ITT: Shows people only bring up for that one girl in it

ITT: Shows people only bring up for that one girl in it

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Can you blame them man? Just look at her!
Helga is one thicc bitch

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I blame Herny for that, people wouldn't have cared otherwise.

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I've met one person ever who watches this show for something other than Theresa or Heidi, and it was because he watched it for Randy

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More fans are fans because of weinerham than Theresa or Heidi

>Shows people only bring up for that one girl in it

If it weren't for Fifi, NO ONE would remember Tiny Toons.

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I thought people watched the show for Viceroy and McFist. Oh well, to each their own.

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This was a good show to watch when I was 9, it was for 99% show writing, but now adays its about 50/50

Glitch Techs.

Oblongs is literally Parasite.


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What is literally every show Yas Forums hypes?

Most modern cartoons have a waifu as a central character nowadays. But even if Miko is considered FOTM, Glitch Techs still has plenty of cool characters.

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How did they get away with this?

Raven. Need I say more?
It sucks because I'm a starfirefag

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Been a lot of buzz about the Chrome Dome gal, lately

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Don't lie. You watch it for the Daria rip off.

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>Shows people only bring up for that one girl in it
What people and where, user? Here on Yas Forums?

Nope. Not seeing any resemblance.

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I hope one day all the Yas Forums gothgirlfags such as myself latch onto Aldous from What It's Like Being Alone purely so we might eventually get better rips than the 240p quality shit we have on Youtube. Okay show, excellent goth gf.

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I watched it for Viceroy and cool character designs.

huldra from troll tales/tolle trolle
I still remember when she was a Yas Forums waifu of the month

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I'm surprised that Tupu hasn't been a flavor of the month yet

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The show was actually pretty good independent of Susie

You underestimate how autistic the furfag are for Barbara Anne Bunny. Dennis Falk was not an isolated example.

>Not posting the mosaic collage

they telegraph a lot of the jokes way too hard

Thank you.

Never seen Yas Forums or anyone talk about that show, not even for waifus but Gretchen is top tier

i'm guilty on both these shows
also fowlham>wienerham

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>very cute girl
>and she's ALWAYS barefoot
>it's even in the logo
I'd say it's because it's not western or dubbed.


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this was totaly dubbed, I have strangely vivid memories of watching this 12 years ago on my TV

Fujos loved this show though

Yeh, is Phil /ourguy/

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Hua from Shaolin Wuzang

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this show had waifus?

Princess Li Si from Jim Knopf

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it was inferred that she used to be a dude in a past life.

i watch this tv special just for the red-headed cave goth girl

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what does this mean

I actually really liked the aesthetic and concept behind that show. Can we talk about it on Yas Forums again yet? The current janny seems like less of a faggot than the old one.

it means that on occasion i watch this tv special just for the red-headed cave goth girl.

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I would love to talk about this show, thing is most people don't/haven't watched it
they just jerk it to gruftine lewds and call it a day
sucks being a Sunshine fag

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I am still confused

I'm the only person who actually watched this show and the reason why is Judy

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It's a good action comedy, though.

>waifu as synonym of female character
fuck off

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Imagine being the author who had to wait 20 years to get his work picked up and the show barely having any resemblance to his books and being much more popular than his own stuff

What was the point of making this show not have Susie as the main character when the entire reason it happened was because of the book that had her name as the first two words in the books title as well as the titular character/story?

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Probably because all the characters were lifted from individual short stories within the book and cobbled together to make a sitcom cast.

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>not posting the uncensored version

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I know that but she was the most popular one, right? So what the hell?

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>had to wait 20 years to get his work picked up
Was he actively trying to get it adapted? I don't know and I don't speak German so I can't find out, but that's not normally how book adaptations work. Usually the production company finds a book they want to adapt and goes to the author for permission.

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The book describes her family, which was not the sitcom cast that was selected for the show.

Hero 108 was kino

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Even at the time of airing I knew I was only watching it for her. Pretty good show for what it was.

Oh, I see..she's still better than all of them though.

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