Wonder Woman

Would Wondy be able to carry her own cartoon, or is she so boring that she only works in teams?

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Depends how interested in Greek mythology the writers are. We could have a cartoon where gods and monsters are constantly fucking up a world that Diana has to unfuck or we could get a cartoon where Diana tries to prove that she's just as cool as Batman and Superman.

First for Fuck Swordfag

Yes, but they wouldn't do it right, so no

It's piss easy to do. Just make it a globetrotting scavenger hunt

If she Ra can be somewhat of a hit then i could see a WW cartoon. She needs a good cast of backing characters though, and not major players like Supes or Bats

Anyone can have their own show. It depends on how good the writers are

Meh, she's got a whole rogues gallery beyond that too. Have some myth shit but also be sure to have more than just that. They'd feel impotent if they just become her Lord Zedds and keep throwing Greek cliches at her.

I might be overstating my opinion. But I feel like the writers would have to be as nerdy about Greek mythology as the writers for Futurama were about Sci-Fi.

I think she could have an interesting cartoon that takes place when she's a teen while living on Themyscira

Only if they ditch the sword and shield.

Just make it a magical girl show with a younger Diana.

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wasnt that the 70s saturday morning tv show alongside almighty Isis or whatever it was called

Yes, but 10 to 13 episode seasons that build to the finale

Please kill yourself already

Shut up, Jim Lee.

there is already a show like that is called DC SuperHero Girls

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unironically could make a wonder women unforgiven where she hung up the dumb sword and shield and uses it at the end

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Dude, if you just want cheesecake you can start a thread without pretext. Fuck the coomers and the anti-coomers

>get banned from reddit for being autistic faggots
Must suck being on of you losers.

The only thing I don't get is:
If she's suppossed to be an Amazon and shit, why does she go full American patriot costume?

Because she's Superman's girlfriend and since he's American he told her to dress up in his beloved country's image. Also so their costumes could fit.

Better question, why warner hasn't made a wonder woman game
They tried to make a superman game but it failed before it even began, and the arkham series is over. A wonder woman with a god of war style would be balls to the wall awesome

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cause murica, duh
cant hide bdsm fetishes in someone dressed like FOREIGNER and sell it to kids

it's a thread about wonder woman, newfag

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and she's the best cutest girl in that

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definitely yes
I really liked Wonder Woman in Rebirth and I think her emphasis on trying to rehabilitate her villains along with the more mythological theme would make it a very unique show

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In seriousness Gail Simone tried t0 come up with an alternate Greek Myth based symbolism for the costume.

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This is so fucking stupid. Either mute the colors like in the movies or just admit she based it on the flag as a show of goodwill.

Please no, I don't want a show that's just about Greek mythology. She does other things. She has almost 80 years of history, we don't need to always fall back on the Greek myth thing.

Even if they were to make an in universe explanation it would mean jackshit since the writers intention was clearly to just cover her up with american paraphernalia.
Is like giving hydra a alien origin when in fact they're just comic nazis.

Yas Forums says no and you should never take their advice. So, that means yes.

>It's not an ass,
>In my language, it means 'hope'

She has a diverse supporting cast that each fill different roles, a rich mythology to draw upon for stories, and a rogues gallery of both recognizable villains and several not-so-recognizable ones that wouldn't actually be that difficult to expand upon.
The problem would be getting a half-decent writing team that doesn't degrade the whole thing into "dude ARES!" and "dude VERONICA CALE!" the entire team.

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Hydra didn't start as Nazis, they were taken over by Nazis.

Greek gamestyle or Norse???

But Yas Forums also said to use purely Greek mythology.

I do think it could work both ways. I would prefer greek but the game would have better sales with the norse style because normies love that shit and this is a normie world

She carried a live-action show by herself. With even more to pull from since then and without the limitations of live action, there should be plenty to carry a cartoon.

Take this game and give it a Wonder Woman coat.

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What Wonder Woman needs before her own cartoon is a video game dedicated just for her.

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He's right though, the sword is shit. It would be even worse in a kids show, where there would be hard limits on what she can and can't use it on.

There isn't even much of a point for it anyway when she can simply punch what she would slice with it.

would Yas Forums prefer
>fresh off the boat Diana still discovering Man's World or experienced Wonder Woman Diana that's been here a while
>for Season 1: Ares as the main Villain or Circe as the main Villain or Cheetah as the main Villain or some else as the main Villain(Dr. Psycho or Veronica Cale or someone else like that)
>Steve Trevor and Diana are a couple since the beginning or they start out single and get together over the course of the show

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tons of kids shows have swords though, and kids like swords.

At least reddit mods do their jobs

I'm sure the F-cup tits are just a coincidence, then.

>A mix between the two options, still relatively new, but not a complete fish-out-of-water idiot either
>Tease Veronica Cale as the big bad, only to reveal she was merely one of Dr Cyber's robotic doppelgangers that she was using to maintain a legal front for her criminal organisation Villainy Inc
>Start single and get together over the course of the show

And in nearly all of them, the sword is a useless gimmick and accessory rather than an actual weapon. That's why I said there are hard rules on what you can and can't use a sword on in kids cartoons. So unless you go the TMNT/Samurai Jack (pre-season 5) route and have nearly every enemy WW fights be a robot, giving her a sword is just an arbitrary limitation at best, a hindrance at worst.

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>the W
i think greeks don't even use the letter "W"


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something that doesn't have shitty linework

I prefer Veronica Cale to not exist

another one for the collection

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>i think greeks don't even use the letter "W"
Amazons in the DC universe did.
But only in the DC universe

Nobody said that.

this is the real origin of the W

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I want Wonder Woman to want me to fondle Wonder Woman so I can fondle Wonder Woman without having my head punched off.

It's the first post dude.

Both of these ideas are terrible.

Expand on Diana’s mom, Hippolyta. She’s one of the very interesting and complex characters that Wonder Woman has.

Doesn't say or imply purely.

>Cheetah grew some weird protuberances on her feet that look like heels
What the hell is that

she's a human in a suit, not a furry like current continuity