Harley VS Punchline

Who's gonna win?

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Is her comic out, yet?

>giant mallet vs knives at close range

Punchline should win if the fight is even remotely realistic.

It's gonna be that thing where the newcomer seems immediately strong and will kick the protagonist's ass in their first appearance, but after the protagonist cleans herself up, she'll come up with a trick and defeat the newcomer and somehow come out looking like the superior fighter despite needing the trick. And from then on, writers will just have the protagonist as the uncontested victor whenever they fight again, despite how competent the newcomer was in their first appearance.

I hate becoming aware of tropes
Legit ruined my enjoyment of 75% of all media

If she sticks around I can see her being a competent henchgirl but nothing more than that. I'm just surprised she got so popular so suddenly.

A few blank pages. TIDDIES

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What's Selina saying here?

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the gook thot is superior

Let me know when the punchline is that joker just kills her

>ohh Mista Joe-ka you so sekuse, you makeu me so so whorune!
This is some Ami-comics tier shit.

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thats like a male calico cat

Big fat Asian fun bags

>green eyes

my dick

Joker upgraded

An over-sized mallet is an inefficient weapon vs the speed of twin daggers. Harley would be dead mid-swing

Harley has enhanced physicals.

>What's Selina saying here?
It's a reference to this. She's pointing out to Harley that this new girl is getting fucked by the guy Harley became Harley for in the first place.

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Did that carry forward past N52? I don't think it did

Harley has plot armor because she sells a lot of merchandise and DC isn't going to ditch such a valuable character.

I think that handle is way too small for the mallet head

I mean Punchline isn't even holding the knives towards Harkey, meaning she can only slash at. her from the sides. Instead of immediately stab her in her core as they grabble. Neither of them are using their weapons well. Comic artists are just so dumb.

Except this isn't her book, she doesn't always win, and there's a chance DC is trying to hard sell the new gal

It will probably go something like this

More like a female tabby.

There's zero reason to believe that it didn't.

It's just gymnastics. The only meta thing Harley has is immunity to toxins

>Comic artists are just so dumb.

Some comics artists and writers take boxing classes or martial arts classes so they can do a better job of depicting fight choreography. They know what it's like to actually hit someone or get hit. It doesn't look like that was the case here though.

It's not just gymnastics. In addition to increased agility and immunity to Ivy's toxins, it also gave her increased endurance and a faster healing rate.

like in the Bird of Prey movie. Thugs with machine guns rush one after the other within range of Harley Quinn's baseball bat.

Harley beating Punchline would be retarded as fuck. "Expert" in what, exactly?

>faster healing rate.
The hell are you talking about?

Depends if this is still canon.

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No, she has enhanced strength and agility too.

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>pre 52

Expert in street fighting.

Whoever's funnier.

This isn't canon anymore.

I highly doubt that Punchline became the Joker's right hand without being properly trained.

Batman continuity had the least amount of change from the nu52 according to DC.

The Joker says that Punchline is the funniest woman he's ever met, so there's that.

>This isn't canon anymore.
Where does it say it's not?

Honestly? Punchline. Harley's weapon is simply too long for such a close-range attack, compared to Punchline's.

>be a psychiatrist
>fall in love with murderer
>am now "expert street fighter"
I get this is comics, so pointing out bullshit is pointless because everything is bullshit, but that's bullshit

How much of her backstory has been revealed. If she grew up doing martial arts of something, she might be a pretty good fighter already before the Joker found her.

Punchline has bigger tits than Harley?

There was an issue of Suicide Squad where she was able to take out more experienced fighters because she was "crazy" and therefore more unpredictable. Yes, it's dumb but that's the excuse they gave.

>dat tit stare

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user, she's been in comics for nearly 20 years now. How do you miss all the comic showing her enhanced agility and strength?

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>How much of her backstory has been revealed.
Literally only this.

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She makes out with that mugshot poster, doesn't she?

Today DC has better artists and better vision than the reader wants than Marvel

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not canon sadly.

Today, they take gender sensibility and revised history classes instead.

It is and let me prove it with logic right now.
>she and Poison Ivy still had their friendship post flashpoint
>ergo this meeting must have happened
>therefore this is still canon

And then rebirth happened.
>This isn't canon anymore.
Well damn I didn't know Didio was posting on Yas Forums now that he has all this free time. You got any more insider information?

Call Lo Pan, he's interested.

I'm trying to figure out if there's more meaning behind her costume, a reference I'm not getting

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punchline had to have a 5.0 gpa and double 800s and a 30+ act just not be have her application thrown out

muh 21ft rule, harley gettin fucking shanked

I had a stroke in the middle of typing that

Harley and Selina are old .
Punchline is 23 and Hot.

cinema nu-harley is a timesplitters knock off