Why do they insist on giving Joker girlfriends?

Why do they insist on giving Joker girlfriends?

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1)cause he fucks

2)if he didn't fuck people would think he's a gay and batmans readership would drop to marvel levels.

>would think he’s a gay

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Did joker have sexual attraction towards women before quinn was introduced?

Not unless you count stuff like Killing Joke

He had one or two henchwomen in the Adam West show. Dini and Timm just took inspiration from that and made Harley and then ping-pong'd between keeping Joker asexual or having him in a legit relationship with Harley.

And that's a problem why?

Because he’s in love with Batman

He loves Batman like a brother, like a best friend, the straight man to his comedy duo routine

A good bromance is a romance.

who else is going to teach him to suck dick and groom his anus

No gordon just no

When am I getting my romantic comedy series starring pic related?

At least they explained why Batman doesn't have large cult followings in-universe.


Dark Knight movie:Doesn't like what they do with it and discourages it.
Gotham City Imposters:Proved him right a good amount of times.

It's weird when they call them his 'girlfriend'. Harley was like mindbroken into a stalker that Joker manipulated. A crazy villain getting a stalker is interesting, calling it a girlfriend is weird.

Because all the stuff the readers want. They don't give it to them, and give them something else.

Not everyone has to be gay faggot

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Because they don't agree with the whole "but joker is in gay love with Batman" and they want you to know it.

The only thing I find offensive about this is that joker isn’t also in a wedding dress

I can understand a few crazies liking him, it's the sheer following he has in-universe that's bullshit. It's like the writers don't know that Beyond was just ripping off Akira with that bull-shit, very blindly.

Is she talking to a seamen street muppet?

I was refuting them being gay you idiot

Cuz he can't be gAAAaaAAAAAAY even though he keeps declaring that he's in love with Batman. Edgy Joker fans with a poor understanding of his character who meme the nolan movies would lose their minds.

>spends ten minutes monologuing about his love for a man
>no homo tho guys

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Right joker is the femme he'd be in the wedding dress. Harley what's WRONG with you.

He has gone insane by conversion therapy

yeah but joker is

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That's like saying Bugs Bunny is gay because he cross dresses for a bit

Yeah, there's nothing gay about kissing another man (like really full on hardcore kissing him) as long as you're PRETENDING to be female (but only so you can ha ha prank your rival)

>yall when any man dresses like a woman: haha what a fucking FAGGOT
>yall now: no homo no homo i see nothing homo about it

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See, this is what woke-people like you don't understand about male bonding. Everything you do ironically to mess with someone doesn't count as legitimate. If fondle a friend's ass and kiss him on the lips as a joke, that doesn't make me gay. Since the whole purpose is to make him uncomfortable and piss him off. You guys will never understand us men.

>the joker is a PRANKSTER hes only IRONICALLY homosexual guys get on our LEVEL he doesn't ACTUALLY like men he just kisses pictures of them he keeps in his room for EPIC LULZ

I fucking hate all of you. There was a time where this shit was funny, and not meant to be taken at face value. You're the real faggots here

Why did you quote me?

straight men draw themselves with hearts around the people they hate most. this is normal.

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>being a yandere for a man is not gay guys you're ruining comics by pointing out the blatant subtext

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It's not gay only if you say no homo afterwards

Dude, i wrote an entire fanfic about my friend homoerotic adventures starring me and some couple other close friends from our group, and then passed it around just to fuck with this friend in an attempt to show what a faggot he is sometimes around us.

All you're pointing out is Synder's trash

>the WRITER: this is a love story
>ITT: fucking faggots being terrible

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>wah wah people are making this UP im being bullied by the mean homos
>actually you can only point out creators i LIKE because other ones arent valid

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For the fight! THE FIGHT!

maybe if you were as good a detective as batman you would know joker was gay

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Injustice, really?

i keep giving you proof but you keep rejecting it because MUH FEELZ. you have only yourself to blame for you own dumbassery.

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joker: im in love with batman
user: im choosing to ignore this because i can't stand a character i like being gay.

