Marvel SEETHING over Joker

Marvel SEETHING over Joker

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Maybe, but Clint is also the sort of egotist who thinks nothing and no one is cool unless he tells you about it.

>only jerks illegally download stuff

Says the guy who took the law into his own hands.

Why does Marvel keep referencing DC stuff? It's like they are obsessed with them

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It sounds kinda forced there, Deadpool joking about the Joker movie makes sense since both characters are "rivals" fighting over the R-Rated edgy humor audience.

Carnage or Green Goblin making a Joker reference would be way better, even Gwenpool would be a better choice.

They are. The weird thing is that Marvel comic writers talk about DC movies like writers from either company have anything to do with any films. So you have the MCU and a Marvel writer comes along and is like "I made this" and starts making fun of everyone else.

How is this 'seething'?

i dont get it

When did clint get a neet stoner bf?

Wow, that's pathetic...

When he fell even further down the 'I'm a loser' hole.

Imagine sending a screencap of this comic to the writer on twitter and saying "this sucked. I pirated it btw".

It's not just referencing. They fire shots at DC all the time. But it's always one way. DC, for all their flaws, at least isn't petty enough to constantly fire shots back at Marvel.

But he wouldn't download JUSTICE, and until he does his hands are unstained with hypocrisy.

>It's not just referencing. They fire shots at DC all the time. But it's always one way. DC, for all their flaws, at least isn't petty enough to constantly fire shots back at Marvel.
I liked how Deadpool The End was taking shots at DC for being too edgy when the most praised Avengers run of all time is about the Avengers destroying Earths, selling their souls to the devil for power and murdering other heroes.

>Marvel SEETHING over Joker
>It's literally just a couple of panels of Hawkeye saying that the PREMISE of Joker sounds bad and telling the other guy to fuck off for pirating it and for calling him during a bad situation
Is this "SEETHING" according to you?

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>the most praised Avengers run of all time
I really hate casuals like you.

How many people has he killed?

Name ONE Avengers run more praised than Hickman's.

And no, Busiek's isn't.

Yes, it is. Hickman's run was the worst of all time. Yes, worse than Bendis.

>Yes, it is. Hickman's run was the worst of all time.
It's not what the critics or Marvel's fans say, my boy.

There's no Avengers run more praised by comics critics of Marvel fans as Hickman's. One single user complaining about it cannot change this fact.

To both of our dismays, the best-received run is Aaron, actually.

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Your opinion is in the minority, fagbrains.



See He's rated under Waid, lmao.


Waid’s avengers was ok if you haven’t read the stories they are obviously “taking inspiration” from. He mostly got the team dynamics and the characters right, but the plots were lacking.

Now aaron on the other hand...why the fuck is it rated so high

Marvel fans wanting to pretend that they haven't been sucking Hickman's dick for his Avengers run is the funniest thing.

I am here since 2012 and I saw every thread of Hickman's cocksucking.

lmao, lowest rated one there hahahahaha

Have you considered Yas Forums is not one person?
>I am here since 2012
So you're a newfag?

>Have you considered Yas Forums is not one person?
I know that. So I saw multiple people sucking Hickman's dick for all these years.

Why do you wanna pretend that Hickman's Avengers isn't the most praised of all time?

>Have you considered Yas Forums is not one person?
>>I am here since 2012
This applies to you. When you see 50 people saying something then they are the majority, not you and two other faggots.

I just showed you a critic aggregator site showing it isn't the most praised. What else do you want?

Roger Stern's.

>the best-received run is Aaron,
Why is this happening?

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They live rent free.

little brother syndrome

Okay but it's close enough while your suggestion is the worst. Sit down, bitch.

Is it really that hard you admit you were wrong?

>I just showed you a critic aggregator site showing it isn't the most praised. What else do you want?
The same critic aggregator puts Gabby Rivera's America much higher than Busiek's Avengers.

You can't trust this garbage.

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Are you brain damaged? We aren't discussing actual quality, we're discussing how the stories were RECEIVED. How is your non sequitur relevant at all?

So would you say that Gabby Rivera's America is more praised than Busiek's Avengers?

They way i see it, is that im kinda like robin hood
I steal from the rich pedophile hollywood elites and giving it to the people

Objectively, by critics, it is.

Sorry but it sounds salty as fuck while poorly feigning disinterest.
>oh here's s reference to that movie that made a billion on it's own merits
>sounds super dumb. Let me keep fighting ninjas in central park. Is it ninjas or ninja? Haha so fahnny

There's a few things with Death Masque in Deathstroke or with Earth-7 but I feel like it's always light hearted
Meanwhile Marcel alternates between the nice hommage like with the Squadron and the autistic screeching

Is it really that hard you admit you were wrong


>nice hommage like with the Squadron
"Nice homage"? The Squadron is literally "Justice League but fascist and violent".

At least try to pretend you read the Squadron's classic mini.

I have.

If you had, you would know that Gruenwald's Squadron Supreme is just "Justice League but VIOLENT and FASCIST".

Is this supposed to be seething? A reference? Is this the new low DCucks has come to? Trying to find stuff to be mad about in Marvel's comics? That's pathetic.

Is that really were your understanding ends? They were portrayed as three-dimensional, realistic, suffering people.


Hey Tommy, haven't seen you in a while

Not it is only the retarded DCfags who will never grow out a spine and will forever be assmad about whatever Marvel does.
Take characters like Red Lion, if the role were inverted you'd have daily threads about "How did Marvel get offf with such a blatant rip-off?"
But since Marvelfags aren't autistic, they don't do it.

What you mean?

I know it's just "violent JL" but it was "nice" as opposed to just showing a Superman ripoff getting rekt or something
Another "cool" example would be the trespassing thing in Lockjaw, that was short and fun.
Doomsday Clock did it well too

>They were portrayed as three-dimensional, realistic, suffering people.
Why is it that Marvel fans always use this same explanation to justify Marvel's fascist, violent characters?

I have seen this being applied to Punisher, Moon Knight, Doctor Doom, the Squadron Supreme, etc.

If I'm not a violent fascist fuck, I'm not realistic?

Gruenwald's SS was just "Justice League but VIOLENT", as it was intended to be. Treating it as a masterpiece is just Marvel fans trying to overcompensate.

See, this is what "seething" looks like right there.
Poor DCuck, forever obsessed.

>this movie was dumb. Didn't even pay to see it lol I pirated
Why do this other than to throw shade... at a movie making a lot of money and getting nominations for best movie and shit.

Oh, never mind. I'm speaking to Tommy.