Yas Forums feet thread

Yas Forums feet thread
Yas Forums feet thread

Attached: B9C741AC-8091-419D-BDD2-6DDE1EA359F7.jpg (320x320, 33.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


four-toe feet is disgusting

Attached: arnold.gif (480x360, 1.45M)

Attached: 17176930-C3CA-4AC1-B317-13B43D3834B5.png (1067x600, 141.35K)

Attached: 1576216361783.gif (300x300, 157.5K)

She sure milked this.

from episode 8

Attached: Cleopatra In Space mess2 na.webm (1920x1078, 2.98M)

Whose feet would everyone lick?

Attached: c7b3bd5e74392728337161357f3c7131e727711d.png (1500x1800, 1.08M)

More like autism thread

Attached: You have autism.gif (480x270, 536.6K)

any good feet in the current year besides amphibia. everything looks like shit

have some Lego Friends feet instead.

Attached: Friends_Screenshots.jpg (1920x1082, 163.77K)

There’s this one scene in the owl house that I liked but this is about it. I really hope we get more foot scenes from the show since the characters are cute.

Attached: 8DEA70CE-EE8C-4AF1-B8F1-FAB4D18D69FE.png (480x562, 309.1K)

This may be an animation error, but it takes place years in the past so my headcanon is Angela still has a torn pair of emo shorts from her teens
Also she has sweet feet

Attached: Screenshot_20200308-085424_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 706.77K)

Luz's little feet are cute and it's funny how she doesn't wear socks.


When I was a innocent kid, Peppermint Patty's feet gave me weird feelings.

Attached: peppermint-patty.jpg (240x343, 38.12K)


Attached: 3A97252B-B63B-40F8-9659-BAB4BE6F365F.gif (694x568, 1.4M)

Kill yourself degenerate.

Attached: 1459325347727.png (1100x1555, 383.64K)

Attached: S2E31_Marco_Diaz_holding_hamburger_and_soda.png (1920x1080, 1.48M)

Feet are putrid. Don't post pictures of them online

Dude... this is weird.

So what happens if Lego Friends step on Legos? Does it hurt? Do they just stick to the bottom of their feet? We need answers!

Attached: 1549085425005.png (416x352, 189.83K)

Attached: mp,550x550,matte,ffffff,t.u1.jpg (550x545, 28.78K)

What episode?

Girls on a Misson Ep. 5 "The Shadow Group"

nothing's made of Lego in that universe. (Pic raletd is from "Escape from Trash Island")

Attached: Friends_Screenshots3.jpg (1920x1082, 461.35K)

Attached: Imageeee1.jpg (1360x768, 243.78K)

You just know that the red fish is the artist's self insert

Notice anything?

Attached: compare and contrast.jpg (1572x852, 271.81K)

a regular day on Yas Forums?

Attached: this again.jpg (600x899, 63.62K)

this kills the footfag


Attached: footfag.png (960x960, 502.07K)

Attached: 1565973190494.png (1000x1000, 290.46K)

>connie feets

Attached: 3d6.gif (350x197, 2.24M)

I forgive your ESL if you screenshot a foot pic out of that

Attached: shannon.png (539x635, 379.16K)

>Princess Teegra
>Fire and Ice

Attached: fire and ice.png (400x250, 78.6K)

Attached: Harley_Feet_01.png (1600x739, 818.11K)

Attached: Ronnie_Anne_Surf.jpg (2200x2800, 1.31M)

You wanna touch it? It's really MUSHY in there!

Attached: [pseudo] S04E15 The Silent Partners [1080p] [h.265].mkv_snapshot_08.38_[2020.03.08_17.23.48].jpg (1920x1080, 749.36K)

Attached: 1239320918e473b967ecc7863ddbdd053c5a7574_s2_n1.jpg (1280x960, 145.53K)

Attached: d8e.png (1000x1000, 1.2M)

Attached: dc5mj2a-517a846a-68db-4f19-9b6c-a734b7daafca.png (795x598, 311.01K)

Attached: 273373_2ca5f1a61d7158d68c2fd735d4e6ca8d.jpg (1024x1506, 241.64K)

>innocent kid, Peppermint Patty's feet gave me weird feelings.

The fuck? why? Why are boys so weired like that?

That was the worst episode of the entire show. It made Helga seem like she actually hated Arnold and wanted to see him suffer for no reason.

Imagine being humiliated by both of their feet

No, she wanted to be pampered by Arnold,
she just abused his problem for her gain.

Take it to the

Attached: 10122.gif (1280x720, 3.58M)

Attached: KID PADDLE - EP31 - Chirurgie Plastique.mp4 2017.05.29 (640x480, 238.94K)

>this whole thread

Attached: cute feet.png (800x800, 626.42K)

Attached: mina.jpg (1747x1068, 269.84K)

You prefer soles or wiggly toes?

Attached: 800px-BBRAE.png (800x461, 368.53K)

Attached: 1582334906982.jpg (1000x1000, 121.04K)

This thread went in the wrong direction. Nor a single size post

wiggly, S P R E A D toes

this is the first time i've ever seen kid paddle referenced on Yas Forums ever, and it's in a feet thread

Too bad, huh?

Attached: Isabelle_Garcia-Shapiro_with_1_foot_bare.gif (622x350, 2.18M)

Attached: friended_footsie_by_purpledino100_ddbqqmf.png (1196x694, 36.61K)