Can we like y'know just adapt comic books to movies please?
Can we like y'know just adapt comic books to movies please?
Comics are for children, how can you expect these flicks to be taken seriously if they do that?
What the fuck good is it to spew this horseshit NOW? Your film flopped! You lost to a blue hedgehog! When the fuck is Hollywood and by extension the media going to wake the fuck up and realize people are sick and tired of this propaganda nonsense? Doctor Who was effectively killed, and went on strong for nearly 60 years only to be pulled into this crap.
Birds of prey was a great adaptation.
Way to say it after no one cares anymore.
>Creates film to smash the patriarchy
>The patriarchy smashes it by not watching it
Honestly, losing to sonic doesn't mean much. Heavily marketed children's films always make bank regardless of quality.
>great adaptation.
you didn't read the comic, right?
For what purpose?
You do realize these people are not being completely sincere when giving the interviews right? Like she might share the sentiment "patriarchy bad" but she probably just said it as a pr movie to gain some more steam when her movie is already getting forgotten. And you retards are falling for it.
Why didn't she make it good, then?
>the patriarchy
Seriously, how in the fuck is it ever smashed? What is the patriarchy? Who is in charge of it? What are its goals? How do you defeat it? Unless you actually give some face to this foe called 'The Patriarchy' you'll never smash it. It will always remain strong, and all your smashing will become some worn out slang that means nothing more than some small victory against a monolith that has already won like 'Sticking it to the Man'
>Heavily marketed children's films always make bank
>No. 1 worldwide
Replace "Feminism" with "Jesus Christ" and "patriarchy" with "Satan".
That's what this feels like.
That's the whole point. It's the same reason why "The Devil/anti-christ" is never given an actual face.
How can she expect to strike at The Man while working for Hollywood?
What happened to doctor who?
Hollywood doesnt make anything anymore unless it's woke or bashes Trump throughout. Nothing just IS anymore, it's about hamfisting as many messages as you can and hiring the right hacks to do so.
jesus is gonna smash satan?
well it's about time
Hi Gail
That means nothing when it's still underperforming
Satan: the ultimate bitchy powerbottom prettyboi
Can you like y'know just fuck off please?
Lifetime movies are more enjoyable than this shit.
why was the harley quinn centered movie even about the bird of prey? pretty sure harley isn’t even in that team in the comics. should’ve done gotham city sirens
The mass media only cares about noise around the event, not the event itself.
Its all about money.
Whoa boy, you're in for a ride. Better sit down. Forgetting the woke pandering, white men bad, and basically forgetting about fun sci fi adventures through time and space, negating ALL OF THAT, Doctor Who literally has just fucking killed 50+ years of work.
>The Master kills the Time Lords and makes them into Cyber Time Lords with Cybermen tech
>Puts The Doctor into the matrix to show her the truth she forgot, the true history of Gallifrey
>Turns out Time Lords found The Doctor as a child (a brown white girl of course). The Doctor isn't from Gallifrey! She's from an unknown race, and they stole regeneration by studying her cells
>The Doctor apparently has unlimited regenerations. We see this as some science lady experiments on child Doctor, killing him/her repeatedly to regenerate into a one man Burger King Kids Club
>Yes every regeneration doesn't matter, none of them have. In fact none of the 50 years of canon matter. To hell with mystery too
Dear god...
Wait I already assumed there were unlimited registrations.
click bait is bait user. Outrage headlines exists to get (you) to read them. Don't be a retard. Ignore them. Let go.
lol what
Bringing Doctor Who back to begin with was a mistake, honestly. Should've just remained a relic of 60s-80s English television.
You are moving the goalposts. Children's movies make bank regardless of quality. Your post shows it is making bank.
No one cares about Dr.Who user
If they fucked up Red Dwarf? Oh nigga, there would be blood in the streets.
Originally, for decades, it was only 12. When Matt was stepping out, The Doctor was given energy for more, an unspecified amount. But apparently none of that mattered or even makes sense because apparently The Doctor could have regenerated anyway for as many times as he wanted.
you guys please, we have this thread every single day.
Aren't you the one moving the goalposts to begin with?
is a brutal flop considered "being taken seriously"?
I'm keking so hard
More men than women watched it so...yeah, egg on their face. Kinda disappointed because the movie had good stuff, it could have been better.
>Muh costumes!
Shut up. Please.
SJWs are the worst.
None of the Birds of Prey even mildly resembled their comic book counterparts. The film was actively ashamed that one of its characters had superpowers, and actively shat on another character for daring to be a superhero and have a codename. While literally fucking forgetting another member of the group has one too. The action was bad and had no weight because the actresses refused to train. The humor wasn't funny. The costumes were the least offensive part of the film, though still offensive. Nothing about the movie was good.
How did they manage to fuck up this hard? Someone is damn sure getting punished for this.
im tired of minorities moving to America and complaining about being a minority when they could just stay in their homeland and im tired of women injecting themselves into male dominated places and complaining about being a woman.
the guy who made this killed himself because of zoe quinn, right? talk about irony!
>The action was bad and had no weight
>The humor wasn't funny.
So basically it's like every other capeshit movie
Whataboutism is an exceptionally poor strategy for defending a movie that can be measured by other metrics such as box office performance.
So you're saying Suicide Squad is better than The Winter Soldier because it made more money?
I'm pretty sure it didn't smash anything
>Made $195m and will top out around $215m
>Needed $250m to $300m to break even
>None of the Birds of Prey even mildly resembled their comic book counterparts
All the birds plus harley plus the villains were pretty consistent with the comics, black canary especially.
I'm saying when a movie can't break 80% on Rotten Tomatoes AFTER a fucking review purge, and didn't make money besides, you might have to face facts
Why 80%?
Because I cannot recall a time a film needed Rotten Tomatoes to "spruce up" its score by culling negative reviews and still couldn't even crack eighty percent.
So surprising after both Aquaman and Shazam were faithful to the source material.
Red Dwarf just does shorts for car insurance now.
When did it ever cull negative reviews? The score started in the 90s and eventually came down to 78
>how can you expect these flicks to be taken seriously if they do that?
Why do you want them to be taken seriously? Can't we just have fun? Like seeing superhumans beating the shit out of each other? Going on crazy fantasy or sci-fi adventures?
I kinda liked some of the action scenes, at least with Harley. Maybe they didn't have good weight, but the choreography was good. Pretty much the only thing I enjoyed. Also Black Mask completely failed as a villain. All he ever seemed to do was fail, then whine like a child about how he failed. Not intimidating at all.
Then you must have forgotten about Captain Marvel
Its always the fucking same, they get funding, they get money, and they set out NOT to make it back, NOT to make a franchise, but to make a movie so they can say a movie exists that panders to them. That way, slowly, movie by movie, they can eventually state that there are many movies that appeal to them, even though they are all failures and bad. As long as they get appealed to, apparently that is all that matters to them.
Zsaz and Black Mask were so ass you'd swear Schumacher was involved. Just what the fuck. Seriously.
t. maggot robbie
>culling negative reviews
Only Disney does that