What would a single show with them be like

what would a single show with them be like

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They make Steven transition into a girl and have him go through dick removal surgery.

everyone gets beated up by my OC because fuck you
the end

pic relate if you take out the fat fucking retard

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Interesting, to say the least

The worst one ever made. Bar none.

Steven kidnaps and rapes all the girls and the series ends with him being killed but all the girls are pregnant with the spawn of their rapist

Isekai Quartet without the heart.

I can totally see Luz and Tulip being interested on Steven for some reason.

Steven and Tulip take command. the rest are to spastic to assume leadership roles.

Reggie, Anne and Miko would constantly be fighting with each other, Luz and Steven would try to get them to stop, Tulip would try to ignore the whole thing.
Reggie would probably tard rage and take things too far.
Tulip and Miko could bond over vidya, that might be cool.

Just Luz, she’s Early Connie but with extra autism

Tenchi Muyo but SJW'd and without female nudity.

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Can’t he just shapeshift?

They should make that. Why not? They all look the same anyway.

you gave me a idea, user!

hey be nice to miko

Just remove Steven and you got yourself a goldmine of a show thats basically cute girls doing cute things, but with western female cartoon characters. Also, to replace Steven it should be Kipo, or Star Butterfly.

Bad because of Steven Universe

they all reverse-gangbang steven

Who goes first?


Marco should replace Steven and you have yourself a harem cartoon with wacky hijinks and Star being cucked by other girls.

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>Marco Self Insert

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Nah, I don’t like chicanos or care about Star being cucked

Nah, Big Momma Miko should take Steven for herself.

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What would their kid be like?

That sounds like something a faggot would say.

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So presumably, the premise is that some bullshit goes wrong the Frog Box/A Glitch/Endless/The Train etc. and warps them all to a new dimension where they have to work together and figure out how to get back to their own bullshit.
It’s probably worth trying to figure out how they’d work as a team and what approach they’d take.

Miko’s used to working on a team that solves weird problems. She’s not a strategist but she’d be a good team player.
Similarly with Steven, he’s got a lot of experience working as a group and naturally likes making friends
Anne is pretty chill and wouldn’t be too fazed. She’s fairly confident and competent and reins in her eccentricities when shit’s going down.
Luz probably doesn’t offer much to the party but she’s happy to be involved, like a puppy.
Tulip would be initially distrustful of these random strangers in this random, strange environment but once they’ve won her over, her intent on finding a logical pattern to their new world will be instrumental in them all getting back to their own worlds.
Reggie... err... Honestly, she’d be too frustrated and confused to be of any use. If she initially assumes she’s still in Endless, she might be openly hostile and attack them, thinking she can simply wipe them out and get back to whatever she was doing because she’s the strongest thing in Endless. Once that illusions shattered and she has to confront that this reality won’t coddle her and make her feel special, we’ll probably see her acting out like she does in the real world in her show.

Sorry, I just prefer white guys. I’m tired of diversity


These guys I guess

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if Reggie retains her Endless powers she can be the team's tank.

Lol these niggas mad cuz of diversity even though the OP posted a picture of diverse characters.

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She could rape Steven. Literally.

It depends if they retain their abilities.
If Reggie does, she’s golden. If not, she’s dead weight.
I kind of like the idea that they’re all depowered because if not, what the fuck are Anne and Tulip gonna do?
I guess in that case, rather than Reggie being of any use, her story would involve the revelation that she caused whatever the fuck is happening and she has to develop emotionally to rectify it

Go back to Yas Forums fag

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How would the girls react to Steven’s permafusion proposal?

You could literally replace Steven with Kipo and nothing would change.
Holy shit, they’re the same character. Why is it so much more annoying when it’s a fat, ugly boy?

>Implying fat Kipo is a bad thing

Why is Steven even in that image?

Tulip is the hacker and strategist, she's easily the smartest person in the group
Anne can be the master of disguise.

