>Doug calls Jim Lee out for making Sean Murphy rescind his variant cover.
>Jim Lee says he doesn't know what he's talking about.
>Doug says Sean Murphy had to because Jim Lee spoke to him.
Uh oh, this is a messy time at DC. Who's the snake? Jim or Sean?
Doug calls Jim Lee out for making Sean Murphy rescind his variant cover
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you're forgetting the third option, that Sean Murphy told the truth the first time and Doug is just making shit up out of petiness and rage
Oh sorry, that also. I figure that's the least likely option though, but still, totally an option.
doug is a closeted homosexual
didn't Doug make a public apology to Lee, after he said he didn't know anything about this?
What did he mean by this?
Ah, my bad. How I missed this I've got no idea.
I'm a little confused on why SJW pressure got Murphys variant off. What did he say that was so awful?
Seems like you also owe Jim Lee a public apology.
Not after the New 52. He seems like a very nice person with bad ideas.
I liked his Earthworm Jim comic.
comic creators should stop acting like total bitches online though. They are hardly celebrities.
Y'know, he has some really dumb takes but it's kinda dumb that LGBT pressure can remove a variant cover.
From how I read the tweets a transperson just tweeted at Doug who responded in a very petty and passive aggressive way and then just started digging his hole deeper as he responded to the outrage. I think it was the excessiveness of it that led to Sean pulling his cover. Doug could have just kept his mouth shut.
Oh I didn't catch the tweets in between the cover announcement and the cover being removed announcement. Was this the shit with Heather whatsherface?
I believe so
>you're forgetting the third option, that Sean Murphy told the truth the first time and Doug is just making shit up out of petiness and rage
But Doug is a Christian and Christians aren't allowed to lie.
Oh from that, I think he just misgendered her. And that's not really his issue. She looks like a guy with a giant schnozzer. I read Kotaku and only learned from this whole indicent that Heather was a girl.
Lee is lying because he doesn't want to be seen as tainted by the SJW death kult. Especially since Andy "Will Use My Power as DC Editor To Blacklist Conservatives and Anyone Who's Criticized My Rapist/Con Artist Evil Incarnate Friends" Khouri is probably scheming like crazy right now to exploit the chaos and his famous friends (DeConnick, Bendis, Fraction, etc) to use DiDio's fall to get a higher ranking editor gig even though he single handedly killed Vertigo dead as a brand and would gladly slit Lee's throat if he could get away with it.
Tessa Fowler actually; a failed "writer" who works mainly indie books and is infamous for leading online lynch mobs against anyone she doesn't like, lying and blood libeling people to explicitly ruin their careers and lives, cause she's such a cunt that no man wants to fuck her.....
What's her deal?
Former Comics Alliance editor/writer who sucked cock to get an editorial gig at DC. He's the guy who hired Zoe Quinn and several other SJW types who turned out to be rapists and shit, effectively killing Vertigo after Andy turned it into an SJW shitshow
She's a worthless parasite who can't make it big in comics, but because she's got no job and life and is a godless femcel, she spends her days cyberbullying people and kissing SJW writer/artist ass 24-7 to the point that she has a decent size army she loves to use to ruin people she doesn't like's lives as a means to make up for the fact that she's a huge fuck-up that has to suck cock out by a truckstop to pay her power bill
Jesus, what is going ON with comics atm? And I thought EVS was the worst thing going on.
EVS is the logical outcome of the current state of the comics industry. While the medium slowly dissolves itself, management allows anyone with the appropriate social media cred to simply join ranks and make sweeping cultural and administrative changes. The old guard either conforms to the new status quo, or they jump ship as EVS did.
Doug Tennapel is a goddamn moron and should have his voicebox removed. He'd probably make a lot more money that way.
Moron in what way? I don't really know him, but his art is pretty great. Also nice he can ink and colour his own work too.
How do you fight such large IP as DC & Marvel as an indie creator?
>How do you fight such large IP as DC & Marvel as an indie creator?
at this point, you don't have to. just sit back and watch them destroy themselves
>DC Comics editor: Far Sector. Harleen. Wonder Woman: Dead Earth. Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds. Collapser. Lucifer. High Level.
Good comics desu.
I don't know why comics bow to SJWs, they have virtually no purchasing power
Good comics have purchasing power, and SJW usually have a good handle on the world enough to know what people want.
See here
that fag is still around? Next you'll tell me Diversity in Comics still has a channel
>EVS is the logical outcome of the current state of the comics industry.
Hi Ro. Your Caesar is a faggot who suck dick behind the pizza parlor.
The comic industry continues to tank due to shrinking customer base and those comics listed are/were total dog shit but whatever floats your boat I guess.
People should absolutely not give an inch to trannies, and Doug is based.
How does hate speech work in America if you're practicing your right to certain religious beliefs?
Confirmed based
Okay, that's pretty fucking based. His artwork is also 10/10. I don't know about his writing as I've never read his comic, but I'm very impressed that he drew, inked and coloured his comic.
