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give me some "haha nice" or "the art is shit" so i could post more

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I don't know any x-men but this is cute

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haha nice trips

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An user said this was the best rendition of the X-Men, and I'm inclined to agree with them.

I weirdly like it
The sheer awkwardness

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>When you have to deal with an alcoholic member of the family
this is both accurate and infuriating

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Poor Scott

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This is too funny to be true

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With all the Krakoa stuff, it is a relief to read this. I want to pretend this exists in-universe, and a copy gets on the island.

>it's a beach episode

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bobby youre gay

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Jean Grey is easily the worst X-Man and I love it.

God this is amazing.

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This is exactly how I remember Jean.

Jean blaming everything for Phoenix is pretty hilarious. This Jean is actually better character than 616 ver.

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Okay, I laughed.

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What is she doing to her arms and legs

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What is with places that are out of things on their own menu?
Who's handling stock? Larfleeze?!


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