Please? (Pic Related)
I’ll be honest user, I’ve yet to watch a single episode of The owl house. That being the case, I’m afraid anything I wrote with Luz in it would end up aggravatingly out of character, sorry.
Disappointing but fair.
What about Brittany wong?
Well, I’m definitely more familiar with her and being just the generic mean girl does make her hard to write out of character.
I'm more of an Anne fan.
And she’s got soooooooooooooooooo little done with her!!!
Raisins related fiction?
What were you thinking user? Plot wise I mean.
if there's not enough to make one about her make one about anne pls, i don't think that's been done right
Lol, well that’s definitely original user.
I would also like to know what sort of plot you were thinking user.
Anne from Amphibia?
Not really. I've been pushing Raisins related content for awhile now (despite the mods efforts to silence me). I even made a shitty greettext story myself at one point.
she best girl
Huh, guess I’ve just been missing your posts.
I’m not overly familiar with her, I’ll be honest user but what kind of story were you thinking?
I don't know. Anything with anne and user cause i like her. She's pretty good.
Ok so I know you like writing user characters. So I’m thinking like:
Brittany is mean to teenage user.
(Fill this part with creative writer stuff)
She gets mouth fucked in a locker room.
And that’s my ted talk Anondive.
As long as it's not fetish or /d/ level stuff. People who like that can jump on a well. Kind of unrelated, but Anne is in no way the age they gave her in the show. She look and acts like a 16+ year old. And if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duke and looks like a duck...chances are it's a duck.
I haven't been pushing as hard, now that it's got some momentum going, but if you ever see someone in a loli thread talking about it, it's probably me.
How about sharing some more characters that are in your wheelhouse to give us a better idea of what we should be suggesting.
Well you’ve definitely painted a picture user lol.
Just do teenage user and teenage anne. consdering , it's the best scenario
fuck meant for
That’s fair, the only fairly prominent shows I really haven’t gotten around to watching are the owl house, Amphibia and infinity train. Other than those three It’s fairly easy to name a show I’ve seen.
If not this, then some Gaz or Mandy femdom would be very much appreciated.
kinda sucks you haven't seen amphibia
i really want an anne/(Teenage) user story. There was some art, a while ago, about anne teasing user on having a crush on someone with a big hair (obvious who it is) and it was breddy cute.
I’ll binge Amphibia this weekend and see how I feel about the character, A bunch of people have highly recommended Amphibia to me in the past.
See, I’ve gotten a Mandy request before, but that user wanted Mandy to be made submissive.First Gaz request though.
Very good, user! I reccomend it, it's a great show and Anne is an great protagonist. And if you're able, then after you do it consider writing anne/teenage user good vanilla stuff. cuz that's what patricians like.
>Mandy to be made submissive
I find that really boring and out of character. Unless it's like what happened with the monster mask, and she is forced to be submissive but is mad about it.
So to clarify, you’re looking for a romance story, yes? Nothing really x rated? I have no problem with x rated, just need to know.
I tend to agree, when I was considering that one I was thinking maybe a prank by Eris.
Well if it's teenage user/anne then x rated is good, but only if it's vanilla. Vanilla is good.
Out of curiosity user, what was your idea for Luz exactly?
Maybe you could have Mandy break free halfway through and then take control of the "situation."
Alright user, I’ll bear that in mind as I watch the show.
That would be interesting wouldn’t it? Huh, I’ll definitely consider that user.
You know, vanilla x rated? Wholesome stuff. And Anne as her actual logical age. Since when did 13 year olds go to high school, use bras and act like stereotypical late-year teenagers and look way older than what they are?
A big thanks to you, anondive
No, thank YOU user. you guys keep me from going insane from monotony. I’m always happy to hear and discuss requests.
again I’m not much of a story teller but I was thinking
luz and teenage user at school
(This part is magic and writer stuff)
they fuck in a closet while Eda is just outside or something
This board needs more greetext writers. We lost most of ours in the great exodus.
Possible idea, user walking through the woods and catches Hilda skinny dipping in a lake, before Hilda can get to her clothes they're taken away by a forest creature (maybe just leaving the hat, boots, and scarf), leading to user and a naked Hilda going on adventure to find her missing clothes (with sexy results).
not with hilda
She can handle it. Traumatic experiences are just part of life as an adventurer.
Hilda is off-reach. No Hilda stuff. A trip to the 6th circle of hell to you.
God damnit I'm getting sick and tired of seeing black spic characters. At least Victor and Valentino have given me pale Mexicans.
>Possible idea: pedophilia
More of Johanna kind of guy, user. I don’t mind writing loli, but Hilda
Oh well, it was worth a shot.
That is correct, take your fetishes somewhere else, miscreant.
Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’re among the stars user. Any other ideas?
How about mabel from gravity falls and acting flirtyand trying to seduce adult user? doesn’t have to be smut, but it would be nice.
sorta like you did with the panini story.
Different user, but would you consider writing something for the Librarian?
Definitely more likely than writing Hilda lol, what did you have in mind?
That could be fun.
My idea goes a bit like this
>Slow day at the library
>The Librarian passes the time by reading something at the "reference only" room (could be a romance/porn novel or something, whatever works best)
>Maybe she decides to blow off some steam while she's at it
>user comes into the library to return a book (could be his or from someone else)
>The Librarian is interupted as she needs to go to the counter to check it
>The delayed return fee is surprisingly high
>user asks for another way of paying for it, saying he would do anything
>The Librarian takes the oportunity and lewd stuff ensues
This is only wat I had in mind, but, if you do decide to write it, you could make any changes if you want
Could be fun, the Librarian really doesn’t get enough love, I like where your head was at for this one user.
Thanks. I'm actually in the process of writing a Marra smutfic myself and this idea just popped while I was planning on where I wanted to go with it. I just hope I can actually manage to write the whole fic well.