Why do they do this?
Not even Hulk would smash
because female sexuality is sinful and perverse, and we must uphold traditional conservative values
>Not even Hulk would smash
but I would
>Not even Hulk would smash
Ofc he wouldn't, she is his cousin, you degenerate inbred.
To make her more of a hulk
>this bait thread again
Only by blood.
Looks like a Hulk to me. I don’t see the problem.
Oh no, don't pin this on conservatives - making fictional women sexless so men can't enjoy female sexuality without paying for it is strictly liberal bullshit.
Best case scenario you're women or trannies. Worst case scenario, you're a bunch of fucking soibois who simp for women who don't even exist.
didnt know hulk was gay or thor for that matter, why would u bring this up in the middle of a battle
Ironically, this change is spearheaded by a STRAIGHT WHITE MAN.
Ironically, SJWs are the reason why non whited hate whites these days. Not because they listen to them, but because they have to put up with them. So mission accomplished I guess?
shehulk has full control over her hulk powers, she can be as beefy or as sexy as she wants
Hey guys there’s a really good thread about non-political comics on the catalog
Ahaha! (Claps hands) he said it! (Clap clap) he said the simp word! (Clap clap clap)
Damn, She-Hulk got thicc.
Sounds like something a simp would say
Seethe harder, troon.
I don't mind the extra size but why is she a retard now
>Fetish and coombrains defending this woke trash
It's literally just women trannies and soibois pretending they like it to spite men
Hoes mad
you know this is an old cover since outrage gwen is not present
user you have to be over 18 to post here. Please put the phone away and pay attention to remedial english.
>Not even Hulk would smash
But isn't it canon that She-Hulk and Thor are constantly fucking in Aaron's Avengers?
Does raping basic grammar and acting like a whiny keyboard warrior make you feel better? Because do I have something you can use! SUICIDE! All you have to do is take your mommy's kitchen knife and shove it so far in your entitled face you'll die instantly!
Interesting. Where can I learn more about this?
No she doesn't currently. She's stuck as a dumb ugly brute, and because of Aaron's character assassination she doesn't want to get help for problem and get back to normal. Don't even try to defend this shit.
What they've done to her is an absolute disgrace and needs to be fixed. We need classic Jen back asap.
Is the one on the left a female or male?
You're gay as fuck.
Aaron wanted to write Bruce Banner Hulk but Immortal Hulk was better and sold better than marvel thought it would so he can't use Banner.
>t hypocrite edgy keyboard warrior
>and tranny
Your favorite topic.
Anything is possible when you're a Marvel writer. You can take a young man with ice powers who has been heterosexual for over 60 years, and reveal he's been secretly gay all along. Not bi, more like full gay. You can take an old man with an adamantium skeleton and reveal he used to be a wolf.
Anything is possible as long as you ignore common sense and have an inflated ego.
Imagine supporting character assassination from a hack writer because you think it makes males on the internet upset
And why not just tell him he can't refuck up either Jen right after she'd been restored back to normal by Tamaki? Just tell him he can't have a dumb hulk right now. And they've still let him damage her character by turning her from a self confident woman who was proud of her sexuality into a self hating prude.
>actually looks like a female he-hulk
Jen has always been a shitty combination of grrl power pandering and coomer bait.
Girl Power combined with Sex Positivity is good, prude.
Yeah, now she's a retarded gorilla who's literally just a female clone of an existing male character! How empowering!
Seethe harder tard.
God this is bad writing.
>Generic insults
What the fuck even is your point?
>hyperfags ruin another muscle waifu
why is this allowed
did you guys liked Dan Slott or Charles Soules runs?
actually, troons' suicide attempt rate recently reached 50%
>because female sexuality is sinful and perverse, and we must uphold traditional conservative values
Kevin Feige is the CEO of MCU and Marvel Comics he said he hates leotards and it will never be shown in the MCU, so expect more censorship in the comics and a monstrous She-Hulk in the MCU
literally banned from Marvel for drawing beautiful women
These two replies are cracking me up, for some reason.
if you check for the political alignment of the suicide attemptees you can easily prove that conservatards should not be allowed to raise kids
it's kind of amazing
>She-Hulk gets drawn like her male equivalent for ONE short story
>permavirgins bring out the victim card en masse
>Sexy and she knows it
>Strong both physically and in terms of personality
>Confident and self-assured
>Assertive, takes no one's shit
>Accomplished career-woman
>Sexually liberated and not ashamed of it
>Genuinely funny female character
>Not just a female version of a male hero, but her own unique thing
But no, she's much less offensive now because she looks like Donkey Kong fucked the Jolly Green Giant.
Aaron can't even be consistent with his own garbage writing, Here hulk speak.
This has been the default since CWII more or less and Aaron made it even worse. It's not "one short story".
Next page Normal speak while charging-up, But wouldn't that make her dumber?
This Event was hot garbage too!
I get Thor's hammy-downs aswel!
I hope Aaron gets his beard caught in a industrial pencil sharpener.