Skyler thread

can we get a skyler thread

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I bet this is what boomers imagine is happening when they scream at the cashier

God I want a girl like that, feels bad man.

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But she is a total bitch!
She was really mean to New Guy.

chinese bootleg daria

Not that pink hair cunt, I mean skyler.

oh shit, you meant the black girl? sorry

It's okay bro.

theyll give you a toy if you ask them...

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I wonder if the person who makes this, will do anymore of this.

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Friendships are forever

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She's always happy, it brings a smile to my face.

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How did Skyla got a high school diploma?

Someone on the mental level and social awareness of a preteen?

You might wanna do some introspection.

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Schools will often pass struggling students regardless of grades so it doesn't damage their graduation percentages

Always bulli Skyla

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Is it me, or thangs are getting spicy around here.

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Holy shit how did I not notice?!

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You just gotta be a rich sugar daddy then.
Lots of girls could maintain a child like sense of wonder into adulthood if they weren't spending all their energy working for a living.

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Dude you know skyler legal, you know that right.

There's something so cute and wholesome about these two that even when she's doing something as fetishy as a naked apron, it's still sweet and just leads to cuddling.

If she's autistic then she could have issues with social interactions but still be academically smart.

How does anyone NOT? Americas schools are dumbed down enough that a dog could pass.

no, institute things like credit farms like ALC and summer school to both hire extra teachers and also maintain the illusion of their bullshit sca- I mean institution

But it's not about money bro, it's about love man.

I like that the WN guy draws in anime style. It's very late 2010s.

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Does skyler mom even cares she doesn't enjoy spending time with her. I mean she must loves Skyler enough to not just abandon but thats not enough to make a good mom.

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Skyler's mother is a bitter woman, who copes with identity politics to justify her own issues and mistakes.

a lot of schools made homework count for 80/90% of the grade instead of testing being 70% so if you have any disaffection of doing useless/mindless busy work youre SOL

Hmm, that is better actually

These hispanic gangbanger genes created this cinnamon bun

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Don’t you dare

>Ben Garrison

I look at the boorus but there are no lewds, not enough atleast

>tfw that face makes me think her mother used to be as much a pure cinnamon bun until it all fell apart

the first edit was better

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>implying the skinhead is going to burn her out too

I want to ___ ______ Skyler.

Careful Skylar, all that junk food might make you fat!

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>"Well Skyler I made it, despite your directions"

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Skyler mom atleast kept the father last name it seems. She must still have feelings for him,

botched reunion when?

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>1.56 m

She looks bigger. This is nearly pocketsize.

Ha. But man imagine running out on that smile.
Absolute trash.


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Or it'll all go to her ass and thighs.

And then she blows up!


We need more nice people like Skyler in the world.