Why does this show cause so much controversy? Why can't we all just get along...

Why does this show cause so much controversy? Why can't we all just get along? So what if they raped the source material? The source material was never that fleshed out, so the show took its own liberties and adapted it for a modern audience.

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it really isnt

Now that's an overexaggeration if I ever sniffed one

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At this point, I'm convinced it is either pure autistic rage of a small handful of loud people, or manufactured outrage.

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I'm no huge fan of the games, but I can see where people would take issue with the phrase "adapted it for a modern audience".

The audience the show was targeted toward is no more "modern" than the audience of the games. If anything, Netflix show draws most of its stylistic cues from Warren's old 90s work on Transmetropolitan. Fans of the games are having this presented to them as some stunning evolution of the work they love, when it's closer to another 90s-era work they liked less.

I like it, but I liked Transmetropolitan and didn't like the Castlevania games. I can see where someone on the other side of that would potentially have a different view of it, especially when this interpretation is touted as an improvement on the source material.

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Holy hyperbole, Batman.

I'm a big fan of the games, but none of the complaints I have about the show are about it's disregard of the source material. It's the edgy "curse every other word" attitude it has. It's too "shadow the hedgehog" for me to really get into it.

Personally, I didn't like it from season 2 because its blatant misanthropy that would offend the cast of those old environmental cartoons. However, I'm out spoken about it because many people claim that this is a good example of a faithful video game adaptation. Also, posers pretended that played the games.

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haven't watched it and don't plan to because western adaptations of japanese properties are always hot garbage.

>panders to faggots

I would be very surprised if anyone who enjoy this series had ever completed Castlevania 3 which an unusually tough game as far as even NES games go.

It's obnoxious, boring, and ugly, OP. But I get why people like it. There's not much other western animation out there to compete with it so you're gonna eat the garbage they feed you and be grateful.

But I'll be over here watching infinitely more stylishly designed and animated Japanese cartoons. And when I want western writing? I'll put on some fine live action television that doesn't sound like it was shit out by an angry fifteen year old that duped a witless production company into bankrolling his OCs and fapfiction.

There was literally an incest bisexual threesome MMF scene.

People hate the show because Warren Ellis is THAT much of a piece of shit.

Ellis wrote most of the the first season in the early 00s and explicitly stated he hated the games and wrote an INO series that was filled with anti-christian bullshit and bestiality jokes, the later because he hated the Castlevania property THAT much and wanted to see how much obscene shit he could get away with shoving into it.

I felt bad for the "Japanese characters". They were treated like indigenous characters. There was even a line that said "Food is better when other people cook it for you." When there actually is an idiom in Japanese which is "Food is better when you eat it together with others." Whoever added Japanese characters to this season sexually fetishizes Japanese people and have no idea what they're like.

Say it ain't so

He's probably only played SotN and at least he liked that. Everything otherwise has been a waste.

This doesn't even surprise me. It reminds me of the third X-Men movie, the one with Phoenix, where Scott dies early on and Professor X at the end. It just felt like the writer loathed doing his job and hated all the characters.

This show feels like that. Ellis just hates these characters and resents doing this work. Every character is either a miserable, pathetic sadsack, an evil cunt, or a quipping asshole. Fucking Berserk is happier than this grimderp try-hard nonsense.

Eh, I wouldn't read that deeply into it. The writer had no respect for anything; for the characters, for the lore, for the historical era, for the cultures. He probably shit this screenplay out in a couple of days.

You're probably right. The screenwriter has no idea of the idioms of Japan and probably thought he was clever with his Americanism of "Minimum wagie worker make big maccie taste good because me no have to cook. YAY!" This show was so bad it's good as long as I don't think too hard about it.

I only care about the games for the gameplay, so I don't care about how accurate an adaptation the show is. I just enjoy it as its own thing, a decent dark fantasy cartoon. The puritan autists can go watch something else.


Why not call it Darklevania then? There's no connection to the original besides jerking your own dick off. Just makes a completely different series and bury in the interviews with the 2nd assistant director that rumor on the set was there was Castlevania influences. You and I both know why this was called Castlevania and is fucking absolutely nothing like Castlevania.

Snake fuckingly crazy.

What would make it more Castlevania for you?

We've had the monster designs and 2/3 of the power trio. SotN Alucard. Dracula. A clockwork castle. My dick in your mouth. Alucard's mom killed by a mob. Whips, Magic, Hector, Isaac.

What else do you want?

Considering the life those two led prior to meeting Alucard, it's hardly surprising their values were skewed. Personally, that was one of the lines that made me skeptical about their intentions which I'm pretty sure was the point.

>adapted it for a modern audience

You say it like that's a good thing. Now all of you shut the fuck up and post great music from the series.


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I would have wanted less of that and much more animation. Fuck I would have preferred a Simon vs the World badass LACK of story and more of a masturbatory excuse for dark fluid animation than a masturbatory writing exercise for the mentally disturbed who have never played Castlevania but have spent 3 hours on a wiki one night.

He didn't play any of them.

How sad. Like adapting LotR and coming up with 40k.

He quite openly said that he didn't play any of them and his knowledge of the series is all based off skimming Wikipedia articles and fansites (so I guess the old Castlevania Dungeon and Mr. P's Castlevania Realm).

