Will you watch it?

Everyone in the show, except Carmen, Player, the French policewoman and maaaybe he Samrai are incompetent, jobbers, idiots, or a combination of the three.

Only played Bandersnatch. Thought it was neat. This will give me something to compare it to.

I’ve only played the captain underpants one, thought it was pretty cool that there was 5 possible different endings

I played a little of You vs. Wild and enjoyed Bear Grylls pouting when I made him eat gross stuff

>not Ivy's fat ginger ass
Plep. Paper Star is for underwater breathplay, not facesitting.

>underwater breathplay
you mean drowning

If I get the bad ending, then yes.

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I played the stretch Armstrong one once. I should play captain underpants and buddy thunderstruck cyoa once I'm done with the Carmen one

If season three ever comes out, whoever you are please make more edits like this .

I am really curious to see where it takes place. The trailer went out of its way to avoid spoiling anything.
