A new French toon, based on a French comic about a Japanese boy who survives a shipwreck and fights monsters and shit.
A new French toon, based on a French comic about a Japanese boy who survives a shipwreck and fights monsters and shit
His kimono looks more like a maid outfit to me.
Then got it's all boys we can discuss this show and not have it turn into Amphibia/Hilda loli shit
Is he just gonna wear a maid outfit for the entire show
The Splatoon anime is looking good
>gamecube cutscenes-tier animation
>draw a girl, dress her in girl clothes, call it a "boy"
Welp I didn't expect traditional Breton's costume in anime style in my life time.
It is a girl though
op said it's a boy
It's a traditional costume from Bretagne.
Yes and he's wrong.
Directly from the studio's site.
>Goulwen is an 8 year old boy, growing up on the Atlantic coast with his mother and his grand-mother. One morning, while out walking on the beach below his house, he runs into a strange little castaway, sitting on the beach and dressed in a kimono. Goulwen and his family adopt him (he doesn’t speak a word of English) and they name him Biguden, because of his hair style (which resembles the traditional headdress that Breton women wear, called a bigoudène).
>Very quickly, the young boy proves to be quite different from anyone they have ever met. He possesses mysterious gifts: with him around, the long lost magic creatures deep asleep for centuries awaken.
some synopsis are wrong and call it a boy but it's definitely a girl.
>takes place in Britanny
I think user is misgendering this trans or cishet person
You're trying very hard with your misinformation campaign. He's even a boy in the comics.
Biguden means "the bee god" in my language.
which is worn by women brainlet
maybe they changed his gender in the cartoon then
The studio's fucking website you retard.
the cover of the book is still a better source than your shitty translation.
The French version of their goddamn website says boy as well. Stop pushing your fantasies just because you can't masturbate to a guy.
>"it would be wiser to hide HIM among us"
it's right there in the trailer
here's a source where she's called a she the whole time
you are fucking retarded at this point. You raise d the "disinformation" word yet you are the one telling French people who French is written in French site.
Va crever, fils de pute.
It's a boy. Get over it.
The horse face carriage driver seems familiar, I feel like I've heard an urban legend like that.
>people arguing over that protag’s gender
Oh god it’s going to be like that fucking French Cookie Prince again
it's written he's a boy on the official website, I don't get what you fail to comprehend.
author site.
you don't have a single proof.
Except the goddamn link that was posted, and the trailer itself referring to the character as "him" and "he".
you just KNOW
HYPE la bretagne entre dans la culture populaire, les amis!
from the comic:
> Bretagne sud, village de Pouec. Goulwen a huit ans, c'est un jeune garçon introverti qui préfère jouer sur la plage avec ses copines les mouettes. C'est là qu'il trouve une barque échouée et brisée et, sous la coque, une jeune fille qui semble venir d'ailleurs, de très loin. Les deux enfants vont parcourir un beau chemin ensemble et affronter plusieurs dangers ; des créatures du folklore mais aussi d'autres menaces bien plus grandes. Une série magique et tendre sur la différence.
in other words, the redhead is male, the japanese is female.
error in translation. the original language indicates female.
the breton outfit that the japanese is seen wearing is for women
you're talking about the comic, not the cartoon
The premise sounds like a culture reversed version of the Utsuro Bune fable.
Except the villagers decide to keep the castaway.
Ooh, cute shotas.
It's clear they changed the fucking premise for the cartoon. And if you really think shows must be faithful to the source material, you must not have watched any television in the past 20 years. God, you're a such a fucking crybaby.
I thought you guys were progressive.
Why should gender matter, its not like you want to jack off to these underage characters now do you?
Who the fuck would take a Japanese loli and turn her into a boy??? At least make her a new-half or something.
looks cool
might watch it
dont know why the guy is in a maid outfit but I dont really care
So... Wind Waker?
Future boy conan
Hold up
They don't care what it is, but they want to know what it is, so they know how to jerk off to it. Jerking off to lolis or to traps is completely different.
At last I can start a club featuring purple octopus ladies
Will keep in mind.
Are you stupid on purpose?
you got fucking spanked there, you are the one shitting yourself despite a demi dozen proof you were wrong. Don't try to take a moral high ground after such a disastrous failure ever again.
Better be at least a little bit celtic.
This. It's important to keep your tags up to date.
That's the stupidest hat ever.
Impractical and looks ridiculous.
On one hand, it'd be really odd to change the character from a girl to a crossdressing boy.
On the other hand, I'd definitely chalk it up to no more than a translation error if it was only brought up in text form. But the fact that it made it as far as the English dub as well, without anyone catching the error, seems to suggest it was a deliberate change.
Then AGAIN, stranger things have happened....
Looks pretty interesting, I think I'll check it out