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I would have prefer if Kipo replaced Steven. I mean who gives a fuck about him?

I doubt it would change much for Steven. He already has to deal with womenchildren on a near constant basis.

i would like that the reason why the worlds merge could be external from the shows
so, get this...
>there's this scientist (name pending) who created a "Doomsday Device" that, when it got activated, it created a dimmensional merge (kinda like Elizabeth's Rips in Bioshock) that caused all the worlds got merged and fusioned in one.
>so, given this, the main goal of our protagonists is to find that scientist, fix the Doomsday Device and restore their worlds

Please share it with the class.

i didn't watch Kipo tho

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All of this is her fault.

>she might be openly hostile and attack them
True, very true!

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you should
is good

So are they all the latest version of themselves or...?

basically, i had planned to make threads about this "series" but not like those autistic Magne Family threads with my drawings and how the series would develop, kinda like LMAC

This is basically the Avengers pretty much?

His name is Doctor Eks Over

Steven would probably be the leader among them.

Yeah I guess so. Kid Steven might be fun though to see with the others rather than depressed Steven

Just put him post movie but before future.

>6 teens
>gets her power from teenage inadequacy and angst
implying Butt Witch isn't the evil mastermind

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Oh, dude, go for it. Would love to see it


Who's Kipo?
Who are the Magne Family?

Seriously. I haven't been on Yas Forums in months and I have no idea what you're talking about.

Kipo isn't that popular compared to Steven. too many tacos in this party.

>Who are the Magne Family?
this shit

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Yeah, what is the Magne Family?

A Doom/Hazbin Hotel crossover that quickly spiraled out of control and became a cesspool of shit.
This is why nobody likes Yas Forums.

Kipo’s a Netflix show that came out a month or 2 ago.
It’s based on a webcomic, animated by the people who did Voltron/Boondocks. Girl who lived in an underground shelter winds up on the surface world inhabited by mutants and is trying to find her Dad. It’s worth a watch, 10 episodes long so far, properly serialized and with a good soundtrack.

Hell yeah, fuck steven!
So, you're rather have dick?

Eh, kinda cringe...well, mostly the other characters but Charlie and Doom Slayer being a couple sounds interesting

DIck is always wanted.

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Very true

Concentrated autism and cuteness.

Steven is a boy with an heart of gold that wants to help all these girls without nothing in returns.
And they flirt with him when he helps them.
Steven doesn't care and he just keep saying yes to everything even when they ask him to pose naked in front of them.
After a love pentagon they all decide to be part of Steven's harem

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This thread put Reggie is in a coma.

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Kipo fits the group better thematically because her show has all the portal fantasy/isekai traits of the other shows.
Also, it’s too haremy with just one guy.

Is Steven gonna jerk off on her?

>You know when we said 'if you were the last man on Earth'? Well... we're still weighing our options

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>Reggie dreams of her favorite cartoon characters coming to save her from dying of cancer.

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Thats fucking disturbing, but hey! Its Yas Forums!

He's her idol, so yes.

SUtrannies keep trying to siphon off newer fanbases by inserting Steven into everything, its a really pathetic attempt to keep their dying show relevant.

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Oh God, did she cause Third Impact and break everyone’s reality?

You know you like it

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I agree with this anons reasons I feel as though there should be a single character character that somehow connects alk these shows together without having to resort to a "Oh! Look! A random portal lets see where it takes us!" trope that I've seen way too much.

Based, Steven Universe is nothing but trash and it always has been.

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>"Oh! Look! A random portal lets see where it takes us!"
Most of these characters you can wind up there completely naturally by something going wrong in their world.

>Anne opens the box out of hope that it’ll take her home, not expecting anything and it warps her in
>Miko gets sent there by a weird glitch
>Tulip steps into a train car and winds up there, thinking it’s just another car
>Something goes wrong when Reggie tries to access Endless
>Luz finds a weird old scroll or fucks a spell up or something