner said he was done with the franchise after what they did with Tron in Legacy and Uprising getting canned.
He seemed to really have gotten his hopes up for the revival but Disney burying it hit him hard.

The SECOND they put that stingy brick Chapek in charge he bumbles around and cuts cost like the moron he is because that moron Iger set a president of blowing billions into the trash, Tron easily could’ve been the next big fucking thing if they committed to anything but ridiculous profits

But they killed Star Wars it’s nowhere near as profitable as it could be

>tfw literally what little I know about tron is from kingdom hearts
rinzler just fucking dies in 3d even though sora learns he's supposed to be tron/copy of the tron he knew

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Also I love how despite the fact that Disney + hasn’t even been out for a year it’s being fucking “streamlined” and a ton of interesting original content has been axed doesn't help that Iger spent a billion on every franchise and studio with a pulse so the second the future doesn’t look bright they panick

> Many of the shows that have been scrapped or moved to Hulu may have filled those holes in the schedule. But sources involved in several of the projects say that there was a lack of direction during the development process, which led to frustration and often multiple creative visions. On Book of Enchantment, for example, the executives at the streamer took issue with its dark tone and budget. And Tron, which Ridley was developing via his ABC Studios overall deal, had been in the works, though not officially greenlit, for several months when it fell apart, per sources. Though Muppets Live Another Day was shelved after an executive shift at Muppets Studios, the creative team — Gad and Once Upon a Time creators Eddy Kitsis and Adam Horowitz — is now back at Disney+ with the Beauty and the Beast project.



He just fucking dies in the movie too.

What's this about it being streamlined?

In the movie Tron falls into the sea of simulation and his fate is left up in the air

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They’ve got a lot on their plate and Bobs reckless spending left them in a bad stare

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>tron dead
>star wars turned into a shambling retard corpse
> daft punk dead
The future was so bright

I know user, I know

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While It's not as respected as it formally was, it definitely is as profitable. The mediocrity of the new trilogy isn't as much of a factor as people think. A spin off like Solo being an exception because of the lackluster reputation and expectations of the new series was accompanied by a general disinterest in a spin off about that specific character anyway, otherwise as long as it's still forced down our throats, and people keep looking through their nostalgia goggles, Disney will successfully sell the merch. Tron just can't compete with a such a bankable brand like that.

>It's only a billion dollar franchise now!
>Not the two billion it'd be if TLJ wasn't divisive!

The suits don't care, mate.

I like to think tron lived

God I hope the ride reinvigorates interest in Tron

This displeases me greatly. I liked the Tron movies and cartoon.
They can't make a good A name movie, Star Wars. They can't make a good B name movie, Tron.
What're they gonna buy next? The Asylum?!
OK, let's look at this rationally. Objectively. Dark Crystal series got made, that was good. Maybe the Rescue Rangers movie didn't get axed?

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Not even being ironic, Tron deserves something decent in its franchise. It can never seem to catch a break.

It's like if you make a setiente toaster and ask it to make the perfect toast, but then you decide that French toast are better, and whe it ask you why, you just can say "my son likes it".

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we didn't see him derez

He probably did but only after countless cycles of pain & suffering where he ended up losing practically everything

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>OG Tron is good.
>Tron Legacy is good.
>Tron Uprising is good.
>Disney refuses to do anything Tron related.
>You will never get that 4K UHD HDR remaster of Tron Legacy.

Has there ever been a more depressing and dark ending that the implied cliffhanger of Uprising? The revolution fails, Tron gets brainwashed by Clu, Becks and the gang are most likely dead, the ISOs are still wiped out save one even before the show started, and by legacy the Grid is most likely deactivated so it was all for nothing anyways

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It hurts.

He was younger, and more naive then. He didn't realize the subjectivity of what he asked. Clu was tasked to create the perfect system, and regardless of how justified he was in his approach by his vague instructions. That does not mean he is innocent of all the wrong doings he let happen, or made happen.

Actually I heard I rumor that someone actually saw a tested 4K remaster of Legacy with enhanced special effects being made by Disney

It's the voice break. He has no idea what's going on, and his voice breaks in his confused response.

One thing the Uprising has pushed is that programs can go beyond their programming and think for themselves. CLU had the chance to think openly despite his programing and go beyond refused to do so. Look at the MCP he was originally a chess program

Honestly most people would probably sound just as stupid in that situation,

He went back and clarified thats not what he meant. He feels dejected yes, but would still come back to play his part whenever they get around to letting him.

Well that's nice to hear. I felt bad for him.

This line plays in my head whenever I'm in the middle of programming and I just can't get something to work.
These two tweets were all I found regarding said rumor. I have no idea who this guy is, but people are believing him for one reason or another. Hopefully it really is real; theyll want something to promote that ride, but at the same time ive been let down before. I just hope they havent forgotten about Uprising, man...