I Fucking Hate HATE Task Master in the Back Widow

I Fucking Hate HATE Task Master in the Back Widow
As a big Task Master fan I am livid.
Black Panther moves and claws were good but I cannot get excited with this dumb bargain bin Lord Zedd

What disappoints me the most is that they've been faithful at recreating the original comic look of characters for the most part. How hard is it to give this guy a proper skull mask?

At the very least all I want is to remove that ugly visor

Attached: the bare minimum.png (1200x800, 956.85K)

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>Botches the skull because muh China
>China can't watch the movie
Well played mouse

It looks insanely bad. I also think they made him a her.

Do we have photos of the original. This looks digitally altered above the bridge of the nose.

Marvel/Feige are unceative idiots and people have the gall to blame China for bad costume design

it's because skeletons got removed from some game due to some asinine laws over the depiction of death in china

and now everyone's is dying there

Insomniac did a better Taskmaster design

yeah I drew in the bare minimum I would accept for a better looking Task Master, 19 hours in photoshop

Helmets are never tight enough or small enough to match comics. The skull caps Cap wore were as close to the skin and as this as you could get like BaleBatman's facemask. Like that but silver, superthin, have it's strength be a special effect like vibranium. The mask itself should take up negative space on the actors face and be digitally rendered in and moving like Green Goblin CGI.
But I guess they are saving that for Dr Doom and then Kang.

>they are saving it for kang and doom
Dont cheat yourself

I'd even be fine with just a mouth piece and we saw his eyes. Give me anything but what we're getting

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>they are saving it for kang and doom
And building want in the audience for it.

>A taskmaster fan

nigga gtfo

Wait till the synergy hits the comics :)

>How hard is it to give this guy a proper skull mask?
Are you retarded?

Attached: Winnie The Pooh's Recliner of Rage.png (320x287, 96.67K)

>Haha silly backwards Chinese sensibilities there's nothing wrong with skeletons!

What a cryptic post.

Looks like a power ranger villain.

Give me bones!

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>the depiction of death in china
Is that why all the coronavirus corpses are made to look like they're just sleeping?

China is spooked by skellies

What about that Iron Man scene in Far from Home, user.

>Puritanical value of not wanting children to see porn
>Spooky scary skeletons send shivers up the spine of my little red book
Nice false equivalency.

And rightfully so, Skeletons are nasty

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Cant have a skull mask it'll scare china.

In the movies it felt more like BP was dangerous because of his powers and suit, not so much his skill as a fighter. Weird that's who Taskmaster copies.

The claws make sense if he's been watching BP moves, though.

I guess I don't mind the claws but the face is crap

Karate Bugmen Skull looks more skull than this.
This is embarrassing.

The costume doesn't matter at all to the character you autistic tard

I don't understand why they didn't just give him the Udon mask.

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The sonic fanbase campaigned to get sonic changed, and they fucking changed sonic.
Watch marvelfags eat this shit and ask for seconds, everybody.

Will Taskmaster actually be an android?
This figure shows more mechanical parts instead of a face behind the visor

Attached: ESHcOLAUEAE7n9Z.jpg (824x1200, 204.82K)

but could also just be AR UI on his visors

that's a HUD

>i can't believe they made changes to the comic books i already was familiar with
It's been a fucking decade and you're still this far behind. Fuck off.

or is it?

Ghost Rider is popular and airs in Chinese media, this is just Marvel Studios being fools

Is he still a massive dork who wears his heart on his sleeve? Because the whole "practical yet human" thing Taskmaster had going was super endearing to me.

>And I'd like to introduce the new look for Taskmaster in the upcoming Black Widows stand alone film

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>bargain bin Lord Zedd
god fucking damn i cant unsee it...

You think that's worst part? the worst part will be seeing the synergy doing its job, are you ready to see this design in comic and Taskmaster as the official archvillain of Black Widow? no? well, too bad!

Why was he so perfect lads?

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I hope this tanks for them banking on China
Thank nCoV

most likely because it's too similar to the Punisher logo

Keige should be humble and put someone to take care especially of the character designs, in that direction X-Men and Fantastic Four will be worse than the versions of Sony and Fox
Guess what? it didn't help, nobody will see Black Widow in China

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More than likely it's a HUD to get readings on his opponent. I'm going to bet that his copying and physical abilities are tied to the suit rather than his own abilities.

>Not even the slightest hint of his real personality in the movie so far, just tacticool garbage
What a shame.

it hurts, my only hope is that we'll somehow get a proper Taskmaster in a Deadpool movie but that's a stretch

>nobody will see Black Widow in China

are you serious?

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Because everyone will be quarantined in their new and wonderful hospitals and be cure of the covid-19 corona virus via cremation

Attached: china-quarantine-prison-camp-hospitals.png (600x400, 392.82K)

I really want to know where this "China hates skeletons" thing came from, Coco had tons of skeletons and the movie was a big success over there, you also had zombie Iron Man in FFH

I guess everyone on this board is a fucking retard, the reality is that they went with a tacticool design rather than going for a goofy skeleton mask, it has nothing to do with China, or censorship

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So is skulls and skeleton art banned in China? WTF? Why did Disney release Coco if this was the case?

Good call. The twist is that "Taskmaster" is actually daughter of taskmaster and in the end she is redeemed, because the power of the 'sisterhood of women looking out for eachother' that doesn't actually exist in real life.

China is topical.

If this actually ends up being the case then I'll accept the look

Ye! You go get them chink- I mean champ!

World of Warcraft. They changed some undeads to not show bones.

It's the black dude that's not in any of the trailers


>big Task Master fan

>Keige should be humble and put someone to take care especially of the character designs, in that direction X-Men and Fantastic Four will be worse than the versions of Sony and Fox



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