Animation Domination General #1: Cleveland's Family Matters Edition




Disney's Animation Domination™ continues to serve you brand new episodes of your favorite shark-jumped animated sitcoms that seriously need to fucking get cancelled. Really FOX (a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Corporation™), come on, JUST DO IT ALREADY.


The schedule is as follows:
>7:00/6:00c - The Rerunsons - The Miseducation of Lisa Simpson (RERUN): The sea captain finds a long-sought treasure, but it's taken from him by the townspeople.

>7:30/6:30c - videogamedunkeyville - Red Head Redemption (RERUN): Duncan's friends replace him in their online video game tournament, so he joins the opposition.

>8:00/7:00c - The Thompsons - Screenless (NEW): When Marge implements a screen time limit for the family, she realizes that she is the one addicted.

>8:30/7:30c - Dunkn'stuff - Witch Day (NEW): The town celebrates its annual Witch Day; Annie and Jack steal a dead woman's chili recipe.

>9:00/8:00c - Gayle's Grapes - Yurty Rotten Scoundrels (NEW): Gayle decides to host an artist workshop in a yurt; Louise and Gene try to find a lost cat.

>9:30/8:30c - The Family Lives Matter - The Movement (NEW): Peter gets constipated during the national anthem and must kneel.

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Why has Family Guy gotten laughs out of me lately? It's not like the other shit on this block gives me chuckles.

I don't understand the point of this thread and I saw this thread many times, somebody plase explain me I want to laugh too

President Polar Bear was pretty funny

Reminder that Bob's Burgers is getting a fucking THEATRICAL FEATURE FILM THIS YEAR

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We watch season 90 of the simpletons and complain that it is not like season 4

>Cleveland's Family Matters

You actually for a split second made me think we were getting a stealth Cleveland Show episode of Family Guy tonight

This is when we find out that the burgers really are made of human flesh?

season 40 of the Sneeds?

So... I’m not the only one who saw the first half of “Witch Day” uploaded to Animation Domination’s official YouTube channel on Friday before getting removed, right?

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>The Movement
>Peter gets constipated during the national anthem and must kneel.
What a rich title and premise from our talented family Guy writers.

You may be the only here that even knew about the existence of an Animation Domination Youtube channel.

No. It’s where we find out that [REDACTED]

The movie’s cancelled, bro.

PLEASE let this Family Guy be better than last week's.

>"topical" 2 years ago plot
You lost on the word "please"

>"topical" issue from over 3 years ago
prepare to be disappointed

It'll still be hard to be worse than last week's, though.

Only here for Duncanville and Bob's Burgers

>It's a Gayle episode


Attached: Bobs.Burgers.S05E13.The.Gayle.Tales.Candidate.1080.jpg (1916x1076, 137.13K)

>we now rejoin simpsons already in progress
>it's just everything falling apart

Theres some symbolism in there probably.

I beg of you, user... Please don’t stick your dick in crazy

She is the least crazy character on the show.

people on this board have little to no discretion when it comes to their choices for sex

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But... Cleveland’s family DOESN’T matter.

Face it, user. The Brown-Tubbs will always be nothing more than glorified background characters on Family Guy.

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>duncanville has like 3 episodes
>they use it for reruns


What else are they gonna use? more Simpsons/FG?

Bless the Harts?

Bless the Harts would be a good choice actually. It's renewed so it would be something that people should be reminded of existing occasionally. More Bob's would be fine with me too, it can air that early and it has a huge backlog to grab from.

I realize this is a rerun, but its the first time I'm catching any episode of this show. So, what I'm getting from this so far is that the title character is the least interesting person in the show. Does that sound about right?

Pretty much.

They should have considered ebay.

Oh hey. Boco is alive.



OK, that was pretty good.

>It's a Lisa couch gag


I need your blood,bro. It's the medicine, bro. C'mon broco it'll save stuff.

They're making an entire episode about Peter kneeling for the national anthem now?

If only Homer had a brother who had invented a baby translator.

>Marge is gonna spend the entire episode talking to Maggie.

The stuff of nightmares.

>rip moleman


Oh Moleman.

But its swimming with syndromes and diseases.

Julie Kavner is all done.

Marge am become death,destroyer of chords.

Why not just use that machien Herb made?



That was almost a family guy joke

Wasn't that the gamer guy from that other episode?

>Homer playing Tapped Out

That's just the spice my crabish.

Good to see them still bite the hand that feeds them.

I was America’s Baby Once

>sign language

>it's a CELL PHONE BAD episode
>it's a topical episode that's over two years too old
Tonight is going to suck.

>he only dances when we're not looking

Classic looney tunes.

>Baby Yoda

What's next, OK Boomer?

Fourth wall!

Why did you type sign twice?

Turn your phones off bitches.

i didn't user

They're desperate for controversy but don't want actual repercussions

h and n tend to look the same.

The insurance gecko sounds as bad as Julie Kavner now.

FG has always been the one that has given me the most chuckles out of any AD show. I dont know why. Maybe its because I dont expect anything from it so when it does something mildly funny, it surprises me. The Simpsons rarely gives me a chuckle anymore.

It's so weird, no one is going to talk about it if they don't go way out there.

are you joking or legally blind?

You know that's just going to be the quickly abandon A-plot and the actual episode will probably be about Brian and/or Lois doing some libtard shit.

Cripes, Werner Herzog is practically a cast member these days.

>screen reversal
OK, boomer writers.