Can we have a normal GT thread that isn’t full of creepy pictures of Miko’s ass?

Can we have a normal GT thread that isn’t full of creepy pictures of Miko’s ass?

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Other urls found in this thread:

miko's sexiset asset is her voice after all.

That’s all anyone cares about sadly
Then there’s me, who cares about fucking Five

I dropped the series after learning it was going to (probably) became serialized in the future like every single cartoon nowadays, so I'm just here to post Miko's ass.

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Show should've been about Five/Bergy, they're much more entertaining to watch then Five/Miko


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>Can we have a normal GT thread that isn’t full of creepy pictures of Miko’s ass?
But that is a normal GT thread


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Why are butts scary to you user.

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Based. Fuck op.

Why would any adult be interested in watching this show?

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Yeah, the show itself is shit and has nothing to offer. It's like the Korra of the 2020 shows

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RTS episode when?

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0.05 seconds of the upcoming SUF episode have been deposited into your account, courtesy of Turner Broadcasting Network.

>full of creepy pictures of Miko’s ass
Careful OP, you might end up sounding like a "filthy sjw" who actually wants to talk about cartoons

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Just talk about cartoons then.

But then these threads would be full of fujos and there'd still be porn.
I mean, I ship Five/Miko and Five/Bergy , imo both are entertaining.

I wish this show was more serialized, at least then we could autistically keep these threads afloat with bullshit theories and trashy shipping.

Last thread was killed off and Glitch Tech threads should have stayed dead for a while longer. This is coming from someone who frequently comes here to post Miko ass.

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These things look like the old 2000s Panasonic GameCubes

Is this series worth watching?

And why does Mikos design remind me of a certain purple horse?

Well, that's pretty simple. They're similar colors.
Other than that, they're very different characters. Miko is more like Rainbow Dash in personality.

That doesn't sound like a Glitch Techs thread to me

there's a fair amount of Pinkie Pie tossed in there too

do was and with her bodytype even exist?I can only think of titty monsters existing among the chunky ones

do asians with her bodytype even exist? I can only think of titty monsters existing among the chunky ones

If more artists remembered the flatness I would be much happier with this mediocre FotM show.

I have seen fat assed Asian flatties in the past. They are rarely seen though like a beautiful sasquatch.

I channeled my autism into this drawing. Sorry for uncanny valley hands and legs.

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I saw one in my summer school session that kept staring at me and masterbating in class super obviously, that other girls looked at her in disgust. I was too much of a good boi to go for her tho among autism.

Well, I guess Miko's only half Asian, so maybe the ass comes from her dad's side.
>looks at Miko's mom
Oh wait... nevermind.

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Her dad has the sticc genetics, just look at poor Nika. Wonder who Lexi will take after.

v. cute user

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It's probably the gamer fuel

Want to see more of their shenanigans in a future episode.
Nice, keep practicing and you'll definitely get the show's designs.

Is the GT world Anarcho-Capitalism: The Cartoon? We never see any government officials or their appendages (police, fire fighters, military, etc).

The glitches are corporate sabotage by other companies without violating the NAP directly. Etc.


I don't understand Miko's family
>Eldest daughter is white
>Eldest son is hapa
>Second daughter is hapa
>Third daughter is yellow
Every scenario of divorces and step families I can imagine just makes it more confusing.

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I wish I could draw at least like this.
Thank you. Kinda wish I was drawing digitally because it can get messy on paper. And I just never practiced drawing poses and other stuff so everything would look anatomically correct. Getting hands right is just impossible.

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You mean like the few hints of deeper lore in the first couple episodes? Kinda wish they had kept that going. Overall it was fun though.

>ywn have an autistic fat assed asian chick masturbate to you in the middle of class

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