
I guess it's all a matter of perspective?

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I knew Anadyne swallowed

Whats with all the kobolds?

Welp, Ruck and Ana have been busy.

That's pretty creepy. Poor Anadyne. I wonder if there's any chance in hell of Knock pulling her out of that.

i don't know why but that was unexpected

I underestimated just how terrifying Silver Ana would be. This is much worse than a rampaging gore eel.

You assume she's not a willing participant. Remember the last we saw of her, she had shifted into "fuck everything" mode.

holy shit

I like the touch of giving him human hands instead of the typical 3 fingers that the lizards have.

I'm now imagining Prakhuta as a no-longer-two-toe with human feet.

>poor Anadyne
lol wat? If anybody in this fucking book is reaping exactly what they sowed it's Anadyne. Hope you're enjoying being a caster you dumb bitch.

What the fuck do you think she did that was that bad?

Also Ash is roasting the Lemuel theory on the q&a


unsoundedcomic.tumblr.com/ check about the last 10 posts or so

Ana hardly deserves what happened to her. The only thing she did wrong (besides the whole crime thing, but that's like half the story's characters) is being a poor wright. And that doesn't make her deserve this shit

What's page is being redone?

Killing best Frummagem and being willing to kill Quigs with Matty watching was pretty bad

I do hope Jivi cools things down. Rereading, he's generally been a nice guy. He's just gone full prick on Sette as of late. I mean Sette isn't 100% innocent, but she at least has been still getting her sympathetic moments here and there.

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>Killing best Frummagem
Sette is still alive. And second-best (Knock) is too.

She didn't kill anyone, she just failed to save Stockyard. Not her fault.

She did not choose to take in the silver, but accepting it and reveling in the power is all on her. The page where she removed her tits is her deciding she'd rather be a powerful monster than weak
She did not deserve having Knock as her best friend, and will probably do a villanous "I don't give a shit about you anymore" speech when they meet up again

Prakhuta did nothing wrong

He's done several things wrong, actually. Nobody in this comic is innocent. Except maybe Maty.

>What the fuck do you think she did that was that bad
>Ana hardly deserves what happened to her
Ana could have at any point fucked off and joined a temple in cresce or taken what little cash she had and gone west (but not all the way back to Shartshane) if she wanted "out" of the lifestyle. Being an enforcer willing to murder children (or deliver children to be murdered) and conduct human trafficking and take part in Ssael only knows what else is only justifiable if you accept the premise that she "had to" in order to survive, which I don't. She had options, shitty options, but options.
And that's before we get into the fact that she was playing two points of a romantic triangle (best friends even!) against each other in order to IMPROVE HER STATION. Her situation wasn't about survival, though I have no doubt she tells herself that, it was about doing "better," it was about having a "better" life.
>b-b-but user, what's wrong with being ambitious
The path of ambition can lead you to wealth or ruin and if Anadyne's role in the betrayal of Stockyard was successful nobody would have heard her bitch about being a gangster princess but shit goes sideways and now I'm supposed to pitty the titless silver murder machine? I don't fucking think so.
TL;DR you rolls your dice, you takes your chances, Ana crapped out. Fuck that bitch.

Matty lied to policemen.

Matty is racist and has been wearing black face for like three chapters.

Matty has a black friend there's no way he could be racist

It would probably take Cutter himself to do that.

And he's under no obligation to do so.

Matty doesn't see skin color

Wow, spiderpaw'd.

Shush, Carlos.

Reminder that none of what happened to Ana would have been tolerated in Cresce, where the people look after each other and provide for one another from the day they are born till the day they die.

>unless helping Ana was politically harmful

>1 Labour Point has been granted to you, citizen

>doesn't have rich and/or noble parents
She'd be a factory worker and sold off as a whore by the state. Yeah, she wouldn't have become a host for an eldritch abomination, but she wouldn't have become the glorious and fawned over wright she dreamt of being.

Why did the Gods make the two toes but then fail to give them souls or the ability to use pymary? What was the point?

It's implied that two-toes will gain souls after enough accumulated racial experience (suffering, specifically.)

