1-Christopher Reeve
2-Brandon Routh
3-Henry Cavill

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1.Curt Swan
2.Wayne Boring
3. Jose Luis Garcia Lopez

For America

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Wanna hear a joke?

Who hasn't had a good movie since the fucking seventies?

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The Hulk?

Geroge Lucas?

who else liked this couple?

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>watching the prince of Egypt
>Moses is put in the reed basket on the Nile

Was that not Kal-El escaping from krypton?

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1. George Reeves
2. Christopher Reeve
3. Tom Welling

Joker is more of a symbol for hope and freedom today than Superman ever will be again.

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So the answer was The Hulk?

Man of steel was only half a good movie and BVS and Justice League completely killed all the goodwill people would have had for it.

It's only flaws of note was the tornado scene and not addressing the destruction between the slaying of Zod and the drone scene. That leaves plenty more then just half the film as being good.

1-curt swan
2-jose luis garcia lopez
3-jorge jimenez

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I was ok with it but then I haven't been a huge Lois fan aside from the Dcau & Dceu.


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bizarro dcyou 2015

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I’m down for some wholesomeman

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That superman darkseid war, parasite against midnighter, section eight and obviously harley quinn.

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coming of supermen even crazier than batman Odyssey

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Power girl and harley quinn

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0 - George Newbern

the only good one harley quien from new52 was when she was around a kryptonian like Power girl.

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1. Reeve
2. Cain
3. Cavill
4. Routh
5. Welling

Animation counts though

and tim daly?

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Pretty sure that's always been one of the inspirations.

Was the coupling comic at least decent?

I never realised this, thanks. But is a nice touch, Siegel and Shuster did a great work creating the best superhero.

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Anyone know where I can watch the Ruby Spears cartoon from the 80s? Always wanted to check it out.

try the watch cartoon online webpage or similars like those ones

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K. ty

flashpoint supes by scott snyder

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the entire capeshit genre?

snyder and lee, it was average, variant covers were better than the comic book itself.

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Bump desu

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blackest night supes crossover

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nice cover, when comicsalliance wasn't utter awful.

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master race was a superman book.

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luthor is his best villian, obviously.

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original red son

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superman beyond by morrison

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loeb and sale

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Francis Ford Coppola

Anyone else like George Newbern in the role?

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I thought he found his footing by season 2 of JL. Its honestly razor close between Daly and him for me as definitive voice. I can't remember the last time he voiced Supes though.

Also terrible.

well, it wasn't made by miller, so yes, Azz wasn't inspired. Althoug I think backups feature by Miller were good.

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Injustice 2 i believe