Let's have a thread where we make assumptions about the person based on their waifu's
Let's have a thread where we make assumptions about the person based on their waifu's
no gf
I hate this place
are they waifu if I just want a good old fashion rape?
They're more of a victim then
you lack confidence so you're attracted in underage minors
Race-traitor knifeear sympathising, degenerate cross-breeding, subhuman genocide-ignoring filth
Good taste in looks, terrible in character.
You lack confidence so you are attracted to other species outcasts
yuri-fag, you wish you were a girl i guess
i actually don't like elves usually, just this one
also yes if you think whites are being """genocided"""
is that elsa or am I totally biased?
closest thing I have to one I guess
You are insecure about yourself and so want a girl that pretends not be confident. You suck at pretending to be confident.
It is Elsa yes.
somewhat good taste assuming the actual garfield is a joke, if not then idk you're crazier than a ran-over dog.
How bout mine?
Looks way better thatn the actual movie style. Still don't care for the hair down look.
Also I guess you want someone who'd need emotionally support. You think you'd be up to it? Elsa kinda got a whole lot of baggage.
I would most likely not be up for it but I would like to try for Elsa.
The non pedophile picks are pretty decent. Ariel stands out a bit,seeing that the others have their shit pretty much together and her whole movie revolves around her fucking shit up for some human dick.
Just getting slightly of the stupid original style makes her look so much better.
Who is the purple person again?
That's Zone-tan, you beautiful person
I can't show my actual waifu because of the rules but think purple haired fashion horse. This is my Yas Forums waifu.
I have others, of course, but she's the big Yas Forums one.
>purple horse
Great taste if you can deal with her being high maintinence as fuck.
Great taste as well, but another case of a waifu who'll need a lot of care and understanding.
Also her brother is gonna shank you if you doher wrong.
gangbang fetish?
Definitely not.
Was part of one threesome and is was awkward as fuck.
Yes, I have a gynoid/artificial human fetish. Their tendency to be helpful but snarky helps a lot.
Yas Forums, Yas Forums, and Yas Forums respectively. I have a thing for big eyes and musclegirls
I like you two
man of culture
Didn't make it to the left chick, but Flame Princess is top tier waifu material.
My waifu
You will become a weeaboo within five years.
You fantasize about stepping on grass and teasing her about it.
My wife Raven
Not Yas Forums bit still.
Hollow Knight?
It's a pokemon from Gen 7.
Her name is Pheromosa.
Fucking gottem
Not my waifu .... god dammit
You're too late, I'm already a weeaboo
My choices if just keeping it Yas Forums.
Also this YIKES!
I really don't care for you.
Fuck me didn't attach image
Anyway, might as well.
get out of the site sad tripfag/10.
Everyone in Alfie is a shitty person.
Pretty good except Alfie/ALfie's mom (can't tell from the pic).
God you suck Yas Forums.
outside of the weavile you're based
She'll make you wear a Adora wig, have a freakout, beat you and call you a whore before breaking down crying.
There will be no sex.
>Multiple waifus
>Most of them aren't even Yas Forums related
This board is shit on so many levels.
Sounds like a good time
Good taste.
Would be be able to tolerate her shit show of a family?
Cool dudes
Lydia Deetz.