SMBZ is coming back(again)

The creator's currently working on episode 2 of the reboot

Also he released a 4K remaster of the original series yesterday

Attached: smbzlogo.jpg (1280x720, 148.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

SMBZ is autism but the fight scenes are really good and we could go for better sprite fighting animations so I'm glad it's back in production


Better than Dragon Ball Super for sure

Not like that’s an accomplishment



That's still better than those that can't even manage that much

There's also a fan game being developed, and it looks good.

post yfw starts playing

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The early episode sure, but come on, you you REALLY have faith that he can even do that anymore.

Why not?


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monster? im not a monster.

Check the first episode of the reboot and tell me:


Here's some SMBZ art, SMBroz

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I’ll give it 3 months until he announces he’s canceling it again because “i-im too sad, i need me patreon bux”

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>Didn't really know much of anything about Sonic when I first watched this
>For years I thought Mecha Sonic was this super unstoppable badass of the sonic games
>Turns out he wasn't that and instead it was Metal Sonic who was that instead
Man, I felt so disappointed when I learned the truth

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I'd rather see the last episode instead of rebooting the entire series desu

To be fair Mecha Sonic does look like transformed Metal Sonic from heroes it was probably the closest sprite he could get

Why doesn't he just continue the old series?

I know it's a popular meme to shit on Super, but you'd have to be retarded to think this has any worth in regards to plot, user.

AFIK Mark is rebooting the series because EP7 was wrote by a different guy who messed pretty bad with the plot, and rebooting the story was the easiest way to get rid of the bad parts of the story. Not to mention his autistic desire for improving the series in general.

don't mind me, just posting the official tier list

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Because Alvin's a perfectionist and he wasn't happy with some of the choices he made for the original series(the hokey dialogue and the Pipe Maze episode in general being major examples)

What was wrong with the pipe maze?

It was too damn long bro

Too long, and filled with pointless loredumps that had nothing to do with the overall plot

FUCK yes!

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Never watched this. It good?

What does everyone here think of Nazo Unleashed.


I hope we see Sonic characters using mario power ups more and vice versa

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10/10. Creator's making a sequel that looks like it'll be even better.

SMBZ have beautiful action scenes, but the plot is very lame and shounen, sucks so much dude. The new op is average and i hope he makes the scenes fight like the old ones.

Fuck you zoomers, you have to be 18 to post here. This is literal garbage.

10 year olds who watched this series in the mid-2000s when it was at its peak would be in their early to mid-twenties today

Ok boomer

How.long till he finds another excuse to cancel it because he is a whiny bitch?

He already done it twice.

>"Whaaaa I'm done because nobody care about my shitty furry art!"
>"Whaaaa I'm done cause Nintendo took down my Patreon because I was stoo stupid and put it to SMBZ rather than to my name and to hide it from copyright claim!"

I have doubts that he'll make literally anything. The fact that any SMBZ episodes ever got made, period, is something of a miracle.

It seems Alvin realized that too and I'm glad he is changing Metal to be an original Sprite.

I never understood the love people have for Mecha Sonic. It's just a clunky nightly less dumb Silver Sonic while the main Metal can be both threatening and have a sleek design that.makes sense for Sonic' mechanical rival.

This a good thread to contain all gen z and ban them all.

ok millennial

reminder that yoshi held his own against mecha sonic better than sonic did

Mecha Sonic shows up in literally one game and gets destroyed so hard Sonic Team stops making up new robot sonics whenever they need a robot sonic and just makes Metal Sonic a recurring secondary character instead.

Mecha Sonic always seemed dumb to me. Wow its sonic but slow and bulky.
Metal was designed to be as fast as sonic which makes more sense.


Fresh off Alvin's Twitter

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>Giving them weapons
I get the artistic freedom but I liked the simplicity of the original

Eh, it's growing on me. In the original series, all they did was punch and use their shells. Hopefully the change will result in more diverse fight scenes

well he actually did the donations to him instead of SMBZ this time so long as he doesnt try selling merch with copyrighted characters or monetize the videos he should be fine. He just did another update for episode 2 today so it looks like hes pretty motivated

Those furry foot doodles don't draw themselves!