>Writer Mariko Tamaki and artist Mikel Janin are taking over DC's Wonder Woman title beginning with June 10's #759. First reported by Polygon, Tamaki and Janin take over from Steve Orlando and a rotating line-up of artists.

>"Wonder Woman was the hero I grew up with, she was my little-kid-living-room-cosplay," Tamaki said in a statement. "I have always wanted a golden lasso and an invisible jet, and I feel like now, writing Wonder Woman, I’m one step closer."

>And in the first arc, a surprise character returns: Maxwell Lord.... asking Diana for help, apparently.


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>a surprise character returns: Maxwell Lord.
Let's not


Is this a good or bad thing?

Snap a guy's neck ONCE, and suddenly everybody thinks he's your arch enemy or something, and he even gets a movie before almost anyone else in your rogue's gallery

Is this anime-American a decent writer? I have never heard of her but I have enjoyed Japanese takes on western superheroes in the past.
>Maxwell Lord
Diana killing Lord was one of her best moments and I really wish he would have stayed dead.

Hard to tell... Wonder Woman writers nowadays are rarely allotted the amount of time it takes to make a definitive run on the character without the intrusion of event tie-ins...

Orlando's run felt like it was just getting started...

Give Monstress a go... Tamaki works well with fantasy elements

I dunno. I like the idea of bringing some indie comics blood to the stale Big Two (seriously, the fact that Snyder, Tynion, and Bendis are DC's current "superstar writers" shows how low the bar is these days), but I don't like Janin. I also don't really care about post-Infinite-Crisis Maxwell Lord and they turned him from a complex amoral character to a straight-up mustache-twirling villain when they have a million other guys who could have fulfilled the story purpose he did.

So she always wanted to be Wonder Woman? I hope she doesn't make the story a power fantasy then and actually respects the character's essence.


not even picked up, he's on his way to becoming a cheap Greg Land

>Give Monstress a go... Tamaki works well with fantasy elements
That's Marjorie Liu.

it's going to suck. Everything I've read from tamaki has reeked of mediocrity and rip off plot. Or as shills like to call it "homage"

Well she did write Supergirl: Being Super... which was a lot better Supergirl comic than the dreck we've been getting lately

I am still mad that they turned Max Lord into a villain and stuck with it.

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Oh, you're a Lord fan? Since when?

You tell me.

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Redpill me on Max Lord

This is a huge bummer for me. I was really getting into Orlando's stuff. He's been dropping hints of some kind final fate for Exoristos from Demon Knights. And it looked like he was actually fixing Donna Troy's origin and history for the current continuity. Hopefully he's able to finish fixing Donna Troy before he's gone at least.

Synergy time, user.

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Used to be a sleazy 80's bussiness man, but with a heart of gold and backer for JLI.

Then he abruptly became a supervillain highjacking Batman's AI spy satellite turning it evil, creating sentinel ko's called OMACs. So Wonder Woman killed him to stop him from mind controlling Superman.

Then Batman's former spy satellite went on a smear campaign against WW in retaliation broadcasting the footage of her kill everywhere and sending the Omacs to fuck up Paradise Island. Then Max got brought back post blackest night he was obsessed with killing Wonder Woman to avert Kingdom Come's future or something. This was in Justice League Generation Lost.

And now he's a Wonder Woman villain despite almost never appearing in her book.

They should put Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo on the book. Not only would it attract Normies, but it would sell. Especially if he makes a mega event and Batman crossovers.

>killing Wonder Woman to avert Kingdom Come's future or something. This was in Justice League Generation Lost.
wasn't he going after Magog?

Feels like more fill in till 5G, hard to get excited


Nothing like a page randomly posted in Yas Forums to make longtime fans.

so DC hired another Marvel crap.

Presenting to true origin of Maxwell Lord's hate on for Wonder Woman. Not some weird thing with preventing Kingdom Come, Not ot Her breaking his neck.

It was her threatening to sue him for back JLI pay during the WML Run.

Keep in mind her JLI involvement was limited to a single meeting at the begining of JLE. She would not become a full member of the JLA until after Superman died and they needed somebody to pull the weight.

Maybe that's why he wasn't paying you, Wondy.

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Even more ironic considering Death Metal looks like will focus a bit on WW, considering what we've seen of the preview pages.

Which also involved him creating a super OMAC to kill Wonder Woman for some reason.

His plan was somewhat inadvertedly obstructed by the goddess Nemesis fucking up Diana's timeline and DC trying to pass off JMS's trapped in a bad alternate timeline story as a reboot.

Despite the fact all her spinoff characters were not affected at all during this period and appearing in team books like nothing had happened.