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You need sexual attraction for it to be gay.

Women are drawn to psychopaths, criminals and status so it only seems natural

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Dini explained it quite succinctly.
He's a comedic figure, so him having this offbeat version of normalcy is a funny gag.
Strategically it also makes sense for an eye catching mook to keep people distracted or occupied until Joker's all setup, and if someone plays hero they're more likely to hesitate to hit a chick until they run into Quinn enough, so she makes an okayish meat shield.

It all adds up really.

Wait I'm confused now

The Joker is bisexual.

Doesn't mean he's exclusive to Batman, Joker a slut.

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>ITT faggots cherrypicking specific authors who are closet fujos & retards who haven’t read a Batman comic in their life
For every writer trying to make Joker vaguelly gay in canon (Snyder) there are 1000 who explicitly show Joker is motivated by his hatred of Batman & Batman’s apparent incorruptibility compared to himself (as was intended by Moore). Cherrypicking the 2 or 3 writers who’ve tried to make their ship real (like Snyder) & including non-canon elseworlds like Injustice/DKR while ignoring the countless times Joker’s preached to hell & high earth on how he exists to ruin Batman’s life beyond repair makes you either deliberately disengenuous or just plain stupid. Joker’s had 10 girlfriends in the past 80 years & a wife (as made canon by Hush). The most he’s had with Batman is the occasional flirty behaviour used to show how little he’s scared of him. Tldr, Joker’s obsessed with Batman, he derives meaning & purpose from Batman, without Batman his life is so empty that he has no reason left to be The Joker. He doesn’t want to suck Batman’s cock.

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So, let me get this straight:

There's this nobody fella who may or may not worked as a mobster before pulling the heist in Ace Chemicals, falling in the vat and turning into a white-skinned, green-haired, red-lips abomination. Instead of being killed by the process, he survived but went insane.

His insanity is never clear or understandable -- like Harvey Dent split personality or The Riddler megalomania -- but has a few recurring points:

- He develops a thing for elaborate joke-themed crimes.
- He still handles henchmen, good planning, chemical procedure, guns and knives with the precision of a sane -- and extremely capable man.
- He lies and can play a part for months and deceive even superheroes who know him very well, or trained psychiatrists.
- Somehow he is obsessed with pulling such prank-themed crimes for Batman's attention.
- Everytime somebody else dethrones Batman, he's there to help (by being a problem for the temporary foe who won against Batman).

Do I miss something?

My god, it's true.

Fags ruin everything.

Joker's been trying to give Batman a boner for decades.

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>So, let me get this straight:
>There's this nobody fella
We don't know
>who may or may not worked as a mobster before pulling the heist in Ace Chemicals
That is the correct ambiguity, yes.
>falling in the vat and turning into a white-skinned, green-haired, red-lips abomination.
Someone fell to Batman's recollection
>Instead of being killed by the process he survived but went insane.
We don't know, both counts.
>His insanity is never clear or understandable
>- He develops a thing for elaborate joke-themed crimes.
>- He still handles henchmen, good planning, chemical procedure, guns and knives with the precision of a sane -- and extremely capable man.
At times
>- He lies and can play a part for months and deceive even superheroes who know him very well, or trained psychiatrists.
>- Somehow he is obsessed with pulling such prank-themed crimes for Batman's attention.
Typically the idea is Batman's self-seriousness makes him that one guy in the audience to Joker's idea of comedianship.
>- Everytime somebody else dethrones Batman, he's there to help (by being a problem for the temporary foe who won against Batman).
Sometimes, if Bane or Ra's slam dunk Batman he's not bolting from Arkham to go tag in
>Do I miss something?
Not on your part, but going back to your first point, he's not a serial killer. It's something a lot of writers of him seem to discard to make him seem a bigger threat equal to Batman's notice instead of just a comedic criminal, but it sort of just makes him a pasty Zsasz.

Don't misunderstand, Joker doesn't shy from killing but if there's no laugh or theater or necessity to it, it's a waste of time.

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