>tfw you find out one of your favorite comic book writers is a neolib simp not interested in any actually progressive change
Tfw you find out one of your favorite comic book writers is a neolib simp not interested in any actually progressive...
Other urls found in this thread:
Out of Mr. CIA why are you surprised?
>not interested in any actually progressive change
And this is bad because...
Ok boomer
>Tom King
>fav writer
Shit taste OP.
Joe Biden voters are the only sane americans this election, Trump and Bernie are 2 extremes that will surelly fuck your country economy and relations.
Except Medicare for all is projected to be a boon for the economy because it puts ordinary spending Americans under a lot less financial stress, and Bernie is only extreme by American standards, not any other developed country, to the point that it's unclear why you said "Your country". You're either from a country that already has this, or a third world basket case, in which case your opinions on how to fix US politics don't hold a lot of weight.
Yes, because constantly shifting between the far left and far right every election has worked well for South America.
>not progressive
If anything neolibs are the crazy progressive ones
Alright here's the problem with this mentality, you can't just begin to hate someone you used to like just because they have a different political opinion than you do.
Glowie likes the establishment. Imagine my shock.
The only *senile voters
I like Bernie but he’s been in the senate longer than I’ve been alive and has never passed one bill. It also seems like a bad play to follow up an administration people constantly bitch at for being “fascist” with an administration that’s going to have to massively expand the power of the executive branch to get things done.
Warren was our best choice but everything that makes her a great legislator is also what would make her a terrible president. Maybe if she can stop being a giant nerd she can get elected in ‘24 but we’ll see
You mean it puts working Americans under stress for nonworking Americans. Add a caveat that's it's for citizens only and I'm almost behind it.
Add another caveat that opens for competitive market instead of a monopolized pharma and I might be willing.
Shut the fuck up fagglit.
>You mean it puts working Americans under stress for nonworking Americans.
I'm a working American, and Medicare for all would absolutely be cheaper for me than what my employer is providing.
Why do you have a problem with your tax dollars going toward keeping people from dying
Trump 2020. Sorry not sorry.
Most people in the entertainment industry are neolibs (mostly Warrencucks) rather than true leftists. I think only Josh Keaton and Greg Cipes are supporting Bernie Sanders.
They're all faggots I'd knock em all out if I could get away with it.
Because my tax needs to be cut, not increased.
But don't you already pay for health insurance?
Neoliberals are only somewhat progressive as long as it doesn't threaten their wealth. For instance, twitter.com
That's also why so many few celebrities endorse Sanders. Biden won't threaten their money, while making them seem WOKE enough to go against Trump.
Actual progressive change must have the viscosity of tar pitch because bernie has been in the senate for 30 years and only got to rename some post offices.
>Biden won't threaten their money, while making them seem WOKE enough to go against Trump.
That does seem to be the essence of Neoliberalism.
Okay, crazy speculation time: What if the fear of the Coronavirus make a big chunk of the old voters afraid to go out to vote and it result in Sanders actually taking a narrow win because young voters still went out to vote?
Neoliberalism is anti social libertarianism and pro economic libertarianism. True progressivism is inverse.
If corona started a few months earlier, I’d say this would be garunteed.
He literally got Amazon employees raises last year. Have you looked through all the amendments he passed in the House?
There is a sudden surge in the paranoai, these last few days.
>Not Sanders
He had one job
>Have you looked through all the amendments he passed in the House?
That's like the legislative equivalent of a retweet.
Because due to entrenched insurence hospitals GREATLY inflate costs.
Though in fairness its because medical companies greatly increase costs.
Which is done because of a massive amoung of bureaucratic delay and regulation. Hell part of the reason they dont 'test' drugs as much is because they are basically financially punished for doing so via bureaucratic bullshit.
All they would do is forever entrench a broken ass system on taxpayer dime.
This isn't a problem in any other developed country
>Because due to entrenched insurence hospitals GREATLY inflate costs.
That's precisely one of the thing M4A will end.
And those countries dont research and develop new meds.
The US and its semi-functional system as it is. Contributes VASTLY more in the field of medical RnD
Actually challenge the points raised instead of repeating your mantra or fuck off.
By making the regulation / bureaucratic issue worse.
It will be tax money paying highly inflated prices instead.
Canadians go to the US for real treatment due to massive fucking wait lines and shortages.
The UKs NHS is failing, corrupt, and have 0 research and development.
France, following the UKs example largely.
Germany, was doing okay, now starting to fall.
Fuck off with your slogans cunt.
