Never give up Toph!
Never give up Toph!
is holding up the library the best feat from a non-Avatar in the whole show
Another great thread courtesy of Yas Forumsom
300k users left in the last 5 years
clever tattoo tho unsure how to feel about it if I where banging that lady cause every time I'd look at her boobs there's the possibility of locking eyes with toph
Oh shut the fuck up, this one is silly and its not even the character herself getting sexualized, there's far more shitty threads to complain about
>wouldn't state at Toph the entire time
What are you gay? Also she's blind.
Fuck off back to Twitter, eunuch. At least OP's post was more Yas Forums related than your bitching.
That gonna get horribly mangled during that chick's first pregnancy.
Is it true your boobs get bigger after pregnancy?
>300k users left in the last 5 years
thank god, fuck off Yas Forumsmblr
Why you cryin?
They swell up during as breasts create more milk and women gain weight during the pregnancy.
Bumi liberating Omashu by himself has to be up there.
Ha ha
Boulder Holder
>houses weigh in at between 80,000 and 160,000 pounds.
>average house is two stories
>library was at least 20 stories
Now this isn't factoring in how long the library is or the fact it is made out of stone. There are no given measurements for that kind of thing available but the bottom line is Toph was holding up an object that weighed MANY TIMES MORE than 1,600,000 pounds and at times was doing this one handed.
Even including magic nonsense with bending that is ludicrous and borders on show breaking. It would be the equivalent of Toph picking up the Earth Kingdom palace with one hand and carrying it around.
>Toph didn't grow up to be a huge thicc girl with massive tits and hips
I"ll never not be disappointed by this.
im disappointed in everything they did to her character in the sequel all for the sake of whack ass cameo at the end
>wanting a perfectly good flattie to be ruined with milk jugs
You are everything that's wrong.
>thinking balloonfags can be reasoned with
Please flatbro, I know you aren't stupid.
Peak Toph is when shes cute and funny.
>disgusting smelly literally covered in dirt at all times 12 year old who obviously doesn't even wipe her ass after taking a fat ogre shit
C'mon now. I know you're memeing but that meme hardly applies to smell old Toph.
>>disgusting smelly literally covered in dirt at all times 12 year old who obviously doesn't even wipe her ass after taking a fat ogre shit
That post was a test. A test you passed with flying colors, congratulations. Have a hairy pit Toph on the house you legend.
Fuck off back to Yas Forums.
Nice off-model trash ya got there faggot.
Didja get that (you) I sentcha?
Maybe she bends some of the sand to help keep up the load?
I'll always consider LoK non-canon so I can imagine Tokka as canon.
Tits are fake asses with no hole.
>but titfucking!
you can hotdog an ass, whats the appeal?
>but a blowjob during!
how about actual fucking? Your dick can't even reach a chick's mouth that much past the head if you're titfucking anyway.
>what about groping and kissing?
Then grope the ass. If you want to grope nipples, then tits just make the experience worse than with a flat chest. You wanna pinch and pull a cute girl's nips? A flat chest is tighter and therefore easier to play with and get reactions out of, meanwhile if you pull on a nipple with a huge rack, what happens? YOU JUST FUCKING END UP LIFTING THE TIT. You'd have to put in way more effort to get the same effect as with a flat chest.
Also, flat chests unironically bring you closer to their heart. I'd rather rest my head on a flat girl's warm chest and cuddle, rather than rest my head on a pair of fat balloons.
Tits suck.
it's midnight, i'm failing one of my college classes, i'm tired, and i want to take the fucking bait. You can't stop me bitch, remember me for what I was: a retard.
Toph was really done dirty, wasn't she? She gets a total of one focus episode in S3 and it's shared with Katara. Who got 3 fucking more focus episodes in that season. Sokka got similar amount. Toph got 3 focus episodes in the whole series. They even make fun of her being the only one without a Zuko episode after he joined.
shipfaggots are pathetic
I could definitely justify it by her hardening sand pillars and using them to stop the library from sliding further down
Daily reminder that she can always "see" when you have a boner
All characterization, zero arc. Poor thing.
If Sozin's comet counts then Ozai starting to wipe out an entire continent by himself is pretty impressive
>300k users left
Are you a moderator or did you pull this out of your ass?
Wasn’t that Bryke’s fault cause they actually secretly hate toph?
A user can never be a moderator because a moderator has a title. Moderators who post without their title are users.
That information is not hard to get, in any case.
Toph is not a fatbender.
Yeah, but she sure as shit is a bloodbender.
she sucks at sandbending at this point
Not gonna lie, I hate tattoos but I would marry this girl
Don't worry, even LoK acknowledged it.
sounds like you are projecting, tranny
Gives a whole new meaning to "boulder holder"
>not using her feet to hold them up
How Toph is too toph?
don't forget that the library was filling with sand and got heavier by the second
That is too Toph
You assume the library was sinking under gravity. It was warped in from the spirit world, most likely what appeared above the sand is just a portal of sorts for entry. Toph was more likely keeping the entryway from retreating to the spirit world. It was surely a great deal of force but not the weight of a massive stone structure.
You're wrong. This is the right amount.
>Toph creates a giant sand pussy around the tower to clamp down on it and keep it from sliding into the dunes
>Rather than standing with fists curled in a strained stance she appears to be focusing on puppeting the giant sand vagina with her own
Good God.
I wanted to insult you but that last reply did it more than enough.
I hope you pass your class.
Toph was cuter when I thought her hair was a hat.
Why, no. How did you think that?
He's blind
Call ot autism but I'm a little bothered that Toph's holding them up from the sides and not their middles. That can't be a comfortable hold.