Its time for Boomer comics, water edits, and wholesome edits.
Boomer Comics
>libs invented cloning
This is actually kinda funny
>Everyone's happy
>Clean streets
What's the problem? Not enough black people?
This one's fine. Not great, just ok.
Most of them are, they rely heavily on old tropes though.
It appears to me that this comic is mocking conservative fears. But I don't know what the cartoonist's politics are, but if it is meant to be taken at face value then it doesn't have a punchline.
Central City looks like THAT?
Sure, blame teens, I'm sure Seers had a website. I'm pretty sure a hostile retail environment, being saddled with predatory debt and crippling rents wasn't the problem at all.
not enough puddles of mysterious liquid in the seats or scary hobos asking for things.
It did happen though. But blatant sexuality only occurs in gay pride marches.
This isn't entirely inaccurate, though the parents and pupils who are most likely to complain are the really privileged honor students who need good grades at any cost so it will look good on their transcripts.
The poor kids and minorities just get their asses whooped if they make bad grades, or their parents do not care at all, with no inbetween.
This is kind of true, though
People don't communicate as much nowadays. Don't reach out and take those risks
Maybe it's my Gen Z showing but I really can't imagine an era where hitting on someone on the subway is socially acceptable.
As long as you're not being overtly sexual or lecherous
>Bill Clinton statue
What a cursed reality
I wouldn't say hitting on people is, but I've definitely noticed that older people (not yet grey haired, usually middle aged) talk to strangers on public transport more often. It's still a little weird, but not completely bizarre like it is to talk to someone who's using a phone.
>I sacrifice for murdering civilians overseas
>I vote for murdering civilians overseas
Wow things sure have changed huh
I don't really understand the logic of these. I mean I get that they're saying people today are lazy and don't sacrifice, but does anybody really want to go back to WWI/II levels of killing? There should be a happy medium where people are civic without dying by the millions.
desu this seems more justifiable than it's presented as. every class i failed as a senior was because the teacher was a cunt. there's no in-between on my grades, they're all either A or F because I just stopped showing up to classes with cunt teachers and wasn't allowed to do the exams because of that.
fortunately my countries education system only really cares about the number of good grades, not a GPA.
It's sad in someways, but I feel like the digital age contributed to my depression some. I love human interaction usually, I love technology too but it hurt my mental health more than helped it. At least sometimes old boomers start conversation on the bus here. But may be I live in a small European country and people will talk to other people anyway.
I actually try to stopped using social media last year and deleted all my accounts and my mental health improved so much.
This one always confused me
Its raining and he's using his reading material as cover, where as they, having tablets, cannot.
Okay, but why he is a prisoner then?
Is this supposed to be ironic?
They're just french.
This only applies to rich white people who bribed their kids to too universities
This is from a porno mag btw, so it's not anti-liberal.
Very accurate