Comics. No political garbage

Comics. No political garbage

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>gender politics
>not politics

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Blatant shitposting is not politics

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kind of a goku-get em attitude :)

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I smirked

lend not borrow god damn

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I don't understand this new doge meme.

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>starts with some shit that isn’t even a comic

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>men always settle things with the utmost mutual respect.
Get a load of this double-faggot.

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i supposed it is some sort of ironic shitposty throwback to early 2010s memes, such as rage comics and the original doge. the "joke" being that the punchlines are intentionally bad and predictable.

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that's the whole point of the "kings" meme. poking fun at how ridiculous it would be if men treated each other like that.

Here we go

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What spurred doge to become the new wojack?

In what way is it not true though? Men shit on each other but only faggots get heated over pointless shit that doesn't matter and rarely hold grudges over a single conversation.

God damn Yas Forums. I need to fap and this is what you give me?

I'll take it this time but I'm deeply disappointed.

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I thought the kings meme was started by unironic black men posting about how black women are hoes

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Is this a comment on the fact that women don't seem to understand how to properly phrase a question?

Here user

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No. It's a joke. It makes people laugh

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save yourself black man

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chocolate is poison to dogs. Is this some Kool aide thing

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>wonder bread
Wasn't this a fetish for some dude or something?

I am not funny

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first funny post itt

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>yuri faggotry
Fuck your gay shi-
>infamous gif appears
Oh. That’s better.

That's the joke

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>No political garbage
>Posts political garbage

>I am a man

Oh boy, this didn't age well.

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