First love died in his arms

>first love died in his arms
>rebounded into another woman who openly cucks him with other heroes
>Canadian manlet undermines him constantly
>died in a shit way against the inhumans
>killed his father figure while under mind control of the Phoenix & was blamed for it

Is there a character marvel openly hates more than cyclops?

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Don't forget that he's now a legit cuck.

Wait that wasn’t just Yas Forums meming? He’s sharing jean now? What the fuck?

He's fucking Logan and Emma too but Yas Forums likes to cut that part out or argue that he's the loser in the scenario anyway.

He isn't. What he's doing is sharing Jean, who's the only woman he still loves.

Isn't he currently fucking Wolverine in the ass? Pretty alpha move if you ask me.

No. That's just faggots immersed in wishful thinking. He's letting Logan fuck Jean, though.

Peter Parker

Post proof

>Canadian manlet undermines him constantly
Calm down user, we know now that he was only doing that to get Scott riled up enough to mating press him.