
Anyone else a fan of finnceline?
I feel like i am the only one at this point lol.
I was rooting for them since season one and was said the hope kinda died out quickly after that.

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It is objectively the best ship.

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It's the only correct ship

Why not both?

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>I feel like i am the only one at this point lol.
How is it possible? Every single AT thread that gets made gets finnceline fags. Are you new

Hell no. I am a connoisseur.

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Not new
Just havent browsed the board regularly in like 4 years.

Not by any means

I prefer finnyon.

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imagine what people would say if she broke up with bubblegum and was bi with fin

Can’t spell Finnceline without incel

Not the only one OP. I'm on the same boat too.
I also was rooting for them.

After Bubblegum’s personality change literally anybody was a better match for Finn. I also hate how almost Marceline’s entire character became about her relationship to Bubblegum.

still hurts

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Canyon was best girl.

They had great chemistry until suddenly she was ashamed that Finn was helping her out of jams.

A cute girl, but basically a mental patient. Also, why was she trying to win a kiss from Bubblegun in the wizard battle?


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>Anyone else a fan of finnceline?

To an extent.

Marceline is the girl you'd think would be really cool to date, but then once you're in a relationship with her you realize that she's a complete and utter mess and you cant fix her.

Therein lies the appeal. Finn is strong enough and goodhearted enough to fix her. He is the emotional anchor she needs.

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Nobody is strong and goodhearted enough to fix a lesbo, user.

Pretty good, pretty good. However,

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I'm a fan of Meceline. As in me and her.


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Would you be okay with a Finn/Marceline/Bubblegum trio? And if so, how do you feel about Huntress Wizard being left out?

Sometimes i forget that this board is filled with pathetic coombrain pedos who actively root for teenage kids fucking 1000 year olds and i wonder why im so stupid for coming here

>Cant spell Finnceline without Finncel
Like pottery

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So, that was original finn right?

Yeah I enjoyed this and thought it was going to be a thing, but even aside from the immortality thing Marceline and Bubblegum were always too old for Finn.

I like it more in the genderswap desu

Out of every Finn ship it always felt like the most self insert, a way to date this stereotype of the cool older chick who seemed kinda out there. Sure that is an element of most ships, but at least with PB and FP there was a considerable amount of focus on the idea. You may also be shipping it as there is a narrative to develop with both directions. Marceline only ever treated Finn like a friend, the only episode to suggest it ends with them agreeing they just want to be friends and hang out. That book was closed early on without even a HW oh we just can't be together right now. Never mind some logistic issues like age.

Really, Marceline ending up in a relationship at all without really dealing with her issues was a mistake. That character is a bigger bag of emotional problems than Finn, but she is a girl so doesn't have to be punished for it

>Hey. Finn. You dating my granddaughter?

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No, your baby momma.

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Shipping is for pathetic lonely people.

cant you just be friends with latent sexual tension?

>cartoons are real life

wow, you really are a deranged retarded cunt arent you?

>works of fiction are things you model your real behavior around

>ever replying to anyone who uses the C-word

They're very cute together, and excellent for porn, but it never would have worked. They have a better dynamic than Finn and PB since that one usually just boils down to Finn either being her errand boy or puppy love, since at least it's clear Finn and Marcy have fun together desptie the teasing. Still, she's thousands of years old and would outlive Finn easily. It'd be more like a fling for her.

That's also an obvious reason why PB and Finn wouldn't have worked out. Flame Princess and Finn had a more equal relationship but then the writers threw that out to set up FP as a strong female ruler. Then they recycled in Huntress Wizard as a last minute moeblob for Finn to squirm with until the series ended, but then they completely forgot they had a relationship together during the finale. Finn really got the short end of the stick when it comes to love despite have at least two dozen episodes solely focusing on his love life.

Too bad Susan Strong is such a literal retard. If it wasn't so unethical she and Finn would hit all my kinks.

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>Flame Princess and Finn had a more equal relationship
I really like ryona, but manipulating youre girlfriend to play out your sick fantasies while shes unaware is pretty fucked

this ship became less and less likely for the same reasons the series became less and less good

finn got less adventurous and heroic and competent while marceline's emotional developements happened in away that was directed towards representation politics rather than making her a fun or engaging character

they were a fun possible ship in show that lived up to the name "adventure time" but not in what the show started to become (slowly, at first) after season two

Huh. I may have missed a few more episodes than I thought.

I like them best when they have a sister-brother sort of relationship.

That just makes the scene where Finn saw her naked even weirder.

Eh, who hasn't seen their friend naked?

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Reminder that most of the AT "fans" these days think that Finn to be with someone is "unnecessary", but lesbians is A-OK.

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>going on reddit
maybe you should go back and stay there

based fubblechads

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Naaah, age gap is to high.

It all went so wrong. I wanted adventure, but the adventure I got was not what I wanted. Even the people who still remember just talk about the worst of it. Frankly, I'm glad it's over.

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>I'm glad it's over
Yeah, about that

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Someone paid to give this queer agenda pushing soul crushing disaster more seasons!!
Is it because of the gay bullshit and cuckery and pushing men as passive being good and women being gay and agressive as even better?
Cause...that's the norm in modern media.

Oof. Looks like SU and Adventure time had an ugly baby.

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seethe more vampcuck. the gum got more action that she did when she was straight

>God Tier

>Great Tier
Huntress Wizard/Finn (Finntress? Fizard?)

>Good Tier

>Mid Tier
Finngum (?)

>Low Tier

>Shit Tier

Fill in your own blanks.

>instead of a sword, it's a stick with a snake

>Based Tier

Attached: best ship.png (830x1184, 646.58K)

That's the rod of asclepius.

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Thanks, I hate it.

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>Great Tier
Hmm. Thought it'd be lower. But I'll take great.

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The tree consolation prize belongs in low

Early /ss/ Fubble

>Early Finnceline
>Finn pillow fucking


Finn and the Worm from Food Chain

FutafagFinnnBottom ships
Fubble after Season 6

>A rod of healing
How on earth is that going to work out?

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Sauce now

>Finntress is mid tier

Shit taste and fake news

like this bitch's healing powers but less op

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Finntress is about as low energy as you can get.

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