Biden has dementia Chief
Come up with a plan to keep a cancer diagnosis from becoming a bankruptcy sentence or fuck off
>Except Medicare for all is projected to be a boon for the economy because it puts ordinary spending Americans under a lot less financial stress
fucking what
every single Democratic candidate has stated explicitly that it's literally a mandatory tax in order to promote illegal immigration, which they don't pay into.
okay what?
>By making the regulation / bureaucratic issue worse.
Actually no. all in all, that it's a single payer system will make thing system. you are mistaken if you think private business don't have their clogging of paperwork and by-laws.
>Canadians go to the US for real treatment
Not really. only the richest one.
>that it's literally a mandatory tax in order to promote illegal immigration,
No, it's not and they haven't. and it will end up costing less than what most people pay for their private healthcare.
We're talking about a system so comedically stupid that nobody could even sign up for it due to programming errors when it was first rolled out, and you're sitting here telling me that I don't deserve a choice beyond choosing that instead of my own health insurance provided through my job.
Bull fucking shit.
Tell us how.
see that guy:
Which will be cheaper when you factor in the taxes you will have tp pay to fund it?
The vast majority of Americans support Medicare for All, though.
I disagree with Chuck Dixon politically on just about everything. But that doesn't prevent me from enjoying his work on Airboy or Batgirl: Year One.
That's because I'm a mature adult and not a tribal incel.
Time and time again I see real citizens of Canada and France and other countries posting about how they don't understand where this talk of hating the single payer healthcare comes from. Literally fake news. They are extremely happy with their healthcare. No one dies of treatable illness because they're too poor, so it's pretty chill.
Fucking this.
Why cant these cunts get it through their fucking heads.
>paying for the healthcare of the entire central and south american continents will drive prices down
the same way most advanced countries outside of the US do it.
Oh your just a cunt then. Fucky off now lad
Why don't you actually go on Bernie's website and use his tax rate proposal calculator which he's had up this entire time? I'll be saving 400 dollars a year and I already make 26k a year. Sounds like progress for the lower middle class to me.
I find it funny that Dems had to prop up a corpse because they've got nothing else against Trump that isn't Sanders.
I saw it, and you're wrong.
The second a candidate says "LE MEDICARE FOR ALL", their numbers plummet. Nobody wants to lose their health insurance to pay for illegals.
Fuck off
>I already make 26k a year.
I'm sorry, some of us actually work.
Whay can't you get through you skulls that what people have to currently pay for private healthcare is more than what the tax will cost?
Medicare For All, won't pay for that.Immigrants are but a tiny fraction of their country of origin.
Eat a bullet.
>Medicare For All, won't pay for that
Your democrat handlers say otherwise.
You daft spamming coon.
You illiterate jungle-monkey
You spastic magpie
>he second a candidate says "LE MEDICARE FOR ALL", their numbers plummet.
>Fundamental health reform like ‘Medicare for All’ would help the labor market
>Your democrat handlers say otherwise.
No they don't. They only say they will provide for Immigrants in custody.
>No they don't
They are filmed saying they do.
Literally the reason Warren dropped in the polls is because she backed away from Medicare for All.
Polling shows the majority of people who voted for Biden so far THINK he supports Medicare for All
Dude I work full fucking time you slime, 40-50 hours a week.
Again, see And also You are not making a point by showing a bait cover.
Do I get healthcare out of it? Yes? Does it cover everything? Yes? Then I don’t give a fuck.
Someone apparently doesn't like facts and solid reasoning.
>Tom King
Ok retard
It literally confirm what I said >They only say they will provide for Immigrants in custody.
is a moron because illegal immigrnts are not the whole population of their countries of origin and are a negligible fraction compared tot he US population.
Not to mention, most illegal immigrants pay taxes too, meaning they would contribute to the system too.
Shilling bernies website is not fucking facts nor reasoning.
Fuck it
>young voters still went out to vote?
They wouldn't go out no matter what.
You asked for proof of how it'd be beneficial or save Americans money right? The proof is on the site fucknuts
Because fuck other people
because a politicians site is so fucking trustworthy.
Talk to people, not fucking in the industry both medical and insurence. Not fucking articles by partisans
>and why would it be acceptable to harm your own people
It's asked as if it was an inevitable consequence when it isn't.
Government mandated healthcare means they will kill your child instead of attempting to save it. Thanks UK
>Talk to people,
Most US doctor also support it.
"it doesn't count" is not a valid argument.
It's literally his tax proposal that were arguing about with the numbers all out plain as day? What's he fucking hiding dumbass? You think he's got something hidden in there waiting to strike taxpayers and that it'd be legal for him to do that?
Sure. Thats the reason
And not because she is a walking fucking joke
Citation fucking needed. Sounds like false flagged bullshit to me.
The actual US doctors or their union leads? Because there is a huge difference