Who hired this faggot? Other literal faggots?

>You're probably right. The screenwriter has no idea of the idioms of Japan and probably thought he was clever with his Americanism

The writer is from England.

Was it John Oliver and did he write it in the current year?

The studio who were doing the original direct-to-DVD animated movie that Netflixvania was recycled from.

That's our Ellis!

Wait. wait. WAIT! There's more of this garbage elsewhere with even LESS of a budget?

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That dialogue and the course of events leading up to its writing is horrendously bad.

Netflixvania is recycled from an aborted direct-to-DVD animated movie that was canned back in the late '00s.

There's some concept art out there that's floating around, gimme a minute to find it. iirc they were going for a completely different look at opposed to Netflixvania which is just dumbed-down Kojima designs (which to be fair is likely down to how difficult they'd be to animate) and some boring looking anime OCs.

I haven't watched the Castlevania show yet, did it sound something like that page?

Add "snake fuckingly crazy" as a gem of writing to throwaway write and, why, yes!

Here we go.

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There were things about Season 3 I didn't quite enjoy (The Twin's betrayal coming right out of nowhere for example) but for the most part I enjoyed it for what it was.

Also, how many of you guys think the Infinite Corridor stuff has something to do with the Bootleg Multiverse thing Adi Shankar is planning?

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Well here's a comic he wrote almost two decades ago

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So how about that Grant? Grant? Character you had to go through the clock tower to optionally get? Could climb the walls and ceilings? The one that was absolutely memory holed after the NES game? How about that pirate?

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>dumbed-down Kojima designs (which to be fair is likely down to how difficult they'd be to animate)
With today's technology, I don't see that as impossible. What seems impossible is a mainstream production having good writing.

oh no. Oh no! Oh NO! OH NO!!!

That explains it. Godless europeans are even bigger hacks.

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No fucking idea but Netflix Isaac is vastly superior to game Isaac and I hope he continues to sho da wei

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Why is Henry Kissinger the President in 1945? Looks nothing like Truman.

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No user, you see, pirates are animals that can only breath underwater so it's impossible to have a pirate in a landlocked region, nevermind the climax of season 2 took place in a port city, a pirate would be ridiculous

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Here's my take: I think what the did to Alucard was dumb, I think humanizing Dracula was pretty dumb. I don't care about Hector and his falling into one shithole after another.

But Trevor and Sypha's bantz and chemistry and their cool fights are worth it. Also Isaac's bullshit has grown on me.

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I’ve never played a single Castlevania game so I can enjoy it for what it is, which is a beautifully drawn, well animated, smartly written dark action drama.

Come on y’all, we’re all always on here wishing that the animation industry would take some bold risks and play to the older crowd with something other than adult swim slapstick. This show right here is our wish come true! And if we want to see more like it we have to embrace it and overlook the imperfections so that the powers that be will feel taking a risk is worth it.

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Isn't that "modern audience" just a very vocal minority on twitter? Arguably making Castlevania more akin to the 80s/90s ultraviolent animes would draw a bigger audience. Nostalgia sells, see Stranger Things

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>Tfw they talked about a road pirate in season three who had a boat on wheels
>It still wasn't Grant and didn't matter
That was cold blooded.

Ellis doesn't like him because "his surname is stupid" and he couldn't wrap his head around the idea of a privateer being involved in a conflict in landlocked Europe. This is doubly strange since the second season of the show takes place in a port town.

I like BDSM gimp Isaac.


Oh god. Her Name is Zoe Flynn. Gamergate would have had an aneurysm 6 years ago.

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based. just wish they had more monsters.

Oh fuck, I didn't think about that till now. I haven't read this comic in such a long time.

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>smartly written dark action drama.
If you genuinely think that about the third season there's no hope for you.
I'll take nothing over pure garbage with an iconic name plastered on it.

I don't care about the Yas Forumstards delicate feelings. I love Isaac quoting the Quran and relating it with his edgy bullshit. It's always Christianity so adding another religion is a fresh concept.

The Japanese hunters weren't siblings.

Personally I would have liked some more musical callbacks. There was a part in the last fight that sounded close but only teasingly close. Castlevania 3's music is iconic as anything else in the game, and it seems like it should be an easy piece of fanservice.

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Ellis probably saw St. Germain and went "What a stage magician? Shit piss I'm going to change his clothes"

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Not to attack you, Chocula, but if you sincerely believe those things you've typed you have awful taste in entertainment.

True examples of beautifully drawn, well-animated, and smartly written dark action drama would be the DC animated films. They're mature without pandering, and don't make me feel like I'm watching some fifteen year old's sleazy porn. Castelvania is embarrassing, and should be called embarrassing so Netflix doesn't think this is the kind of garbage they should be making.

I suppose I blame Game of Thrones, which is what this series is trying to be.

They look more like ainus

I'm mostly a /tg/ man myself, but this applies to basically most shitposting about most media

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I just miss all the silly fun stuff in my Castlevania like time travelling wizards and interdimensional dinosaur demons from Hell. Netflixvania takes itself way too seriously.

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Why burgers like to add so much sex anyway? Not a moralfag, in fact I despise the purity faggotry of modern anime, but the sex scenes feel like porn rather than a tool for the plot

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