With Connverse ending soon, anyone else feel sorry for the people who made fan art?

With Connverse ending soon, anyone else feel sorry for the people who made fan art?

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>feeling sorry for fan artists
If they wanted sympathy, they should have created their own shit instead of riding the creativity and popularity of others.

Why are y'all acting as if Connverse was ending? Connie just doesn't want to spend the rest of her life as a perma fusion, like any other sane being would fucking do.


She’s heading off to college, has new friends and isn’t as close to Steven anymore. It’s over, plus In Dreams really made Stevidot appealing.

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>8 foot tall mountain Steven
This is the best outcome for adult Steve

>Why doesn't everyone use my dialect!!!

not really im sure they had fun

Nah, im just happy about it in general, because Connie was kind of a Bitch to Steven on the regular and he deserved better then her.

Most Artists i like don't give a fuck about what is canon or not anyway, mind you they ain't SU Artists, but the point stands.

>ending soon

Bismuth Casual kinda already shows them drifting apart, and most relationships don’t survive a proposal rejection


I feel sorry for all the people that drew Steven as this big macho dude, before The Movie details got leaked showing him a manlet.

Technically he can always shapeshift into Stefan

Chubby chaser Connverse was best Connverse.

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>Needs space ONE TIME because Steven came back from Homeworld acting like a top dog when he nearly died and WOULD HAVE if Lars hadn't randomly been there
>All the time
You faggots and your selective memories. No wonder other boards hate you.

Hi Becky.

She refused to speak with him for like weeks and got upset when he dares to appear happy without her. She’s kind of a cunt and doesn’t really care about him

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Why does she have an eyepatch with glasses?

She should be wearing a monocle.

Don't know but here's a version without it.

Attached: 1502435346595.png (960x960, 793.23K)

So when it inevitably ends that no, Steven and Connie stay together, what will the autists who nonstop post that meme shit do

They’re not ending up together, they’ll be lucky to be friends

>no fat cuddly bf wholl kill for you
why even live

Kill me, Pete.

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Those older verse pics were nice. Nothing will take that away.

Attached: Connie and Bara Steven.jpg (532x562, 49.28K)

Attached: Connie Beach Kiss.jpg (1280x1743, 293.5K)

Attached: Connie and Steven Kiss.png (600x788, 462.48K)

>you're a tranny if you're from the American south

>latest episode continously reinforces they're just friends
Yeah this ship has sailed already

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It’s a real shame they were all such a waste

now we need an edit of that comic where steven is in bed with spinel and connie's like I don't consent, I'm the woman who would have married you.

The fan art is better than the show.

What do you mean they were a waste? People enjoyed them. I don't think much more was expected.

Is this art official?

Yeah but still pointless

People who don't remove the sketch lines from their art before they post it bug me to no end.

Und vhat is wrong vith zat?

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Is there a collection of these somewhere?

Nah. Pointless would be never making them at all.

>off to college

How old is Steven supposed to be?

>I'm kind of into fat guys
actually canon

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17 or 18 at this point

>Connverse ending soon,
>implying they will not get back later

user, it’s not happening. Bismuth Casual was their last hurrah. Stevonnie was an experience. But every experience goes away eventually, never returning.

Well whatever happens, their relationship is going to get the equivalent of a war hammer to the face.

>With Connverse ending soon
The fuck happened? I saw the latest and they seemed to just reaffirmed that Connie cares for Stevie boy.
Was there some shit I missed? Haven't been on Yas Forums for while.

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>just some retards on Yas Forums.

Leak came out. Steven proposes, Connie says no

Becky shitposting trying to spread rumors and false information.

Not sure who to believe here.
If it's just shitposts, whatever.

But if this leak is legit then, I could see Steven doing that out of desperation to maintain a constant in his life. Connie declines and probably says something about them being too young and how she isn't ready for a commitment like but will imply that she would be up for it years down the line.

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Nah. Connie has school to worry about. She’s already outgrown Steven. Both will move on.

Season 1-2 connie was fantastic. As soon as fucking Stevonnie happened it poisoned the whole dynamic.

>if this leak is legit
This. It's depressing how many people are 100% sold on it being legit, despite how often creators have fucked with us through fake "leaks" in the last decade or so. This would definitely be on the high end of the trolling spectrum, but some skepticism would be healthy.

Suddenly reminded of Mondo’s introduction to Generation X. Fat Chill Mutant living in Hawaii with a beautiful girl then he goes off to join the latest Baby X-Men to be a super hero and die off Screen when Black Toms kills and replaces him.

Doesn’t fit Sugar’s personality.

You say that as if she feels like he's holding her back. Hell, that was Steven's misconception in the latest ep and Connie just straight up told him that wasn't and she WANTS to spend time w/ him.

Honestly I can see steven as some kind of asexual who'll only be friends with everyone

That was to be polite. In reality, she simply has plans for life that don’t include him. It’s sad but that’s reality, she doesn’t care about Steven that way. She doesn’t want a future with him, that’s why she says no.

If they get back together after the fact how would you people react?

I wouldn’t care for it. It would be Steven falling back to unhealthy habits, being with someone he has no future with simply because he feels lonely. He should move on and be with someone in with a future is possible.

>she simply has plans for life that don’t include him. It’s sad but that’s reality, she doesn’t care about Steven that way. She doesn’t want a future with him, that’s why she says no.

Where are you getting this from? How much shit was in this leak? An entire plot summary of the ep?

Connie doesn’t want to marry Steven. She just doesn’t want a life with him. She wants to lead her own life as her own person and she can’t be tied down to him. They should both move on, Connie can be with someone who doesn’t want marriage and Steven can be with someone who does

Again. Where are you getting this from? I don't get that type of feel when i see Connie and Steven in the show.
Or is this just your opinion?

The leak. Connie says this herself. She wants to lead a life as her own person and she just can’t do that with Steven. He’ll be happier without her like she is without him.

>The leak
Alright I'll see this for myself once the episode comes out.