Harley VS Punchline

Who's gonna win?

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Is her comic out, yet?

>giant mallet vs knives at close range

Punchline should win if the fight is even remotely realistic.

It's gonna be that thing where the newcomer seems immediately strong and will kick the protagonist's ass in their first appearance, but after the protagonist cleans herself up, she'll come up with a trick and defeat the newcomer and somehow come out looking like the superior fighter despite needing the trick. And from then on, writers will just have the protagonist as the uncontested victor whenever they fight again, despite how competent the newcomer was in their first appearance.

I hate becoming aware of tropes
Legit ruined my enjoyment of 75% of all media

If she sticks around I can see her being a competent henchgirl but nothing more than that. I'm just surprised she got so popular so suddenly.

A few blank pages. TIDDIES

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What's Selina saying here?

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the gook thot is superior

Let me know when the punchline is that joker just kills her