I feel like they could have made this guy the Duke of Deception or even (depending on his characterization) Doctor Psycho or something, using illusion to make himself handsome. At least those are actual Wonder Woman villains.

That JMS alt-history thing was weird. Especially because you can tell that "everything went back to normal" was supposed to happen at the end and it was meant to be a temporary thing, but the reboot happened immediately after out of nowhere, so this was her last pre-Flashpoint storyline before the New 52.

Tamaki wrote a very unpopular run on She-Hulk

So I don't see this going any better than Robinson, GWW or Orlando

Name me TWELVE Lords. Go on.

the other two covers

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yep, orlando's gone alright

This looks pretty good. I feel for Jim. He's clearly someone that actually enjoys comics, but I can't help but think he's cucked a lot with some of his decisions. I hope he's as tough as Didio is when it comes to being blamed for shit that has nothing to do with him, and not being praised for shit that is.

The story did end with Diana fixing the timeline and restoring things back to normal. Though the fact it ends with Diana talking to her mom about how she realized their reality is like silly putty and can be changed on them at a whim without anybody realizing and talking about how she feels another coming(New 52) and nothing matters was a real downer.

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Terrible writer who ruined she-Hulk before Jason aaron even did and a terrible tracer artist who shouldn't be employed. It's a great containment book that'll sell below 30K by the time the movie comes out.

>invisible jet
Someone at DC should tell these casuals to stop LARPing and just be honest: they never read comics and are hired because they check one or several diversity boxes. We all know this. Stop acting like you've read a comic, it just outs how casual they all are.

oh boy I can't wait for more traced Poser models

I hope Wonder Woman loose this outdated skirt
Film is film, comics need to sell

>tfw no JLI animated series.

don't care, all modern comics are the same sjw and feminist shit these days full of censorship and anti white male dialogue/plot lines

Why so soon? If you can't even stick with one writer how do you expect Diana to cement herself as a character?

Good keep him on a book i wont be reading so he doesnt fuck up my pull

Why do newfags think every writer needs to last more than 6 issues? Short forgettable runs used to be the rule not the exception. Now they act like every writer needs a planned twelve issues as if they should just continue books and toss writers on for an arc at a time in between long runs with big name creators.

Mediocre thing. Being Super was good but everything else I’ve read from her has been mediocre to shit. And Diana is editorially fucked. Even when the writer is good, editorial keeps forcing mandates that screw Diana over. What Diana needs is a long run from someone who wants to write her, not treating her book as a burden or an opportunity to get Batman.

>I hope she doesn't make the story a power fantasy then and actually respects the character's essence
Marston literally fucking intended for Diana to be a female power fantasy alternate to Superman.
> Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their weakness. The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman.
God Yas Forums is so retarded. And for fucks sake the last couple of runs have been about Diana being a useless whiner who can’t get anything done. Fucking Marvelfags have neutered the superhero genre by trying to turn every hero into Spider-Man

I just fucking hate modern Steve Trevor and Etta Candy. I can't read the book when they are in it. THAT'S FUCKING RICK FLAG AND GAY AMANDA WALLER! Why can't they see these new versions suck and are nothing like the characters?

Snyder isn’t very good outside of Batman and his Diana is especially weak

Because I want some stability for poor Diana and I'm liking Orlando's run.

>his Diana is especially weak
Is the best Diana we've been getting for a good while, since she's heroic, courageous, kind, and actually get shit done.

Because every new WW writer tosses everything the previous writer did out, regardless of if it was popular or not. Look at Batman, the strength of his brand is because writers pick up stuff that previous writers created and USE it. Morrison, Snyder, King, and Tynion have all used stuff from previous writers. That’s like 10 fucking years of continuous world building. Diana though? She’s constantly getting rebooted, and it never works. We need a long term planner like Morrison or Hickman on her book.


He doesn’t do it very well, but King absolutely calls back to past stories. He homages the very first Golden Age Batman/Catwoman stories after all.

>He homages the very first Golden Age Batman/Catwoman stories after all.
As a crutch to not develop their relationship while also rewriting the characters entire personality.

Oh boy, I can't wait to read about Diana spending 2/3rds of an issue navelgazing about how crazy her life is, setting up a confrontation as a cliffhanger, only to be resolved within the first five pages of the next issue so she can get back to navelgazing.

Because keeping the same writer on a book for longer periods means more consistency in virtually every aspect of the book which not only adds to its narrative value but also helps new readers stick with buying every month rather than dropping it when a new creative team takes over.

What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?

King did a lot of callbacks, whether or not his run was good or the callbacks were a crutch isn't relevant to this point.