That seems unnecessarily dickish to me.

>gods make the senet beasts
>gods abandon senet beasts in favor of the humans
>humans proceed to worship them
Why does nobody realize how dumb this is? This is like marrying the woman who left her husband for you: she's just going to leave you too, eventually. There's nothing stopping the gods from making a new race sometime in the future and fucking over humanity except that they're fucking dead .

They were created wrong, as a joke.

Why does Cresce get shit on for enslaving the lizards and treating them as second class citizens, when Alderode gets a free pass for doing the same thing to the Plats?

Because it's more fun to be Ssaelit, desu

I'm not crazy about the Holocaust parallel with the two-toes. "They're rounding us up and sending us to camps!" Like, it's a storyline that I've already seen performed in multiple pieces of media. I liked Unsounded because it felt fresh and original.

>anything to do with singling out people is the holocaust
Please be more creative

You need to read more news and history. Putting minorities, refugees, and undesirables into camps is a common practise that happens frequently. It happened before the holocaust and after it. It's happening now with Syrian refugees and even in the US with illegal migrants. Makes sense to see it in this situation.

Thot reaped what she sowed.

The Gods didn't micromanage the Second World.

The two toe situation is much more like the treatment of Native Americans which makes sense since Cope is a yank.

it's really uncreative how every person in unsounded has hands, just like in real life

Alderode treats Plats pretty well, they're considered holy. It's a bad idea to persecute people who are genetically likely to be able to rip your blood off

I can't believe Unsounded copied religion being the amalgation of culture and natural phenomena, from the Bible. Cope is a hack

Tittybird and Co. saw what the gods were doing with natural selection and guided evolution, and tried their hand at it. Of course their experiment didn't have any hooks into the kehrt because they were an unsanctioned breeding program, but that's fixable too.

>Alderode treats Plats pretty well, they're considered holy.
Uh but it's their cursed Dammakhert that produces them in the first place
>twin sacrifice BAD genetically engineering a race of child soldier prostitutes who die before they're twenty GOOD
The aldishman cries out as he strikes you

>Khertlet talking shit about Chaddakhert

The whole idea of Nary putting his own family in the whorehouse never worked for me, Ashley's going for some kind of mob boss/gypsy patriarch mix but those people would never whore out their own daughters. Running whorehouses, sure, having mistresses, sure. Abusing their kids and selling them off in arranged marriages for their own interests? Sure. But the idea that once she's old enough to have tits, his daughter has to sell her body makes Nary's entire operation look like some rinky-dink threadbare show, not the powerful criminal gang angling to break into international politics.

And Anadyne is a member of the family, Nary is her actual uncle, according to the family tree that was posted.

Nary isnt Beadman, his operation IS pretty rinky dink

>> rinky-dink threadbare show, not the powerful criminal gang angling to break into international politics.

Because that's exactly what they are. Nary literally sold Sette to Bastion in exchange for a job reference because he's sick of his rinky-dink gang and wants to go work for a big boy. Did you actually swallow all Sette's delusional bragging about how important and powerful her dad is? Better check your back pocket; your wallet might be missing.

I always got the feeling Nary specifically didn't like Anadyne and stuck her in the whorehouse as punishment for not doing what she was told and thinking too highly of herself.

Sure but he didn't confine her there. He flat out said here if she didn't like it then she could fuck off.

Ana wanted Nary to pay for her to become a wright but there was no indication from Ana that it would be worth the investment. So he wisely didn't and determined she really didn't have any value as an enforcer. He probably gave her other options, like marrying off to someone useful but she refused, so he stuck her in the whorehouse.

I think this entire situation goes to show that Nary's decision was correct. Ana never developed into any sort of special wright and in fact lost her fucking mind the first time life got too hard.

Suck it up, buttercup. It's a dog eat dog world and no one owes you anything.

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>muh hereditary caste system
Cringe. Imagine violating the fabric of reality itself just to maintain control of your own mongoloid population.

To be fair dude, if you're told all your life you're literally only good for whoring, you're going to want to move up at the expense of all those people.