Black Widow Final Trailer

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Big deal.

At least keep your hood up you idiot

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Does mimicking black panther count a cultural appropriation?

A marvel movie that doesn't overuse cgi in every fight? Thats refreshing.
Only thing I don't dig is Taskmasters visor, it looks too much like a paintball accessoary. On the bright side it could be worse, like the Avengers game version where it a literal bootleg Army of 2 plastic mask.

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Strangely enough it doesnt look absolutely terrible

Cultural appropriation is literally Task's power.


Who's the bearded guy?

I think its mainly because they don't seem to focus on the fact that its a female superhero that both Marvel Studios (Captain Marvel) and WB ( WW to a small extent and BoP) have been guilty of, it just looks like a competent Winter Soldier sequel which fits BW like a glove narratively and thematically.

Is mimicking the Avengers his gimmick?

Red Guardian, the Russian super sopdier.

I think I'd have preferred Bucky to be the villain to be honest.

Black Widow has been in like 7 (?) MCU movies, they hardly have to sell her or the idea of her being a female Superhero.

Do you not know Taskmaster? How are you even on Yas Forums

Yeah, he can duplicate any attack he's seen. The airport Civil War fight must've been a goldmine for him

Photographic Reflexes, he can mimic the physical skills of anyone he observes.

No wait, its 9 movies counting this solo movie, which has to be the record for a female action star in a role, unless their are more Resident Evil movies than I'm thinking.

That's a cool idea, but I think this widens the scope.

He was in wakanda by that time getting pegged by Shuri.

Gotta say I kinda like the music, its a tad repetitive but it kinda becomes a droning ear worm.

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So are the rumored leaks confirmed now or something?

If he's a super soldier, why is he fat?

>*excludes growing large, small, controlling ants, building armor from scraps in a cave, phasing through solid objects, hurling uru hammers, calling down lightning or being the strongest there is.

any taskmaster recs or winter guard?

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Gets kinda absurd when he does it to Spider-Man though, but luckily he's not in this film.

Probably the same reasons you are.

What if he watched Brad Pitt fight Bruce Lee?

taskmaster recs, now we need winter guard recs.

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What are Yas Forums characters who's skills Taskmaster could learn to become the ultimate opponent?

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Jackie Chin, but only when he's in a Home Depot while trying to protect a baby and doesn't want any trabble.

>can't put skelleys cause china
Fuck that, give me a proper Taskmaster, not tacticool shit.

Taskmaster has been tacticool for 20 years user, but yeah the eye part of the mask really looks like a bland skiing mask.

Milla Jovovich only did 6 RE movies and Kate Beckinsale only did 4 outta the 5 Underworld movies.
Those 2 are the only ones that come close granted you could probably 1 or 2 of the marvel movies could be argued down to just a background special appearance type thing

Can taskmaster play Salieri?

they probably werent given enough money to do big CGI

> those accents
oh no

That is literally Taskmaster's power. He can learn things just by looking at them.

only combat stuff

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Cool but where's the Eternals trailer? You said there would be a trailer, Yas Forums.

he goes in and out of tacticool but he's never given up the skull mask

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Late April early May at earliest

I still hate Taskmaster's paintball mask

rest looks fine


>Gets kinda absurd when he does it to Spider-Man though, but luckily he's not in this film.
He is capable of reaching superhuman for brief moments, but his body suffers afterwards because the body parts went pass what they should be capable of.

>Cool but where's the Eternals trailer? You said there would be a trailer, Yas Forums.
Well the trailer is finished. So now they are just waiting their turn for release. But MCU have so many films in the pipeline that they all had to take their turn one at a time.

Who's the sword supposed to be? Thor?

I can't stand to see fight scenes with only the stunts anymore, I won't pay to see that

Ronin probably. And it looked like shades of Iron Man when he was diving.

This is easily a better design lol

Incredible with a female director they couldn't make Scarleth beautiful and sexy in any scene, Any scene in all the trailers and posters. Where have I seen this before? Ah, Birds of Prey

Black Widow takes place before Infinity War.

hmmmm, that's exactly what a homosexuel would say

For fucks sake he looks like he is from a CW show there, I get its cool being Yas Forumsntrarian, but there is a point where it becomes potato downes syndrome tier of niggertardation.

Is the kick at 1:15 a Spider-Man move or a Black Widow move?

200 Black Widows and none of them looks good like Black Widow in Iron Man 2 even Scarlett Johansson

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Rachel Weisz is totally Taskmaster, yeah?


See this is interesting.
We know that there's some footage of Hulk from the battle in ..was that Africa?
But is there any recordings of Thor? Maybe Battle of New York?


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Probably can't make it more skull like because of China.

>he thinks there are people who read comics in Yas Forums

is that skinny favreau? what in the fuck

Either Avengers 1 or 2

No. You can see Milena in the helicopter during the scene where they're all falling, and Taskmaster is in top. O-T Fagbenle is going to play Taskmaster for sure.
That doesn't mean she couldn't be a final boss type character though, pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

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supposedly it's an ex of Natasha's that helped her escape during the Bulgaria incident and she thought died. Turns out he got a new job.