Post comics with cool concepts

Post comics with cool concepts.

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Somebody go ahead and post the comic about the humans being tortured by robots by having their heads stuck in ball for no real reason. This guy will love it.

Oh, Jesus, the person who drew/wrote this thinks they're smart.

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As cool as this sounds I’d rather be like this robot.

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Earth explodes is a gold mine for shit like this.

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How do they poop

I’m guessing the robots feed them and forcefully grab it out.


Feels invader zim esque.

Bump for more of this

This is so sad.


Isn't this how The Emperor was created?

I’ve only seen youtube videos about his stuff but a bunch of guys fused their souls right?

I think they fused in the warp? I think?
I don't think the setting has an established canon for anything in their Universe.

Hundreds or thousands of shamans committed suicide and were reborn as the Emperor.

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What's this?

"Steel Tribe" done by the guy who makes the sword comics now. This is all of it though

A megabyte of humans = A god?

It's definitely the teeth.

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>This is all of it though
Well that sucks, I wanted moar.

This feels like a plan a super-villain would come up with.

why though?

That is a cool idea. I only have two problems.
First you need to know if ghosts are real and how the compression can work. I mean one wall seems to shrink by itself. And what about the wall that faces us?


His comics just kind of come up with bizare but kind of creative stuff.

That concept is not cool, it is stupid. It relies on six absolutely nonsensical assertions:
1) That ghosts exist
2) That people who die automatically become ghosts
3) That ghosts cannot pass through thorium
4) That gods exist
5) That gods can be created out of gods
6) That this process releases heat

Is this a reference to some idiotic Japanese tv show?

They are.

Just not as smart as you, you junior genius you.

I bet you sighed when he referenced Einstein.

Seems pretty accurate.

Always makes me sick.

So dumb.

He is smart. But also not very educated.
I mean the rocks thing is wat shows he is smart with less knowledge.

That is kinda stolen

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>not very educated.

He was a programmer and roboticist at NASA.

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I agree
And you forget that the pressure mechanic works that way he drew it.
Dont know if this is popular here in germany, but kids like a channel where you solve puzzles. Looks like a english channel but translated.
The problem is one puzzle is you are standing in a street cross. North is a blackhole, west a lava lake, south a pond of whale sharks and east is a deadly desert. Which route should you take? Clear Whale sharks.
Than comes a question you are in a room with 3 doors, one has an aquarium with sharks, one a fire breathing dinosaur and one freezes you to death. Right answer is the dinosaur, because firebreathing dinosaurs dont exist.
Now i question why does the dinosaur follow our reality logic, but how can i stand at a crossing near a blackhole?

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Well, that explains why he is high on his own farts. A viable propulsion method, that.

Doesnt mean he is well educated. Like a calculator is good at math but will not understand relativity theory.
I mean, at least clears up at the end, that he dreams about stones being able to interact the same way as electricity.

what the fuck fuji

Fucking nazi

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The stones form a computer that simulates a world where electricity exists.

Maybe the setting is one where people know ghost exists and have discovered the thorium thing.

Wheres the problem?

>The stones form a computer that simulates a world

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Indeed. But how high needs the iron or copper level of the stones to be to make it possible?

as much as I dislike xkcd this one is good.

Hole in the chair.

Not at all.
He moves the stones which by their pattern are depicting the states of a computer on which he manually runs a physics sim because he's eternal.
Our world is the sum total of his computations.

That's how simulation work. in the end, it's just numbers.

I can simulate electricity with a pen and a paper. I imagine a source of power (5V, for example), a resistance (5 Ohm) and from it I can immediately get the value of the current going through it (1 Amp). No need for actual electricity to get that.

Time travel is impossible.

>going to college makes you educated

He didn't specify the size of the black hole.

Creating a bomb that will kill millions of people - more likely billions, if it will vaporize a sizeable part of the Earth - seems a bad idea if ghosts exist. Not to mention the god he just created.

Forward time travel might be.

You are confusing opportunity with outcome.

Are you a feminist?

yeah i never got that either, is supposed to be like an uber complex abacus?

You're impossible, and probably a jew

Not gonna lie, I'm down for some Crane Duels.