>not giving in to the tranny bullshit
No wonder Yas Forums hates Doug T. Yas Forums loves its traps and fembois.
more like "Yas Forums is full of trannies"
What comics has he put out? I can't find any on getcomics.
what's ribbitcoin?
eva is a gay tranny
>what's ribbitcoin?
Ethan Va Sciver did a campaign for Cyberfrog collectible coins that were just 50cent pieces with cheap stickers on them. $6 actual value, sold them for $60. Called them "Ribbitcoins". Some of his retarded War Campaign and Comics Gate followers actually bought them, thinking they'd appreciate in value.
I really don't understand why people are rallying behind EVS of all people. Even TheQuarterPounder shit on him.
Wait, is this what they attacked him for ? The SJW's are fucking insane.
Ethan built up a cult of personality, but even that is diminishing as people move on. Only thing really keeping him alive are the War Campaigners who doxx his critics and try to scare people away from pointing out his flaws. They're dwindling in number, too. Ethan's time in the sun is just about up and he can see the writing on the wall and is flailing to stay relevant.
His art's good, and apparently says all the same shit Yas Forums's been saying long before "CG" was ever a thing.
>His arts good.
Hard disagree, and I'm a big time GL fan.
Transgenders are just mentally ill people and should not be looked to as a "lifestyle choice". Doug is just preaching common sense. I'm not surprised the Yas Forumsnsensus is to hate Doug, though. You ever been in a TMNT thread on Yas Forums? There are a LOT of tranny defenders on this site.
lol. the sheer retardation of comics youtubers
>His art's good
No, bro. "Detail" isn't the same as "good art". Get your mouth out of Ethan's butt cheeks and you might see that.
How much do artists get paid for variant covers?
who hurt you?
>How much do artists get paid for variant covers?
Cridious paid Jon Malin $1,000 for his variant cover for Detective Dead. That was the CG campaign that earned $39,000 that never got fulfilled because Cridious spent all the money on personal BS and couldn't finish the book or fulfill it. EVS told CG an WC to "forgive" Cridious for basically stealing everyone's money and CG complied obediently.
>How do you fight such large IP as DC & Marvel as an indie creator?
surf the wave of decline my friend, that's how you capitalize off the big 2 fucking up
Sorry Ethan but Doug isnt a queer like you and your troll army
>Sorry Ethan but Doug isnt a queer like you and your troll army
Every day, EVS and his faggotry proves that the story about his sucking dick behind a pizzeria to be true.
Um what exactly is the problem with this? Everything he stated is truth.
What happened with the cover
Be condenses what the CG hive mind thinks and always falls in line. Plus he’s just talented and connected enough to produce books, which CG desperately needs to legitimize themselves so they can sell their cringe books and YouTube channels
>Plus he’s just talented and connected enough to produce books,
EVS still hasn't fulfilled Cyberfrog to all his backers and that book was supposed to ship November 2018.
Mitch Breitweiser, another of Ethan's CG buddies was supposed to fulfill Red Rooster March 2019 and still hasn't drawn the book.
None of EVS's Comicsgate inner circle are capable of getting any of their books out on time or, sometimes, at all.
Have you seen Ro and warcampaign? They are all flaming or closeted homosexuals. Ro openly talks about his love of MtF transexuals, his past times fucking them, and he constantly tries to convince everyone to take their shirts off and stream together. Ro and Warcampaign are gayer than any SJWs and after seeing EVS interact with Ro and after hearing him dicksuck Warcampaign for so long I would not be suprised if the pizzaria story were true (because it is)
>Comicsgators got COINTELPROed so hard, they are all retarded.
With EVS, Comicsgate and War Campaign being so pro LGBTQ, particularly toward trannies, you'd think Yas Forums would be in their corner.
A good point. Maybe I should have said “producing pages” rather than books. Point being, he gives the group a modicum of legitimacy
Doug though gave the group infinitely more legitimacy, which is why EVS and his sycophants turned on him.
One of EVS's boys scammed people with one of his campaigns. They guy spent all his campaign money paying personal bills and backing other comicsgaters and giving them big superchat money
Yeah, that's the issue. It's some kids talking about shit they can't really control, and then Doug walks in and tries to help. Of course they're insecure.
Those sycophants make up the bulk of CG. And like I said, it’s not just about legitimacy but being the sound board for the hive mind.
His art is objectively good.
There are plenty of things you can shit on EVS about, but if that's what you're going with, you're just a butthurt faggot.
Will this whole mess sink the White Knight imprint? That's the only thing I care about.
Nah, Murphy stepped away from the whole ordeal.
>One of EVS's boys scammed people with one of his campaigns. They guy spent all his campaign money paying personal bills and backing other comicsgaters and giving them big superchat money
That would be Cridious and Detective Dead. EVS and WC still defend him because he tows the line for their "movement".
>His art is objectively good.
>terrible layouts
>terrible lines of action
>no sense of flow or movement
>everything static, never in motion
It's the only new project DC has with a potential of being a success, there's no way they will abandon it.
Imagine if it's the start of a new Ultimate Universe. I'd actually be excited about pirating comics again.
Doug made $7000 yesterday from CG thanks to DC Comics and SGM. Big Foot Bill 3 now up to $81k.